Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Among the Stars-(pm to join)

Thom Naudir

Sentus slowly flexed his fingers as the Titan dropped out of hyperspace, his eyes watching eagerly as two other shapes followed after the first, forming up into a triangular formation at the jump point. The two Dauntless Class Cruisers and Endurance Class Carrier moved silently through the empty void of space, dozens of fighters pouring out of the Carrier to establish a picket line around the squadron. Nothing would be able to approach the formation without warning being sent back to the squadron. Just as Sentus liked it.

Sentus felt a sense of pride as he watched the ships move in sync through space, their freshly painted hulls in stark contrast to the darkness beyond. These vessels were the first that the Federation of Allied Systems had constructed, designed by Sentus himself to serve as the backbone of the Federal Defense Fleet. Looking around the bridge, at the men in women wearing freshly made and fitted blue naval uniforms, Sentus could only smile. This was where he was meant to be, not on the bridge of a merchant vessel that the Federation had used to be forced to use for transport, and definitely not on the ground of the Federal Assembly. Here, among the stars, and on the bridge of a warship. That was his true calling.

The Federal Defense Fleet had been deployed along the main trade route leading from Oroaturoo to the inner Core of the galaxy. Reports of pirate attacks on civilian ships had warranted a call for assistance from several planetary governments. Sentus had been quick to respond, leading the first three ships off the line to complete the mission. Their first mission would be to bring back peace and stability to the Core, something that would earn them much favor in the future.

That was in the future though. For now, Sentus had to focus on the task at hand.

"Helm, bring us about and begin pushing deeper into the system. The pirates are said to be operating from an asteroid near this systems star. Deploy fighter squadrons one and two ahead as scouting units. I want to know what they have planned for any uninvited visitors."

[member="Gray Venasir"]
[member="Caedyn Arenais"]
[member="Thalira Kiing"]
[member="Loreena Arenais"]
[member="Grajac Caihoye"]
[member="June Slane"]
[member="Nyx Tempest"]
The hunt was on, it had continued since the fall of the Metal Lords. The war droid was on the warpath, with a vendetta. Against the one that had turned the droid, the one that had torn apart the entire council with the pull of a single thread. The Banished Lord. A scheming, conniving enemy of many faces. And WD-334 had been searching to each end of the galaxy. One day he would be hot on their trail, the next they would be gone leaving a trail that went as cold as the bodies on said trail. Always it went cold. Always hitting a dead end. While hunting, WD kept to the duties of the Metal Lords, patrolling trade routes. The droid had set a course from Denon to an area where the remainder of the Metal Lords had heard of some commotion.

Commanding from the protocol droid body that was used upon the bridge of the Obsidian Fist, WD-334 remained alert. Pirates, the Banished Lord, or two conflicting rival factions? There was no telling, not just yet as the ship sped through hyperspace, soon to arrive to the set position that the war droid had been given.

[member="Sentus Olan"]

Thom Naudir

"Supreme Commander, we are detecting unknown vessels dropping out of hyperspace near our position!" The words had barely left the bridge officers lips before alarms began to blare across the bridge. The lights dimmed to combat setting, and Sentus walked towards the front of the bridge, taking his position in the central control hub. He began to issue orders to the squadron before he had even processed fully the information, years of instinct taking over as he formed a larger plan in his head. Were these pirates? Local government forces coming to their aid? He wouldn't be able to know until the unknown ship was already on top of them.

"Have the Endurance take up position towards the rear of the squadron, and have the Bioshock assume defensive position near it. Move the Titan into combat footing ten kilometers from the estimated arrival point. Have half of our squadrons converge on this position, but order the rest to assume defensive picket formation. This might be an ambush by those bloody pirates, and I do not intend to be caught by surprise." As the Federal warships moved to follow their Supreme Commanders orders, Sentus turned to look out from the viewport, his eyes locking onto the unknown ship as it dropped out of hyperspace. Whoever was on the ship would see three pure white vessels approaching them, with dozens of fighters flying ahead of them. Turning to the communication officer, Sentus gave him a brief nod, and a secure channel was sent towards the ship.

"This is Supreme Commander Sentus Olan of the Federation of Allied Systems. Identify yourself, or face the might of the Federal Defense Fleet."

"I'm truly shocked that he allowed me to man this ship, Something from his fleet." The king turned his head to face the helmetless trooper with dark hair. He made eye contact, "I'm nervous."
"Don't be Sir, He authorized it because I offered to come with. I won't let anything happen to this Star destroyer, or either one of the two Acclamators." The trooper smirked, "It must be nice to be out of the palace your Majesty."
The king nervously chuckled before straightening his robe. "It is my first time into combat on the leading ship, I do have reason to be afraid." The king turned and took a few steps away before looking back, "Don't tell me you weren't scared your first time Wills?"
"I was, just remember your training and I'll help you where you need it." Wills looked to the navigator and nodded before looking back to the king, "Get ready to drop out."
The king smiled, not as afraid anymore of what was to come. He was shaky, yes, but he wasn't deathly afraid. His training was beginning to kick in. The ship shook and rolled before coming out of hyperspace, followed by the two Acclamators. Fel walked away from the main glass towards the holotable, past all the men working down in their cubbies.
"Hail the other ships, tell them we come as friends."
"Commander Sentus, This is the Imperial Fel Navy ship Odysseus. We come as allies to assist you under the leadership of his Majesty Himself, King Alexander Fel I."
Fel slowly pulled up on his tunic, then flattened it evenly before looking up to the table.

[member="WD-334"] [member="Sentus Olan"]
The Obsidian Fist pulled from hyperspace, and as soon as it did there was a hail for the ship. These were no pirates, it seemed. The ship's weapons raised and readied, but did not fire. They held as the war droid contacted the ship back. "Federation Supreme Commander, this is Lord Obsidian unit WD-334. I was told of a disturbance in this trade route." Another ship came in, or rather many. Right now, it seemed they were outnumbered if they turned hostile on the Metal Lord ship. For now, the ship held.

"What business is it that you have in this trade route?" the droid asked over the comms. And then, it would await an answer.

[member="King Alexander Fel I"] [member="Sentus Olan"]
The three ships began to hold position, not wanting to startle any of the others. The Fel king stood from his captains chair and turned to the communications officer.
"Try to raise them again."
Michal was awaken by the sound of an alarm from within his quarters. He still wasn't used to the military lifestyle. Living on his assigned ship, the Titan, had been a big difference for Michal. Back when he was a gun for hire, he was in charge, not some fancy officer with book smarts. Michal had come a long way from those days. Now he wants to do good which is why he joined up with the federation in the first place. He joined the federation under the alias of Mitchell Stray. Not exactly the smartest cover, but it will do. He can't risk others finding out about who he was. He's hoping that he'll eventually save up enough cash to pay off all the bounties on his head. The alarms rang in his ears as he rushed to put his uniform on. He ran out of the room and into a busy hall way where crew were rushing to their positions. Michal quickly stopped a nervous soldier.

"What's going on?" Michal asked before the guard could run off to his post.

"Unidentified vessels have just dropped out of Hyperspace, everyone has to assume their post!" The soldier yelled back to him over the alarm. The guard then quickly scurried off to his assigned post.

Michal had been assigned to guard the Bridge. If the ship were boarded, he'd be the last line of defense to protect the supreme commander. Michal quickly ran off to the bridge.

[member="Sentus Olan"]
[member="King Alexander Fel I"]

Thom Naudir

Sentus grimaced as the new formation of ships approached, pinning him in on both sides in the process. If it came to a fight he was sure his forces could still hold their own, but being caught between two unknown groups was not a promising concept. As messages began to come through, Sentus ordered a communication line to be opened to both groups of vessels, allowing for a three way communication. It would be easier to just handle this all at once.

"The Federation of Allied Systems have received a call for assistance in dealing with a growing pirate menace in this area of the galaxy. We assume you are here for the same reasons. We will accept all the help we can get." He then turned to wait for their response. Hopefully this would all work out.

[member="King Alexander Fel I"]
[member="Michal Straden"]
WD-334 had the Obsidian Fist hold it's position, and hangar on standby. But as it happened to be, there was no need for violence. They were here to give assistance, so whatever the disturbance was, it was not them. Still, the war droid was wary. "Then we are to be allies in this...but then, where is the source of the disturbance?" Surely there was something out there with them? WD-334 gave orders to stay alert on the scanners for anything that may come at them, from any angle. This Federation they spoke of was a curious one, WD could not say that it had heard of them. So for now, it would be on high alert.

[member="Sentus Olan"] [member="Michal Straden"] [member="King Alexander Fel I"]
"I am King Alexander Fel I of the Free kingdom of osseriton, we have come to assist in any way that we can. What is the source of this disturbance?"
Fel turned to wills and smiled, smugly looking at him he said, "I think i'm getting the hang of this."
"Just wait till a gunfight breaks out, then your in trouble."

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