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Among The Clouds


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
ICE Headquarters, Vinah City
Wealth. It brought the ugliest side of people when mentioned, money and power at the hands of ignorant minds and ambitious individuals. You'd think that this type of scum would have some sort of intelligence considering the amount of credits that they had racked up for years but no, you would be wrong to assume such thing.

Lucky enough, the half masked man who flew in a milennia old freighter was smarter than this. Nar Shaddaa brought him luck, if such thing sounds utopic. It is like a dream.

The meeting arranged with two business people from Iron Crown Enterprises would be the kickstart to build something greater at the hands of the half masked Jedi, his identity being kept confidential for obvious reasons. His funding would come from unknown sources as well, all mysteries from now on.

Walking up to the front desk, Ar'ekk was greeted by a young woman who apparently was on her first day on the job. Smiling widely, the young man returned the gesture and spoke.

"Greetings, I have a meeting scheduled with Natasja Davidson."

[member="Itash Mecetti"] | [member="Anastasia King"]
[member="Arekk"] | [member="Anastasia King"]

Tash disliked Annaj.

Wet, misty, fog, why fog? Why would anyone ever designate this place as their capital? The Fringe Confederacy and Iron Crown Enterprises were insane, just simple lunatics. But there was profit to be had here and that was all that Itash cared about. He had taken King under his metaphorical wing- there were reasons for that and both of them were aware of it. It was an alliance of convenience. He had been made aware that a potential large construction project would be undertaken.

It didn't take much to insert King's fledgling construction company in as a potential sub-contractor.


Didact Defense Solutions was a natural insertion as a security consultant.

"Lord Itash of House Mecetti." A voice next to Arekk would suddenly say, if he looked to the side he'd notice the Tapani stepping up. "I also have that appointment. As does miss King here." Perhaps it was a touch rude to interject like that instead of waiting his turn. But he was a firm believer in getting things rolling, rather than wait for propriety to have its turn. Or... when it was on a foggy planet such as this one anyway. It didn't matter that this part of Vinah was protected by shields that kept the streets clear.

He could almost taste the fog pushing against the shields miles away.

It was not a pleasant feeling.

"Of course, you may sit in the lobby, miss Davidson will be with you shortly."

And that was that.
Disgusting. First place this man decided to bring her to was here?!

As they walked, Anastasia King, an ever so pleasant woman patted down her hair, taking effort to continue its clean appearance. "Really? We couldn't have picked somewhere less unpleasant for a meeting? I realize beggars can't be choosers but this is ridiculous." She kept up with Itash as they entered the building for a hopefully short encounter.

Allowing him to do all the talking for the moment, she observed the surroundings, especially the man he cut off. Pursing her lips slightly she took careful note of his figure assuming he didn't notice, then looked back to the secretary. A woman could dream.

When given the permission to sit she made her way over assuming her companion followed behind. "You have a lot of hair, happen to keep a brush on you?" Ever so concerned with her appearance, she simply continued to make attempts at fixing her frizzing hair as they waited.

[member="Itash Mecetti"] | [member="Arekk"]


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
The individuals that had waltzed into the building were one hell of a duo, a fiercy woman who liked to take reigns of things and the more laidback guy who kept things professional. Ar'ekk just couldn't help but smile from inside, he would've laughed if he had remembered how.

Both of them had a meeting with Ms. Davison. The half masked Jedi was used to the lack of respect shown by people, this was nothing but a mere thing that didn't require his attention. All of them were in a rush or some sort, perhaps stressed even. Who knew?

"Thank you."

The building's interior screamed progress and wealth, prominently built to be imposing to others. Hopefully the person he was meeting with was up to the standards of what he needed. Time was money.

[member="Anastasia King"] | [member="Itash Mecetti"]
[member="Arekk"] | [member="Anastasia King"]

"Darling, this isn't a picnic for me either." Tash retorted smoothly without taking offense. She was rude though and all that really saved her were two things: human and someone who could have meaning to him in the Corporate Sector, if she stopped yapping so much and smiled a little bit more. It was almost as if Anastasia didn't realize that all this business meant they had to put up a face before their true face. [member="Cassandra Paige"] understood and part of him wondered why she couldn't be here with him now.

It would certainly have been more bearable to play the game with her.

Much easier indeed.

They settled down and Itash eyed the half-masked man. Jedi? He certainly smelled like one. "What? Of course. What animal does not bring a brush with them?" Apparently she was that type of animal. From the depths of his pockets a small holo-brush was revealed. Solid-state holographic that could be engaged with the press of a button, projecting the blades.

"I did not expect a Jedi in the heartland of the First Order." It wasn't any of his business, of course. But it was surprising to him and Itash had never let something as simple as courtesy stay in the way of filling his curiosity to his own delight. Not when the offended party was a low-born anyway. This was good business- the Je'daii wanting infrastructure build in the Bespin system, that was part of why he had been able to hook himself and King into this process.

He had already provided security for their construction efforts elsewhere.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
With his arms widespread on the large sofa, Ar'ekk casually watched the duo continue to argue about petty things such as their own personal style and other matters that were not worthy of digging into. After all, this wasn't his business and poking your nose where you're not wanted was a dangerous game. He was a visitor there and trying to keep a low profile was a must considering his status as a Jedi, even though he was present as a businessman instead.

"Money and business brought me here, nothing else."

A sly remark to a darting question, perfectly played by the half masked man. There was no need to lie or be afraid of anything because he knew credits could move the galaxy forward and nobody in their sane mind would reject such an offer, no matter what alliegance or flag you pledge yourself to.

The young Jedi Knight was an ambitious guy who had practically gained control of the Red Light Sector of Nar Shaddaa and founded a criminal empire in less than six months, an incredible yet so difficult task to carry out. But that life was over and all that wealth gained was going to be invested in something greater than himself.

[member="Itash Mecetti"] | [member="Anastasia King"]
"Money lures most to business, generally thats why they start."

Anastasia says this not in a way with attitude, however rather matter of fact. Combing her hands through her hair and still remaining comfortably lounged on the couch.

There wasnt much to do but wait, she clearly wasnt very good at small talk or being pleasant company.
[member="Anastasia King"] | [member="Arekk"]

Maybe some day Miss King would learn that there was so much more to earn with a bright smile and without the surly attitude.

But that was presumably not today.

"You will have to forgive my companion, she gets grumpy when her hair is a mess." A squint over to her hairline only underlined the fact that Itash didn't have much faith in her hairdressing ways. But not everyone could have the taste of the Tapani Tash guessed. "You are... Arekk, yes? You are the voice of the Je'daii in this contract." A nod after that, before he changed legs, crossing the other over his knee.

"I have worked with them before, my men are currently running security for their construction efforts."

No location or anything, the Selkath were still keeping a relatively tight lid on things for now.

"What made you choose Bespin anyway?"


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Wafting his hand, Ar'ekk dismissed the comment regarding the woman's attitude, he had met worse personalities in his life.

Certainly, a more positive attitude while giving others a fake smile could turn the tide into things if you're specially talking about business.

"You're fine, it's none of my business anyways."

A brief nod followed as he stretched his legs, hating to wait in such an uncomfortable couch like this. Their patience was running thin and having to expect a few more minutes in this waiting hall was driving him crazy.

"I am. Well, the Je'daii and myself. This goes both ways."

Personal interest, how 'unpredictable' that was.

"It's a vision I have, being among the clouds. Feeling like you could touch the sky with your hands, now imagine being actually there."

[member="Itash Mecetti"] | [member="Anastasia King"]
[member="Anastasia King"] | [member="Arekk"]

Interesting, so he wasn't here just as the representative of the Je'daii?

That changed things ever so slightly.

Arekk was a Jedi, that much Tash knew and he hadn't yet encountered a 'business' Jedi that he trusted. Well. Itash didn't necessarily trust anyone, but it were the Jedi pursuing profit margins that amused him the most. Much like that Raaf scion in the Alliance. First a Sith Lord, then shifted towards joining the Jedi Order close to the collapse of the One Sith.

Curious, that.

Lies. He could almost taste them here. "We have space ships." Tash pointed out, before suddenly the ICE representative moved into the room. A stern woman, blonde with ice blue eyes scrutinizing.

"Mister Arekk, Lord Itash, Miss King?"

She looked on over them all, before nodding once curtly.

"Please follow me. Natasja Davidson, pleased to meet you." The blonde did not stop to shake their hands, instead she had already turned around and moved towards the elevators.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
The meeting was live.

Ms. Davidson came out of her office and made her way to the waiting room to greet the trio sitting in the big sofa. With a brief nod to acknowledge her presence, Ar'ekk followed her suit at a discreet distance without interfering much. He liked to listen more than talking, which was something always appreciated in the business world.

"Ar'ekk Daesharacor, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

ICE's Headquarters were a marvelous piece of design and its infrastructure demonstrated wealth and power, anything you could think of could be achieved here with the right people. The half masked man came to the correct place, no one would ever say no to a massive project like the one he had in mind. Multiple ones, where his personal interests interjected with those of the Je'daii.

It didn't hurt to make some extra cash on the side if that means things will work for both sides. He wasn't thinking in a selfish manner like his ancient days on Nar Shaddaa, but securing the future of everyone, of enjoyment. Progress too.

[member="Itash Mecetti"] | [member="Anastasia King"]
[member="Anastasia King"] | [member="Arekk"]

It didn't take long, before they settled themselves in the ICE representative's office.

"Gentlemen, Miss. You might appreciate the lack of time I have, so why don't we skip the pleasantries and immediately move to business." Natasja spoke with crisp clarity and articulation. There were no excessive intonation or anything else that might suggest additional effort. It seemed that the woman enjoyed cutting straight to the essence of things without dally.

A valuable trait in business.

"Mister Daesharacor." She did not skip a beat in pronouncing his name correctly in one go. This wasn't a surprise- living and working in the Unknown Regions for most of her life meant that she was used to foreign and exotic names. "You had a proposal for Iron Crown. Let's hear it."


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Taking one of the chairs, Ar'ekk spoke outloud for the group to hear. His voice was modulated through the mask, giving him a robotic feel. A tone that didn't feel human. If we started judging looks, he really didn't look too human to being with if you're looking long enough.

"Yes, I will simply cut to the chase. I would like to fund a series of construction projects where all parties involved could benefit mutually, both financially and the rest. I'm obviously looking for a capable company that can take care of such projects which is why I've darted my eyes on the Iron Crown."

He took a moment before continuing,

"These projects will be a mix between personal business and for the Je'daii, of course. Credits will not be an issue, let me get that out of the way."

[member="Itash Mecetti"] | [member="Anastasia King"]
Keeping quiet and waiting for their turn to speak, Anastasia appreciated the lack of formalities, she never was one for small talk over a cup of tea. Crossing one leg comfortably over the other in her chair she listened as Ar'ekk spoke, silently making notes to herself for later.

And while he did speak she made notes of his appearance as well. It was true that he didn't quite appear human, however it mattered little. In her mind she planned out what she were to say if asked upon, though she was here for little more than introductions and mentioning.

[member="Arekk"] | [member="Itash Mecetti"]
[member="Arekk"] | [member="Anastasia King"]

"Oh, if your credit rate was in question we would not be having this conversation, mister Daesharacor." The woman assured him with a nod, before her attention shifted back towards the other two occupants of the room. "Your role in this endeavor is known to me, Lord Itash, but miss King's is a bit opaque right now." Now those blue eyes were focusing intently on Anastasia.


"What do you have to offer to Iron Crown Enterprises?"

The way she brought up the name of the corporation was almost as if she was heralding back to its extended history. Just so King would realize in what kind of company she was.
"Please, call me Anastasia." Sitting up a bit more she finally came to attention, mentioned in a conversation that she actually thought would just blow by without them even noticing her there.

"My role, or rather what I have to offer Iron Crown Enterprises in this occurrence would be my companies attention to small detail. While most focus on the overwhelming large factors of a construction project that are to be paid attention to, my company also focuses on what will make these creations last. Straightened metal, no cracks in concrete, missing bolts and welding. Making sure everything is perfect to last."

The girl talked quite a bit for what was really a brand new company, however what she said held point. She knew how to convince people at least that she was different.

Arekk | Itash Mecetti
[member="Anastasia King"] | [member="Arekk"]

"Very well, Anastasia." Davidson retorted not too unkindly. Maybe part of the woman's attitude reminded her of herself when she was younger or maybe it was simply an act, considering this was the first time they met?

Who could know.

"I think we can work with this, yes. Iron Crown has created many things over the years. Seeded the Unknown Regions with some of its largest shipyards. This concept would fit right in its portfolio." An eye went back to Arekk. "Usually Iron Crown retains ownership over that which it creates, but leases it for a determined time for a modest fee, until it gets released back to it."

For instance the shipyards of the First Order over Dosuun.

It meant that if the Order ever collapsed, they could simply regain ownership.

"Do you have a different proposal here?"


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
"In fact, yes. I'd like to retain complete ownership of the resort and the space station.

For the museum, the ownership will be for the Je'daii. Now, I understand your point and clearly agree with everything you've said but... I can offer the Iron Crown complete, life-long access to the resort in Cloud City or additional funds that can be used at your discretion.

Either choice is yours to make, I've got the means for it."

Negotiating was a forte that not many people had and Ar'ekk had no issues about giving in or offering simple solutions to such demands like the ones made my Ms. Davidson. The idea was to collaborate and work together, not against.

Everyone had a price and a weakness, you just had to look for the in the right places.

"Just know that these constructions will operate for a long time, under my supervision. They will not fall or decay."

[member="Itash Mecetti"] | [member="Anastasia King"]
[member="Arekk"] | [member="Anastasia King"]

It meant that they wouldn't have to maintain it either, which was a sizable windfall.

"Very well. It is, after all, your money." The lady retorted with a clipped nod and then eyed her ledger again. There wasn't much more to discuss here for now as far as she was concerned. Oh, there would be papers drawn up and both parties would have to take a good look at them, but that couldn't happen right away. Sadly the administrative department weren't magicians whatsoever.

"It will take about two weeks for the papers to be drawn up and the necessary permits to clear the specific First Order departments. Iron Crown will remain in touch, of course, once everything is cleared we will meet again."

A glance away from her screen.

"Would that be all?"


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
"That would be everything, Ms. Davidson. I appreciate you and the Iron Crown's time."

The man stood on his feet and offered everyone his cybernetic palm. Hopefully, their business would flow with smoothness for the weeks to come, deal concluded with extreme ease.

"If there's anything else I need to do, notify me through a holocall."

Ar'ekk would provide the necessary amount of money to begin the project and the Iron Crown would put things in their place and commence their work.

[member="Itash Mecetti"] | [member="Anastasia King"]

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