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Approved NPC Amora Hayes

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Image Credit:
Name: Amora Hayes
Loyalties: Tokko Institute
Role: Headmistress
Development Threads: Has been mentioned briefly without name.
Age: 87th body
Species: Liran
Force-Sensitive: No
Appearance: Six foot two with deep blue skin and black eyes, her clothing is usually risque for a teacher but she makes up for it being in the deserts
Personality: Calm and apathetic with little to no emotion usually being shown. With her students she'll protect them to protect the reputation of the school over them being important.
Weapon of Choice: Switch, wrist mounted computer
Wealth: Her work at the school provides near everything she needs. For everything else she has a fair amount of credits saved up from a few centuries and bodies to enjoy things.
Combat Function: Skilled with remotes and drones on a control pad. She is not a fighter relying heavily on the security of the school.
Skills: A skilled teacher who has worked in the field for a few hundred years rising through the ranks of the Academy to become the headmistress and run it all. she makes sure the next generation of students is ready for whatever might come.
Notable Possessions:
Other Notes: With her species cloning themselves when they reach old age, she goes on vacations every several decades to get a new body and continue the cycle of teaching at the school.
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