Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Among the Ruins


Not too far from Briga Tiin’s rambling, cliff-side estate on Iktotch, she and her entourage were preparing for a guest. Lately the Caprine mystic had been traveling, and in just a couple of weeks, had seen more of the universe than her fellow species would see during their entire life, if at all. Nubia, Dosuun, Thracior – the Priestess had done business on all of them, learning what she could about the Sith and subtly planting the idea that there was another religion of which to take note in the galaxy.

Now she had a plan on how to further the Caprine cause in the most literal sense. Population growth. Goddess Ax’no does not falter on this particular tenant, she thought. One cannot have a bountiful harvest, without a healthy spread of seeds across the land.

But the Caprine themselves were too whimsical and flighty for any sort of aggressive breeding program, as much as they enjoyed hedonistic pursuits. Furthermore, with the Council of Elders relaxing on the rules between inter-species breeding, the pure Caprine line was getting even more muddy and mixed up.

Briga had invited two slavers with whom she’d been put in contact with for a business venture that only they may be able to invest in. If [member="Crix Meriet"] and [member="Eliron Raoul Arwood"] liked her idea, there was much to be gained for their own interests. Sometimes thought of as farcical in the Iktotchi press (yes, she had her cruel detractors that called her the "Horny Goat Goddess"), she was, at least, a quick learner. Crime Lords did everything to serve their own interest. Like a cancer spreading, as long as it furthered the mutation, anything was a viable opportunity. Even the far-fetched idea that had come to Briga in a nighttime vision, one of the strongest she’d had in months. It didn’t matter that it was fueled by wine and amorous attention from Baraz. It had been a bed-quaking hallucination which jolted her up as though an earthquake had rumbled across Iktotch.

Praise Ax’no, she thought as she and her horned Adepts lit hundreds of candles. She’d invited the slavers to the most ancient of the Caprine ruins, revered by most of her species who would come to pray and meditate. Inside, it was as if Briga had made it her own palatial estate, complete with wine caskets, wildflower garlands and festive lanterns. There was even a crystal, blue swimming pool.


If anything I’ve made these grounds more hallow, she thought of her attempt at renovation. Dressed in black and white robes, horns covered by hoods, zealots and Force practicioners alike would line the entrance way to the ruins, displaying to her guests, that Priestess Tiin had a small following. She appeared to have no military, but the few dozen loyalists spoke for the persuasiveness of what she preached: that Ax’no had returned, and she was living among them, ready to bring the Caprine into a glorious new age.
Crix gave his Toby's hand a gentle squeeze. A little light reassurance for his sweet beau, Toby turned with a light smile and lay his head on Crix's shoulder causing crix to sigh softly. It was nice to be close to his Toby, they had been forced to fight hard to get to this sweet moment. First against Crix's dad then against Thais Kallisto, it had been stressful but they had come out on top and now they could relax in the presence of one another.

Of Course life was still pretty hectic, Crix had hoped becoming king would mean he'd just get to snuggle with Toby and be waited on hand and foot. Of Course it was that sometimes but a lot of the time crix was being dragged hither and to; state openings, meeting nobles, selling slaves and hearing petitions. It was terribly stressful, Crix was just thankful his Toby was there to relax and pamper him when it got too much and he needed to wind down. He hoped today would be a slightly more relaxed affair, Crix was meeting a private client today.

A zealot perhaps ? Crix didn't know or care. She had promised to reward him so it was none of his concern what she planned to do with the stock she bought.

He wasn't thinking about business though, in truth he wasn't thinking of much at all. He daydreamed relishing in his Toby as Iktotch whizzed by outside the speeder window. Crix and Toby were traveling in style, as they always did, Isis's Royal Convoy was quite the sight. The well appointed royal speeder was flanked on either side by guard transports and followed behind by @Eliron Raoul Arwood in his own speeder. Crix liked the man but he had a feeling he scared Toby. There was a certain darkness in his eyes that unnerved even Crix.

The welcome put on by [member="Briga Tiin"] earnt an eye roll from Crix. Trying to one up a king, how foolish. Crix was obviously not posturing he had only brought a handful of elite guards and he was only wearing his secound best crown. Damn thing still made his neck sore though, he'd get Toby to soothe it later. A nice hot towel and lots of cuddles, that would be just the ticket.

The speeder pulled to a stop and Crix slid out turning first to help Toby out, stroking over his hand then not letting go as he turned to greet his host.

"Good Morning M'Lady " He smiled bowing a little, not too low mind.

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