Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

NAME: Amonar Fa'kira; Amon; Drala'fa
RANK: Drala'fa
SPECIES: Aquilon
AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 1.82 Meters
WEIGHT: 156 lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: None
SKIN: Blue
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Amonar Fa'kira being of the Aquilon species and a Drala'fa, the unseen, is a natural at stealth. He has specialized in the Force Cloak Force ability ant telekinesis as well as limited time augmented movement. This means he is quick, in short bursts and agile, in short bursts. However, the primitive lifestyle of his people has left him with greater disadvantages. Unlike many hunters he is not adept at using a blaster and is more likely to harm himself with one than he is to hit his target. He also doesn't speak basic very well, leaving him at a disadvantage. He is also no warrior, only taught hand to hand and to disarm opponents he cannot use melee weapons to save his life.
None, He crashed his on Kuat in a crash landing that has stranded him on the planet.
Born on Dagobah during the height of the exploration age, Amon since he was but a little child had high hopes of moving beyond the stars. In order to reach that goal he volunteered to become what is called a Drala'fa, or the unseen. He was taught how to conceal himself in the Force, making him nearly invisible in order to basically steal technologies, texts and the like and bring them back to his people in order for them to learn. As such he was also taught advanced hand to hand in the case he was ever found out. However, because of this he was forced to forsake many of the powers his people learned to control for life on Dagobah and lacks skill in any greater powers of the force outside of telekenisis which was esential in the swamps of Dagobah.
From the ripe age of thirteen he was sent out in one of the broken and battered freighters found in Mount Yoda's hangar and took to the stars, making a small name for himself among his people. This fame soon went to his head and he began to dress more like those from outside the swamp, and even learned basic better than most, however his accent was thick. This fame was eventually his downfall as he crash landed on Kuat, becoming a slave to work in the shipyards and other places due to an accidental murder as well has his ship's crash landing, destroying public property. However, once Senator @Darren Brunswick's bill passed and slavery was abolished, he became extremely active in the small activist groups that dotted Kuat, acting as a secretive Runner, using the Force to make speedy and quiet deliveries of messages and items. However, as the group was quickly and brutally shut down, Amon used the confusion to escape in a small freighter.
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Random Kriol Words!
Beorc: Human(Also used for many Near Human species)
Tu'Fira: Aquilon variation of Sith Sorcery and general use of the Force