Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Amy Rivers

Name: Amelia Rivers
Alias: Amy, Melody.
Home Planet: Kiffu
Faction: The Republic
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Species: Kiffar
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 102
Hair: Dark Purple that slowly goes lighter
Skin: Light
Eyes: Green
Force Sensitive: Yes, Light Side


Strengths and Weaknesses (2 Weaknesses minimum):
(+) Strong Force User: Amelia excels in force abilities where she lacks in Lightsaber Combat
(+) Optimistic: Amelia is a very optimistic person
(+) Psychometric: Amelia was one of the Kiffar born with the ability to read the memories of an object.
(+) Fast: Amelia is a very quick and nimble person, being able to dash quickly.
(+) Excels at healing: She feels in tune with the more light side ability of healing
(+/-) Small: This causes many problems for her, but it also allows her to fit through tight spaces.
(-) Poor fighter: She is very small and weak, as well as lacking in lightsaber combat and hand to hand. She is unable to hold out for long and focuses on prolonging fights or using force abilities.
(-) Weak Willed: Sith and Dark Jedi would not find a confrontation with Amelia difficult, as they could mess with her values and such by either suave talking or mental force abilities.

Personality: Optimistic, Happy, Weak-Willed, friendly, open, somewhat shy, beta-female.

Appearance: As Above.


Biography: Amelia was born to poor, but loving farmers on the planet Kiffu. They realized when she was young that she was force-sensitive and ever rarer, she had the Kiffar ability to read the memories of objects to find knowledge. Amelia was given to the Jedi when she was only four with her parents blessing, they were sad, but happy and stayed in contact with their daughter while she spent her time at the temple. She made many friends in the temple and the Jedi thought she would be one of their strongest, but she was unable to be a strong lightsaber user because she was often ill. This led many of the Jedi to give up on her, except for the consular, Master Varrick. He taught her that the force was more than knowing how to cut down other people and that sometime you can win wars by saving lives not taking them, unfortunately he passed away when Amelia turned 13, but she always remembers him. Her parents came to visit Amelia when she turned 16 in order to give her the marks of her people, resulting in the tattoos on her face.



Super Special Healing Lessons - Healer Training

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