The Lorekeeper

On the holodisplay, the figure of an aged Chagrian Jedi master appears and begins to speak:
“Greetings. The Assembly has received word from a colony on Far Pando that their trouble with a local plague continues to grow. Several times they have managed to get it under control, but it always mysteriously returns shortly after, each time more troublesome than the last. We suspect there is more to this than meets the eye.
That is where you all will come in. Do what you can to help the locals control this plague, and find out what, if anything, is behind its continued resurgence.
It’s an agrarian planet, largely run by an oligarchy of Yahk-Tosh, who frankly have expressed more concern with the loss of their profits than the suffering of the farmers. It’s no secret that corruption is all too common, and the common folk are worked hard by their overseers. Still, questionable politics aside, it is our duty to assist these people in their time of need. Show them the light, and may the Force be with you.”
This is the opener for the assembly mission An End to Pestilence found here. Other than the prompt, it’s up to you guys to see the story through. Naturally don’t derail things in bad faith, but otherwise let it develop however you want, and have fun with it!
Original Prompt: A colony in Wild Space has been hit hard by a plague. Can the Jedi do anything to help? Each time the local authorities think they have it under control, it pops up again out of nowhere. Is something mysterious at play here? The planet is a peaceful agrarian world, ruled by a near-Hutt species called Yahk-Tosh. The methods of the Yahk-Tosh are often questionable at best. It's a luck of the draw type situation as to the living conditions of the people of Far Pando, everything depending on the Yahk-Tosh in charge of their sector. Corruption is common and many farmers are being worked and taxed hard. To the overlords of the planet, the main concern is probably a loss of profits, but the death and suffering amongst the farmers is very real. Questionable politics aside, it is the Jedi's duty to send aid.
Original Prompt: A colony in Wild Space has been hit hard by a plague. Can the Jedi do anything to help? Each time the local authorities think they have it under control, it pops up again out of nowhere. Is something mysterious at play here? The planet is a peaceful agrarian world, ruled by a near-Hutt species called Yahk-Tosh. The methods of the Yahk-Tosh are often questionable at best. It's a luck of the draw type situation as to the living conditions of the people of Far Pando, everything depending on the Yahk-Tosh in charge of their sector. Corruption is common and many farmers are being worked and taxed hard. To the overlords of the planet, the main concern is probably a loss of profits, but the death and suffering amongst the farmers is very real. Questionable politics aside, it is the Jedi's duty to send aid.