Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Emerging Super Power(2)

A coded message , encoded in a way that only a faction that had ties to the Former Empire would know, Was sent to the Sith Empire.
" Greetings, The Imperial Remnant would like to establish relations with you. We are largely interested in a trading relation ship that would benefit the both of us. We propose a meeting at neutral location to both of our factions. We are sure that if we sit down that a mutually beneficial agreement can be forged. "

It is encrypted with the digital signature of the Supreme Moff
Viera smiled as her flag ship ventured forward, It was going to be a interesting day, They waited in the middle of nowhere, somewhere between the two's property, She just hoped this wasn't a set up, She had her fleet on back up, Her conference room was waiting for the arrival of the Sith representive. She waited patiently wishing they would stop their waiting.
Darth Sidic's Veratus-class Imperial Shuttle docked onto the Supreme Moff's flagship. After the Imperial Remnant had been neglected in diplomatic talks with the Sith Empire, the Darth decided to take matters into his own hands. It would show willing on his part and if the talks went well then the Empire would have a powerful ally in future conflicts with the Republic. Alongside this, he could also become a trusted friend to the Remnant and even start a diplomatic career for the Sith. Although he wasn't too interested in negotiation it remained a good way to increase his own personal power - Sith artefacts would only go so far.

He was dressed in his Master's robes and wore his lightsaber just in case problems arose. He had brought a small guard but it would stay on the ship. He didn't want to appear aggressive and it was his confidence that if an ambush happened, he could deal with it personally. He was arrogant enough to believe he could take on the entire ship if he had to although he didn't plan on that happening. Just imagine how much damage the Imperial Remnant would take!

As he was guided towards the conference room where he would meet with the Supreme Moff, his mind began to wander as to what he was going to say. He wanted a trading deal with the Imperials at the bare minimum but how he was going to convince the Imperial Remnant into an alliance against the Republic (and possibly the Mandalorians) was not yet known to him. Still, he carried himself with confidence to the conference room where he would meet the Supreme Moff. He then finally saw the Supreme Moff he was meeting with and bowed.

"Greetings, I am Darth Sidic of the Sith Empire." He introduced himself to the Moff.
Viera smiled, She was glad to finally meet with the sith. " Welcome to my ship, I was hoping that the Sith Empire would meet with me, I had almost given up hope of an response. I am Supreme Moff Viera Kisep, Please have a seat" Said Viera as she took her own seat on the table that could sit so many more. She wasn't about to cross an sith, They were not worth the cost of killing them. But then again that meant her personal safety was at rist. " I was hoping that we could begin to allow trade between our factions, Our people have goods and services that they would love to start sharing with the rest of the galaxy, but at the moment they don't have anyone to share it with. "
Darth Sidic sat on a chair opposite the Supreme Moff.

"I'm not sure how a trade agreement would benefit us as much as it benefits you. We are growing all the time and we have many resources flowing in at the moment. So what would the Sith be gaining from the deal? Do you have any specific resources that may interest us? I think it would benefit both Empires if we could come up with more than a mere trade agreement." Darth Sidic spoke with confidence and an idea that the Sith could come away from the deal with more than a few extra resources. He was trying to gain as much as he could from the negotiations and he had to start by acting uninterested.
Viear smiled, he wanted to play hard ball well two could play at that. " Well as you surely know we have offers already from the Republic to form an alliance with them, They seem desperate to keep us away from you. We have plenty to offer, as you surely know Muunilinst has plenty of resources, We will trade but not at a disadvantage, we have mainly metals to trade and state of the art ship building facilities, in fact some of the best in the galaxy. We have plenty to offer, we will of course offer lower tarriff's for your empires trade in return for the same from yours. We want our people to prosper from this trade agreement, both sides, We in return for our offer of metals and ship building agreements want the trade of resources of your own, what do you have to offer to counter ours? "
She felt she had taken his response well.
"We have information. Information that could save the Imperial Remnant. The Republic plots against you Supreme Moff and that is likely why they wish to keep you away from us. They must have caught wind that we have hacked into their military database.

You see, the Republic is tyrannical. They are a menace that the Sith must contain. They wish to subjugate you through an aggressive expansion. They will have no need for trade if they can take your resources by force...

That is why I request an alliance with you along with trading deals. The Republic must be stopped! They seek to control all in the Galaxy, it has happened before and will happen again. Corruption is always rife in their system of government, many of the Senators have accepted bribes...

So I warn you to defend your planets. By all accounts speak with the Republic, just remember to bring up my suspicions. They will attack, I can guarantee it..." Darth Sidic used the Force to give his words more meaning. It was not necessarily a Mind Trick, more of a form of giving him more effect.
" You claim to have hacked into their databases, and to have such information, I am willing to trade with the sith, That is for sure, but an Alliance needs faith, What Faith am I to have in the Sith Empire, The same Empire who seems to cause such wanton violence in order to contain this so called menace. I am all for the containing of those wishing to dominate the galaxy with such force, ignoring the people of the thousands of worlds and harming them to influence their worlds one way or another, and that goes for the Sith Empire and the Republic. I won't make an alliance with a group unless they demostrate to me, they are willing to really be an ally. I will trade, but I will not take a leap of faith for my people, I need to have faith in my decisions, the Sith Empire needs to show me they are people to trust. " She smiled and looked at him, she needed a sign from the sith if she was going to ally her faction with them.

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