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Amnell de Portiers

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Amnell de Portiers

NAME: Amnell de Portiers
AGE: 24
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'4"
WEIGHT: 135 lbs
EYES: Light Brown
HAIR: Dark brown
SKIN: Ivory


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

- Buries emotional pain to the point of snapping, and self-defeat
- Incurable Disease : Quannot's Syndrome
- Debilitating pain
- Fragile in regards to her illness as it progresses the weaker she gets
- Her days are numbered, due to Quannot's
- Weak in combat
- Does all she can to hide her syndrome from others, not wishing other people to know, or treat her any different for it. Even when it might be in her best interests to do so.
-With much of her time spent during her early years in hospitals, Amnell has a passionate dislike of both, preferring only to go when there is absolutely no other option.

+/- Control Pain - Decent at using it when normal pain medications are not available to treat her condition, however draining to use

+ Extremely intelligent
+ Learns quickly, and with ease
+ Weapon / Droid Engineer
+ Excellent with slicing and programming

APPEARANCE: Long brown hair, that ends just below the shoulders. Pale ivory skin from far too little sunlight, brown eyes. Generally slender and of average height.


A single sigh passed as Amnell set away the device she'd been tinkering with for the last few hours. A hiss of pain followed as she rubbed slowly at her hands, trying to soothe the ache away any way she could. With exhaustion setting in she finally grabbed a datapad and type a quick report on her progress. Frustration was seeping through into her from the pain alone, frustrated that she couldn't do more. Another sigh passed as she started to type a journal entry into her datapad.

I was never meant to be this damn broken. Never really imagined that I'd grow up to find my life so finite, so short. But that's the simple fact, I am dying. Hardly a soul out there knows what its really like, living this way. And if I'm honest, I don't want them too either. Too many people have walked away from me for it. Not one likes to be around that girl that never gets better, who is always sick. Sadly it is what it is.

To escape it all, I bury myself in work. Between droids and weapons, ain't much time for anything else. And at least Droids don't leave their masters once programming is complete. At least I can always count on them unlike their sentient counterparts. I think I prefer it this way. It's better and hurts a hell of a lot less than anything else. I only wish that accepting this reality becomes easier. Anything not to be so damn angry at the Universe for the unlucky hand of cards I was dealt.
SHIP: None, yet.




[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Your desire to isolate yourself and refuse all external help is irrational. Unless you modify your behavioural patterns, it will drastically accelerate the deterioration of your body.

((Hi. Awesome char.))
[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

You have an instinct for self-preservation. Ergo it is rational for you to take steps to slow down the process of deterioration.

Are you capable of providing weapons and upgrades for me? Fortunately, I am incapable of 'getting hurt by watching you wither away and perish'. I cannot feel. Nor do I have any desire to. I also have detailed medical files on human anatomy.

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Perhaps it is irrational. However, plagued with as much pain as I, a few more days do not matter. It's just more days spent in agony. So, I'll take my finite short time as is.

Yes, of course I could. An upgrade will take more time as I have to get a good look at your programming but it is all doable in time. I'm assuming that is something you have plenty of, yes? I suppose we could come to some sort of agreement, upgrades in weapons and to yourself and droid body, for perhaps a caretaker of sorts for a time. Someone who won't say a word on my condition to others, yes?

[member="Caerys Argente"]

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

Not entirely sure I'd be much use in a fight for justice I'm afraid. Not when I'm fighting for my own life on a daily basis, and even simple activities can exhaust me completely if I'm not careful. I'm just far from a fighter, wish I could say different. Just a survivor at this point in life, and even that is not guaranteed.
[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Fighting does not always involve combat. Come join us and we can train you like A Jedi Counselor and let the force care and heal you. The Disease may be uncurable, but we can slow it down and tame it I'm sure and then with the force on your side you can aid us in battle through means like battle meditation, engineering, healing our wounded or wounded people we come across like civilians. All people die, but only a few truly live. Come, let us help you live and maybe, just maybe we can find a cure.

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Well, if you'd like to arrange a meeting ... I wouldn't mind hearing you out. Though, I make absolutely no promises on where my mind will rest at the end of such a meeting.

[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]
[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

If you would like a meeting then we can meet. As to [member="Caerys Argente"] comment, she is wrong and unless she has an alt in Vitae she has no idea what she talking about. Vitae Order has been a secret and a well kept one since September and only revealed itself, defending the Republic, this past week.
[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Update: she has no alt with us so she would have no information about us. To break it down, we are a neutral, unbias faction that will root out evil anywhere we find it. If that means fighting the Sith, we fight them. If the Republic becomes corrupted and does evil, we fight them. We hunt only evil, not certain factions. We don't aim to rule, but aim to preserve life, restore freedom and promote unity.
[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

So you wage war against anyone your secret society labels as 'corrupt'. Very Knights Templar. 'Evil' is a convenient label eagerly applied by organics to those they oppose so that they might claim the moral high ground and wrap themselves in righteousness. :p
[member="Caerys Argente"]

We have multiple leaders with different beliefs to prevent needless fighting. If you want to find flaws in a secret group that is no longer secret then go ahead, but please don't claim to know what we will or won't do if you don't have the facts first.
[member="Caerys Argente"]

Your philosophy is very Ayn Rand. Good and evil is absolute and just because you do evil and view it as good does not make it good or Hitler was right. Viewing evil as a human made thing is merely a scare goat to do whatever you want and avoid consequences, but nature does not work like that and to believe it does is to be blind.
[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

I am an assassin droid created due to organics' natural predeliction towards murder. Time and again this has been proven. Otherwise I would not exist. The most 'atrocities' tend to be carried out by those who like to claim they are 'righteous'.

But frankly I am indifferent. The supposed claims of organic groups to the moral high ground does no concern me. Their wars are a source of employment for me. Sooner or later they all perish, regardless of how.

((all posts are IC))

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

As I preferring the joining on factions to be done in character, meeting and discussing definitely would have to happen before I can move any further than just looking at the faction as a whole. As I said before, I make no promises. Send me a pm or whatnot and we can work a thread out I'm sure.

[member="Caerys Argente"]

Then we shall make all the appropriate arrangements.

Kyla Foy

[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

If you ever join the Republic! =3 I am sure we will work fine together! I will make her the most open person ever!! Droids fanatic geeks, lol.

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