The Nightmare Child
KarliahMerian's Home for Unique and Special Children
The girl had spent three years in this god forsaken place. When many took their first look at Merian's Home for Unique and Special Children they would swear it was abandon. Though, little did they know, it was inhabited. Run by one of the cruelest women in the galaxy, at least in the minds of the children trapped there, the building crumbled without a care from any of the outside world. After all, everyone left there was unwanted, whether they had birth defects, physical disability, or even were just a burden on their families.
The halls ran with streams or water, the paint peeled from the walls, and the stench of the place was enough to send even swine running for the hills. The orphanage had a general feeling of despair and loss crawling about it. Until one traveled further in. That's when things became dark.
A feeling had driven Darth Imperia to this building, something pulled at her sensitivity in the force, drawing the powerful woman to something comparably as dark and twisted. The signature it gave was enough to drag her along, whatever it was had to be worth the small expedition to Coruscant.
With each step she took further and further down the halls, the feeling grew stronger, the despair fled and was replaced with an aura of restrained anger. Things shifted in the shadows, other children fled and avoided these depths, not even the ragged and barely alive cat would walk this far. All of this, was centered at the entrance to a closed room, and a black door.