Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction An Average Jedi Day (Open to NJO/Jedi)


Location: Vonnuvi Ship
Objective: Socialize with Fellow Jedi
Tags: Ran Serys Ran Serys + Open

Vonnuvi wasn't exactly the same as being at the Jedi Temple, but it was pretty close. There were dormitories and a cafeteria and training rooms and everything else contained inside a Jedi Enclave, that just happened to be floating on a world ship. A lot of Jedi spent their down time here, as was the case with Katarine today. She was hopping to run into some of her fellow Jedi so she could meet them. She had only thawed three years ago so still hadn't had time to meet all of the Jedi yet.

She joined the cafeteria line and glanced around, wondering who she would see on her day off.


TAG: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

It wasn't often Jonyna found herself having lunch in the cafeteria. Still, she was part of the Council now. Maybe she should more. Relate to the common jedi...

Eh, she preferred her own food.

"You know, I've never actually had the cafeteria food. It any good?" She asked the woman in front of her. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but she didn't seem to register who it was.



Location: Cafe
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si + Open

"You know, I've never actually had the cafeteria food. It any good?”

Katarine turned behind her and recognized the cathar who was now a council member. She smiled.

“It’s not bad. Actually compared to how it was before Order 66 it’s amazing.”




Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Never had the chance to have that. Was it bad? Always assumed the temple life back in the day was paradise."

Katarine chuckled. "Actually the Jedi have a lot more luxuries in this day and age than they did back then. We used to all wear Jedi attire at all times and we did not own property beyond our lightsabers. Jedi didn't hold office or have families. They took vows of poverty as well and spent almost all their time serving the Republic. Now Jedi have families, and houses, and possessions, and money. It's quite different."

She got up to the start of the line and started putting fruit on her plate.


TAG: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

"My old boyfriend used to tell me about that. He was a padawan before the purge. I always thought he was talking nonsense. It just seems so...strange to me. The idea of intentionally going without love, living in solitude and living off nothing but the temple. I can take or leave the money, but like...not owning my ship? My home? That feels like just shooting yourself in the foot."

Jonyna eyed the selection of the cafeteria. Fruits, veggies, some ground beef...

Fark, she'd kill for a pizza right now...

" you think they deliver to the temple? I might just order something."



Location: Cafe
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"It had its moments but I think the Jedi worried about attachments leading to the darkside. Look at what happened to Anakin Skywalker. To me it's strange to see that the Jedi own their own things and have families. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the change."

She laughed at the mention of delivery.

"Probably. The world ship has an entire city on it. I'm sure there is some type of door zoom or whatever the kids call it these days."



Location: Cafe
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"That should feed everyone for sure." She chuckled at the impulsiveness and picked up her tray so she could go find a seat. She could already smell the incoming pizza it seemed like.

She took a seat at a table and put a piece of fruit into her mouth. It actually was crisp and delicious. Her deep green eyes scanned the cafeteria, wondering if she would see any other Jedi she knew.


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