Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Among the Clouds - Templar Raid of Bespin

Cardinal class Corvette - Celles
Cloud City
A world of gas, clouds and a myriad of species that had seemingly found a means to survive in the only band of oxygen that surrounded the world. The gases below too toxic, yet they provided a special material that was utilized across the galaxy. Those gases harvested and locked within carbonite to be shipped across the galaxy. That was not all that was found upon the world of gases, and in those few cities that spanned and skimmed the surface there was a much more expensive mineral that for many was precious.
Some would see it as nothing more than some little trivial metal, they may even merely shrug their shoulders at it being found or processed. Those whom were arriving however viewed it for what it truly was, a precious metal that would permit them to carry their battle to those that were destroying the galaxy. Yet it seemed that in their bid to bring Order to the galaxy, they would first have to bring their own Chaos upon others.
The irony of the situation was not lost on the woman as she stood upon the bridge of the small vessel. They were few in numbers, though there were more and more flocking to the banners each passing day. For now she would focus upon the task at hand, that being the various mining facilities that floated among the clouds. The most notable of which had a history, a certain Cloud City, which was more than likely still holding some form of protection from those that had once claimed the world under their protectorate.
This was not her target though, or at least he vessel's true target. She was not alone, and yet she needed to ensure that no one save herself and her crew understood that. She needed to keep all eyes focused upon her small corvette while others went about the true mission.
A raid, plain and simple. There was no glorious battle to be fought here. This was not a campaign that was meant to bring a world to heel or to liberate a trapped people. At least it would not be such until they grew in power, and here upon this world lay one of the resources that could help them in doing so. Stepping forward, she crossed her arms over her chest before nodding her head.
"Yes Ma'am. Firing forward Turbolasers."
With a roaring bellow from the front of the vessel, the triple Medium Turbolaser Cannons lit up the sky for a moment as they screamed towards their targets. The bursts slamming into the city, tearing into its structures. She had been hoping that at least some form of shields were in place, though she could just as easily understand that they were more than likely not anticipating an attack.
Bringing her hand up, the crew seemed to hesitate for a moment before she brought it down. A moment passed, and in that span of time many things could happen, which she very well understood. It was as if she were giving them a moment to prepare themselves for the next blow before her head nodded once more.
A simple word was all that was needed as the vessel's turbolasers screamed out towards the city before the ship. A small smirk crossing her lips as she kept her eyes upon the destruction that was unfolding before her. Silent save for the crew whom went about their duties whilst those few that received them would speak up from time to time.
"Ma'am. Reports coming in. Our other vessels have begun their attacks as well. Minimal resistance has been met so far."
"Remain alert. Expect a reprisal at any moment."
"Yes Ma'am."
Turning her attention once more towards the fore, she watched as the fires raged across the gaping wounds of the city before her. Her eyes slowly traveling over the horizon, watching and waiting for any form of response. Though where would it come from she thought to herself, for there were many vessels that had begun their assault. If she were lucky though at least one of the others would gain what they were after, and any loss of life to the Order would be minimal.

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