Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private An Electrifying Beginning

Location: Jutrand
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Revna Revna

Taking a trip to Jutrand was not easy from her spot on Korriban but she had heard that there were more Sith that would be people she could interact with in that region of space. Arriving, Eira was not sure what to make of the planet and the place. It was not the dead sensation that she felt on Korriban, but the darkness was still there. She was still able to sense the darkness and the power was inside the darkness. It was exciting.

Interacting with people was not a problem for Eira, it was just something she was never fond of. People were demanding and had expectations that she did not wish to endure. Feelings were something that felt alienating for her, but she also knew that a person could not get far without others to train against and train with. Eira needed to make connections so that she could develop her skills and improve. She was also hoping to demonstrate her power and force others to submit to her power but that was something she knew would come in time. A later goal. For now, she simply needed to just endure others as they helped her develop her powers.

It was how she found herself approaching a fellow acolyte with the intentions of getting to know them and seek an opportunity to develop her powers.

"Hi. I am Eira. I am new here and I was wondering if you could help me find my way around this temple," Eira introduced herself and hoped that she had selected someone that would be open to interacting with her. It was hard to assess which type of people would be content with a competitive rivalry and which would attempt to manipulate her in order to rise above her. At least, she would not know what type of person this stranger would be until she got to learn more about this woman.

It would be interesting to see where things would go.
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Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn
Attire: casual; black pants, combat boots, black shirt and cloak pinned at the shoulders;
Gear/Weapons: lightsaber

It wasn’t often that Revna visited one of the Sith temples located on Jutrand, especially in the megatropolis that was the capital of the Sith Empire. When she did, it was usually after visiting with certain individuals that called Jutrand home - though those visits were few and far between. On this particular outing, Revna decided to pay a visit to one of the local temples, a place where she could be closer to the presence of the Dark, and ponder on the myriad of different things that were currently going on in her life, from relationships and alliances she was trying to build with others, to her various lessons and training with her Sith Master and others who were instrumental in her education.

Most people within the temple left the small woman alone; she was not well known or recognizable in these parts and she preferred it that way. So she was certainly intrigued when a presence made itself known, and the newcomer’s arrival pulled her from her introspection and meditation. At first, the small Sith apprentice did not pay any mind to the individual, though her gaze flickered in the direction of the woman for a moment to at least note where she was. She could tell that the young woman seemed…unaccustomed to her surroundings, and Revna had a feeling that she would be approached.

And sure enough, she was.

Revna made no move at first when the woman stopped near to where she sat on one of the many benches within the temple, and the young woman introduced herself as Eira and explained that she was new to the area and asked if Revna would be inclined into helping her find her way around the temple. Only then did the Sith apprentice open her eyes, which were glowing slightly brighter from her communion with the Dark that she had been interrupted from, before turning her head to regard Eira in silence for a few heartbeats, before she offered the other woman a small smile.

I must admit…I am not too familiar with this particular Sith temple; I don’t visit these parts all too often.” she replied in a tone of voice that was neither hostile nor friendly, before she uncrossed her legs from her meditative pose and rose to her feet. She gave the young woman a brief look over, as if to study her for a moment, before returning her gaze to Eira’s face. Though cautious, as she always was with strangers, she showed no fear or apprehension of the newcomer.

But I certainly don’t mind the idea of perhaps exploring more of this place, since I have some free time. I’d be curious to see if they have a library here, or training dojos, or really anything else of interest. I don’t normally go beyond the entryway when I do visit these places.” Revna explained briefly before she glanced around the area they were in, which was more of an alcove within a larger room that served as the main entrance into the temple itself. Incense could be scented on the air, and various symbols in the runic language of the Sith decorated columns, statues that venerated various Sith Lords of the past, and other architecture befitting of the Sith temple within the domain of the ruling Emperor.

Is there…someplace specific you were wanting to go within the temple itself?” she inquired further as she returned her gaze back to Eira, trying to pinpoint more closely why she would have approached a complete stranger in Sith space in the first place.

Location: Jutrand
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Revna Revna

"Oh, not in training yourself?" Eira asked, assuming she had accidentally approached another Sith Knight and that was the reasoning for someone to not frequent the temple. Eira was too keen on growing her powers and becoming stronger for her to simply not be studying and training constantly. She was power hungry and determined to aggressively pursue it.

Tilting her head, "what prevents you from travelling further in than the entry way?" It was a curious to see someone refuse to enter a temple further afield than the entrance. Eira was perhaps too curious for her own good, she needed to step further in and explore. Understand. Experience all that something could provide her. "I believe they might have all of that and more. I am hoping they do, I wish to learn and train more." Eira said, not hiding the hungry for power in her voice as she stated such.

"I am seeking ways to harness Force Lightning further, and learn more in the Force and Sith sorcery. I wish to be as powerful as I can be." Eira confessed, she breathed in deeply, "how about yourself? What is it that you are seeking?" Eira was curious what drew others to the Sith and the Dark Side for it could provide useful information on what drew people in and what motivations others had. It was also a chance for Eira to get to know someone new.

Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

A small smile touched Revna’s face as mirth glinted in her eyes for a moment at the young woman’s first statement, and her inquiry as to why she didn’t go further into the temple grounds.

“Oh I am still in training myself; I became an apprentice not all that long ago. And I suppose I don’t venture much further in because I rarely come to these places. My master has his own…temple…where I go when I need, or want, to.” She didn't divulge much further beyond this; the truth about the Cathedral of Wonosa was hidden from the majority, but the little Sith woman had no issues with making vague mentions about it.

Revna could sense the hunger and curiosity in Eira - both of which she recognized and was very familiar with. Her desire to train and learn more was shared by Revna as well, and the little woman appreciated Eira’s drive.

It was impossible for Revna to hide the excitement that filled her face upon hearing that Eira wanted to find other ways to harness Lightning, to learn more about the Force and Sith sorcery - something that little Revna was keenly interested in as well. Eira was like a mirror and Revna had to blink for a moment to collect her thoughts, especially when the other woman asked her what it was that she was seeking.

Even with all the other people she knew, no one quite mirrored the passion and drive like this young woman did. Revna sensed an opportunity to perhaps make a connection with the young woman, one that could prove fruitful for them both over time, but she was still cautious.

I take it then that you do not have a master yourself, yet?” Revna inquired curiously. She figured not, just based on what she’d heard thus far, but it didn’t hurt to dig a little deeper. “And what is it that I’m seeking?” With this, she couldn’t help but smile wider at Eira.

Knowledge. I seek to learn all that I can, wherever it may be found. The Force is a gift, and I would be mistreating that gift if I didn’t learn all that I can about it, to utilize it. And with that will come the power necessary to do what it is I desire to do.

Revna turned and began a slow walk out of the alcove and she looked back at the other woman to indicate that she could come along if she so desired. “So…Force Lightning, hmm? On my very first day of official training as an acolyte, it was discovered that I had a sort of…affinity for the ability. What all do you know about Force Lightning? Are you able to conjure it yet? How long have you been a student of the Sith Order?” she prodded of Eira a bit, questioning her as they walked further into the temple, headed for a large archway that led into a long hallway. She didn't know where she was going, but she figured they both could explore while they learned more about one another.

Location: Jutrand
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Revna Revna

Eira was pleasantly surprised that Revna was a fellow acolyte, it showed that she wasn't alone as being new to the training regime and making sure that she had the chance to train and gain experience with a fellow student. It could make for some healthy competition, especially as they seemed to be of the similar ideology and intrigue in similar powers.

"Lucky that you get to visit a private temple, that must have plenty of history and lessons that you can't find anywhere else." Eira mentioned, while she might not be much of a reader, she would struggle just so she could get a glance at the rare collection potentially there. However, she was more than aware not to pry into the actual location of the temple since she could feel the reluctance to share that information. It was something that might be revealed later down the line, maybe when they were closer as potential friends, rivals, both?

Helpful rivals made most sense. Ensuring neither was slacking or falling behind. Always seeking for them both to get better.

Seeing the excitement in Revna's eyes at the mention of Force Lightning caused Eira to smirk, she enjoyed knowing there was a fellow fan of electricity. When asked about her Master, Eira paused and realised she did have one, "I do. It's urm, Iuuna Talon Iuuna Talon . She took me on, not sure if it was out of reluctance or pity, or probably both. But it is still new, so getting to grasp with it." Eira confessed.

"A gift? Why do you see it as a gift? Was it presented to you? Wrapped in paper and a bow?" Eira asked, the term gift seemed ludicrous to her. "I see it more as a tool. A weapon. One that must be sharpened and honed to pierce all those that stand in our way." Eira did not know much about the Sith and their views, but she always sought out tools and ways to ensure no one could stand in her way. She refused to be restricted and the same mentality was applied to her views on the Force.

"I am also someone with an affinity for it. It is the first power I learnt and it is the one that I can harness the most. It is why I wish to learn more about it. I want to be a master of it and cripple those who would try to fight me." Eira spoke with a fire in her red eyes as she keen to jump straight into being a master with the powers. "I am still new, I came from Dantooine and was dropped off by pirates after I killed their leader with my Force Lightning."

Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Eira’s comments about Revna’s access to a more “private” temple was not lost on her, but she did not comment further on it. Indeed, the library in the Formos Cathedral had access to a wealth of knowledge that had been emplaced by her own master; of course, he was careful with what his followers had access to, and made sure that any and all literature passed his inspection first. Something that did bother Revna, admittedly - but she never argued the matter with the man who took her under his wing. It was his place of dominion and he got to decide what was best for his people; if she wanted to, all she had to do was go read “forbidden” material elsewhere. And she did…often.

A curious expression passed over Revna’s face when she heard the name of Eira’s master. She herself knew a Talon, though she wasn’t sure if Eira’s master was related to the same Talon, however. She smiled briefly in understanding of the woman’s confession; she was once new to everything as well.

Eira’s sarcastic comments about Revna’s choice of words about the Force made her smirk a little more. The other Sith acolyte’s view of the Force was fairly typical amongst those in the Order.

Not everyone is born with the Force, now are they? Some of us are gifted with it - and some are even more so than others. Just because the Force is a gift, does not make it any less a weapon, or a tool to use. At least…that is how I’ve come to see it.” She paused for a moment, before glancing at the woman beside her, a smirk playing on her lips. “But our views are admittedly shaped at least to some degree by our circumstances and by the teachings of others. For example…my views of the Force are shaped by my time in slavery, before I took back my freedom for myself, as well as further shaped by the views and teachings of my master. Though I have come to my own decisions and beliefs that sets me apart from him. probably a good thing.

To hear that Eira had an affinity for lightning brought another smile to Revna’s face, especially as more was revealed by the younger woman. “Oh you can do more than just cripple your enemies with lightning.” Revna said with a devious smirk on her face. She did not say anything further, hoping to perhaps entice the other woman into either asking more questions on the matter, or revealing to the older Sith apprentice what all she truly knew about the ability. And hearing that Eira was still so new to the Sith and yet had the capabilities that she did, made her take further note of the young woman. She could prove to be a like minded ally that Revna could join forces with down the road - or a rival Sith with whom she would struggle against. Only time would truly tell.

You are fortunate to have picked up a master so quickly then, if you are as new as you say you are. Many acolytes in our Order attend the myriad of academies spread throughout the galaxy and then flounder away trying to impress Sith Lords or Ladies. Many don’t make it far, so you must have made an impression, and given your ambition and drive, I am not surprised. How long have you been a student of this Iuuna Talon? What have you learned thus far? Maybe…I can share something of what I’ve learned with you. If you’re open to it, that is.

Location: Jutrand
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Revna Revna

She was curious, the idea that what they had and the opportunities they were given due to the Force being a gift was one that Eira had not even considered herself. "I suppose some might see it as a gift. I see it as an affinity for the Force. A power that I hold more potential in yes, but it is on me to use that potential, to improve my skills. Someone could become stronger than me from a lower vantage point if I just sat and squandered my affinity." Eira said as she explained her views on it all. "But I can see why some might see it as a gift. Especially those who are lower beings than ourselves." Eira smirked cruelly as she saw those without the affinity for the Force as lower lifeforms.

"At least you were able to break the bonds of your slavery." The idea that someone else who was gifted with the Force could be imprisoned and enslaved was disgusting to Eira. She was not someone who thought much on slavery but she hated the idea that someone like her could face that threat. That was not going to happen and she would personally kill any who assumed they could enslave Force Users.

Hearing that there was more than merely crippling others with Force Lightning drew a genuine smile to Eira's lips, she had assumed as much that there was more. "Well, some of us have to start somewhere before dreaming big." Eira gave a soft laugh, "what do you envision yourself being able to do with the power one day?" Eira was curious where Revna saw her potential with the power leading to and even more curious what Revna knew that one could do with the power. It was a way to frame her curiosity in the power in a manner that did not make her out to be uneducated.

She was desperate to not seem like a backwater farmer's daughter, which is exactly what she was.

It was surprising how fast that Eira found her Master, but she did not show her pleasure in that fact, remaining cool. "Only an introduction to what it means to be a Sith, how to fight and what to expect. I am sure that I will learn plenty more soon enough. Especially when related to the Force. I am of course open to seeing what you have learnt." Eira stated.

Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Revna smiled slightly with Eira’s comments on how she viewed the Force herself, and she did feel a touch of satisfaction seeing the other acolyte come to understand just why Revna considered the Force a gift; she rather liked showing others different perspectives and views. It made others think.

I would agree with you on that assessment. It is wise to use the gift, otherwise it will waste away. Our strength and powers in the Force should grow as we mature. Otherwise, we would just remain in a weakened status and that would either get us killed or worse, used and dominated by those around us. And yes, I am glad to have broken my chains. My master and I make it a mission of ours to uproot and destroy any slavers and their operations that we come across. Nothing makes me happier than slaying such individuals.

What she didn’t say to Eira however, was that they saved both Force users and non-users from slavery, and gave all the equal chance at a new life of freedom. This served a deeper purpose and drive, of course. It was her and her master’s will that all be brought into the Dark, and by setting free all those they could, they planted the seed that the Sith were their true saviors…not the Jedi, or anyone else for that matter. Those freed from their shackles were far more likely to be devout to the Sith and their ways, at least from her experience.

Their steps echoed faintly through the shadowed chambered as Revna continued her way towards a long hallway that seemed to lead into another chamber beyond. As she walked, she listened to the younger woman who was with her, feeling more drawn in and intrigued by the youth.

What do I envision myself doing with the power one day? Hmm. That is a good question.” Revna mused, a glint of amusement dancing in her eyes. She of course had ideas and plans and ambitions, but not everyone was privy to such things. Not even her own master. She was bonded quite strongly to him…but she didn’t want to share everything with him, let alone with a stranger. “I suppose that will reveal itself in time.” came her response.

They soon entered the hallway that seemed to connect the two chambers, and sconces on the walls provided light, as did faintly glowing red script in ur-Kittât that lined either side of the wall. The language of the Sith was still something Revna was learning; it was proving to be a little more of a challenge than she first anticipated when her master introduced it to her. It was a necessary element in many things that the Sith did with their power, such as sorcery or alchemy and whatnot. She had to grasp and understand it well, in order to do the things she wanted or needed to. But the script on the walls was recognizable to the apprentice: it was segments from the Sith Code.

Eira answered her questions, informing Revna of what all she’d been introduced to thus far. A knowing smile crossed the smaller woman’s face. “Oh yes…there is much to learn. Truthfully, we never stop learning. Or shouldn’t stop learning, anyway. There is always something more to grasp, another power to learn or achieve. Greater knowledge to be gained and utilized.” She glanced at the Sith acolyte briefly, the small smile still on her lips. She was enjoying this time of conversation with a new, fresh face. “I might be willing to show you a thing or two. Perhaps even help you practice your Lightning, if you want. So...what brought you into this shadowed path, hmm? Why not…the Jedi? And what do you think it means to be a Sith, Eira?

Location: Jutrand
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Revna Revna

Revna spent time freeing slaves with her Master. It was an interesting concept and she wasn't sure how often she would do such acts, it felt like it would take away from training and other aspects of her life that she felt was more important. However, it could be that freeing the slaves was cathartic for Revna in ways that Eira would never understand as she had not been a slave. It was one element of life that Eira had been spared from, it took killing the pirates that kidnapped her to avoid such experiences, the brief chance gave her a brief insight into the pain and suffering that likely plagued Revna.

The teasing answer only caused Eira to sigh deeply and shake her head, of course that Revna was going to be mysterious and keeping the secrets of her ambitions and dreams, even those tied to the Force Lightning ability. "You know it is rude to ask for information that you are unwilling to share yourself." Eira countered as she looked miffed but more annoyed at herself for not thinking of saying such things in order for herself to seem more mysterious and intriguing.

Her gazing was finding itself admiring the architecture of the temple, the way it told a story and the history of those who were here long before Eira and Revna. There was much of what the Sith were and are that Eira was not conscious of, she had lived a life away from that. A life where she was restricted and held back from her potential. This temple was where she had her chances of true discovery, finding her full potential, she was keen to see what was here and who she could learn from. It seemed that Revna was going to be the first to offer a demonstration of what they could do here.

"See what you can do and comparing our skills. That would be useful." Eira stated as she turned her gaze back to Revna, "why the Sith? Why not the Sith?" She tilted her head, "here I learn what is the true potential in powers I wish to learn. The Jedi only seem to wish to control and restrict what a person can do." Eira's red eyes flickered as she thought of her sister, the polar opposite of herself was likely living life as some comfortable life on Dantooine. "I do not know what it truly means to be a Sith. I just know the person I wish to be and I know that the Sith is the path to achieving that. That is all I need to know."

Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Eira’s reaction to her response caused Revna to lift an eyebrow at the young woman as she gazed at her from the corner of her eye.

I don’t have an issue sharing information; however - I am not your master. I am a fellow apprentice, and a wise Sith sometimes keeps some things to themselves, especially with someone who may yet become a rival. It would be foolish of me to share what I hope to accomplish with my powers, or even reveal all that I know, to a stranger…lest you and I one day find ourselves at odds with one another.” Revna said as she looked more fully at the young woman who walked beside her and watched the younger woman as she seemed to look over their surroundings, taking in the Sith script on the walls and the architecture of the temple itself.

But as they walked and Eira answered her questions, a memory from one of Revna’s first lessons with her Sith mentor returned back to her and she stopped in her tracks, a slight frown on her face. This place was a place of power; it was both rejuvenating…and a fresh Acolyte.

To be a Sith means something different to each of us…but we all have the same foundation.” Revna murmured, though she seemed almost lost in thought, seemingly distracted for a moment, before she turned to face Eira directly and looked up at her due to their height difference. Her gaze was direct, though not threatening, and her body posture was not hostile or agitated.

I wish to be cautious and not tread on the contract you have with your Master. It could land us both in deep trouble, and I get myself in enough trouble as it is. But, I can perhaps give you some aid; compare our skills and go from there. I would be happy to do so, in fact. But we are not doing it here at this temple.

Location: Jutrand
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Revna Revna

Eira was not sure if she would see Revna as her rival. They were coming from different backgrounds and ages, Eira was also focusing on those who were within the academy as her main rivals. She was desperate to demonstrate her power and the level of skill she had to the instructors of the academy. Especially in order to demonstrate to Iuuna Talon Iuuna Talon that selecting Eira as a Padawan was not a mistake and that she would bring great respect and power from this academy experience. So, while Revna was a fellow acolyte, there was less motivation to take her down. There was a chance to learn more and use Revna's experience and access to information as a way to gain an advantage over the other academy students. Something that Eira was very conscious of and making sure she remembered this fact.

The idea of treading on the toes of Iuuna and incurring her wrath was something that struck fear into Eira. While she hadn't long been a student of hers, the power and skill of Iuuna was beyond impressive. To face it, to try and survive against it, Eira was very aware she stood little to no chance of survival. "It is best we avoid my Master's wrath." Eira nodded her head, "I am open to seeing what you are capable of and demonstrating my own power." Eira was not sure where she stood nor did she hold much hope for success, she just hoped to not fail miserably. To show she could fight, to show she held a plentiful amount of untapped potential.

All she needed was the chance she was more than she already was. All she craved was to show she was more than a farmer's daughter.

It was this ambition to be more than turned her blood red ruby eyes glinting in desire. "Where shall we go?"

Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Revna nodded as the other acolyte seemed to agree that avoiding her master’s ire would be wise. The Disciple of Darth Strosius had no desire to face an angry Sith master for trying to take their place and teach their student, and Revna didn’t want Eira to be reprimanded or punished for seeking out further knowledge or guidance, though she knew the young woman was running that risk regardless.

She was pleased to hear Eira ask the older Sith apprentice where they would go, if they weren’t going to stay in the temple. Revna smiled slightly at the other’s openness to leaving the grand structure; hopefully by explaining the reason behind it the other would be willing to maybe even follow her off Jutrand entirely. There were many worlds that were not far and still within Sith space that could be useful in what Revna wanted to do.

Out of this temple. Maybe off-world, if you’re comfortable with that. I have my own ship and can fly. I’ll impart to you some wisdom my Master gave me when I first started learning and practicing my Force abilities; places such as this are a nest of power. They bolster your own energies and if you really want to test yourself and grow strong on your own merit and your own strength, then doing so away from such a place would be beneficial. I did a lot of my Force training and mediations far from any source of dark energy or power. I had to rely on myself to grow my powers. Are you willing to do the same, Eira?

Location: Jutrand
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Revna Revna

Eira heard mention of going off world and there was hesitation, not because she felt that she would not be allowed to leave. More so, that she was concerned that Revna was taking advantage of her lack of transport and abandon her on random world where she could never escape from. Eira settled her concerns to the side and nodded her head, "sure. As long as you show me skills in piloting." Eira needed to learn how to fly and get her own transport, making sure that she was not ever at risk of being trapped on a world in the future.

"I was raised on Dantooine. That is a world considered mostly tied to the Light Side. Is it not?" Eira mentioned, attempting to demonstrate she already had some training that was not based on a world filled with darkness. She paused and looked over to Revna, "shall I meet you at the hangar? Gives me time to grab a couple things." Eira wanted to make sure she was ready for a trip away and did not know how long she would be away from so wanted to leave some notification to Iuuna that she was away.

Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Understanding glinted in Revna’s golden gaze when the other girl agreed to follow along with her - but only so long as she would show Eira some piloting skills. And with that simple statement, the elder Sith Apprentice knew then the other did not know how to fly or pilot a ship on her own.

I can show you the basics, but it might be a bit - spotty. I only recently learned to fly on my own and I am still learning as I go. I usually have someone fly me, if I can be honest…so we won’t venture too far.

Such were the perks of being a member of the House of Marr, she supposed.

Eira had a point when she brought up the fact that she had been born in a place more aligned to the Light side of the Force. “While I do see the point you are making, it still would be of benefit to you to be away from a planet that is soaked in the Dark. I don’t think you’d be opposed to doing something that would only strengthen your connection to the Dark side, hmm? And yes; just look for the sleek black space yacht when you get there. That will be my ship.

Revna began her walk back out of the Sith temple, headed for the hanger. Despite her small size, her legs carried her swiftly forward; she had learned to keep up with the long and purposeful strides of her High Priest, and thus her normal pace was quicker than most.

Soon, she was at her ship and awaiting the arrival of Eira, idly searching the ship’s holomap to locate a place that was close to Jutrand that would suffice for what she wished to show the other Acolyte. One planet stood out to her, and she pre-set the coordinates into the navigation system before sitting back in the pilot’s seat to relax and wait.

Location: Jutrand
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Revna Revna

Eira looked a little visibly disappointed that Revna was in a similar boat to herself where she was still learning to fly, however, Eira recomposed herself and nodded her head. "The basics are enough for me now, ensures that I cannot be trapped." Eira admitted since she had revealed her inability to fly, she might as well surrender the reasoning for learning the skill as well.

Nodding her head, "I was not objecting to learning more away from this place, soaked in the darkness. Just informing you that I am not inexperienced in using the Force in places not dedicated to the dark." Eira mentioned, she was keen to seem impressive and far more advanced in her training than she was. If people assumed she had been training for longer than she has been, it meant that she was more powerful than they assumed, with more potential to grow.

It also meant they underestimated her and fall prey to her if she chose to attack them.

Given the time to grab items and a change of clothing, Eira set off and made a note to inform Iuuna Talon Iuuna Talon that she would be training for a few days with another Padawan off world. She also grabbed supplies and draped the satchel of supplies over her shoulder as she headed to the hangar. Looking around her blood red eyes gazed around and located the sleek black yacht. It seemed that Revna was a woman of great wealth, or at least had access to great wealth. It was impressive and Eira was jealous, she was living more comfortably now than she had ever known and she knew her Master and Iuuna's family was extraordinarily wealthy, but it was not a fortune that Eira personally had.

Something she aimed to achieve some day.

Heading over to the yacht, she looked around to see where Revna might be. Not wanting to walk onto the ship before the owner of the vessel did, since she did not know what security systems were in place and what traps could spring open if she walked on board without being aware of them.

Tag: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

The other, younger woman didn’t hide the touch of disappointment when she heard that Revna was not too experienced with flying herself, but she seemed content to at least learn the basics of flying and admitted her desire to learn was so that she wouldn’t be left stranded or trapped somewhere. Revna could understand the reasoning behind it, though she had no intention of leaving the other Sith on some planet. Not unless she was absolutely forced to.

Revna dipped her head as it was clarified to her that Eira was not inexperienced with using the Force, and a small smile touched her face. Despite what the younger Acolyte was saying, Revna would still take her someplace else. Getting out of Jutrand seemed like a splendid idea to her anyway, as she really didn’t like the bigger city atmosphere.

A handful of standard minutes passed by as Revna waited in her ship, before she sensed the presence of Eira approaching. She rose to her feet and stepped to the ramp, which lowered with a quiet hiss and she stepped down to greet the other Acolyte.

Come on in. I think I’ve found a good place for us to head to, and it’s not far from Jutrand at all. I don’t know much about the planet itself so it could turn out to be either an uneventful place, or one full of surprises.” Revna said to the younger Sith before she turned back around and walking back inside the spacious yacht.

I can show you some basics of flying before we take off too, if you’d like? Or we can do that planetside…whatever you might prefer.

Location: Jutrand
Attire: Casual
Equipment: Practice Saber
Tags: Revna Revna

Eira stepped onto the ship and glanced around the interior. It was intriguing the way that ships worked and how they looked inside. Eira had spent all her life so far mostly on a single world so she had only seen the interior of 3 ships in total. Each one had been very different and she wondered how pilots knew how to fly ships when they could be so varied and differing in power.

It seemed so complex and one must be very adaptable to be able to fly a ship, at least that was something Eira was assuming. All she knew was the pilots she had seen were capable and used autopilots once a destination was set.

"Hm," a planet of unknown potential, it was dangerous and a risk. "We shall see what potential will be there then." Eira commented as she looked at the planet and made sure it was a planet with a breathable surface.

Sliding into the passenger seat next to Revna and nodded her head, "learning as soon as possible works for me." She focused on listening as well as observing what was in the cockpit to assist with flying.

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