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Faction An Evening at The Crystal Rose


TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble Loomi Loomi Casaana Casaana Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti / Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Colette Colette Cardtiger Cardtiger Ran Serys Ran Serys Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Jin'lian Jin'lian Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell Iris Arani Iris Arani

You can have a + 1 guest (dress code is semi formal)




As guests arrive at The Crystal Rose, the sight is breathtaking. Nestled deep in a rural valley surrounded by rolling vineyards, the castle looms with an elegant yet rustic charm, its dark stone walls weathered by time but standing tall against the lush greenery. The rich aroma of roses fills the air, their deep reds and delicate pinks cascading along the garden trellises and weaving through the low stone walls. Vines twine effortlessly up the turrets, and the gentle babble of a nearby river adds a soothing backdrop.

Willow trees line the serene lake, their sweeping branches brushing the water like silk. Along the banks, small gondolas bob in place, waiting for guests to take part in the castle's signature romantic night ride. Roses, lavender, and herbs for tea infuse the air as lanterns, strung high among the willows, cast a soft, golden glow across the water. The path to the castle is dotted with vibrant wildflowers, and the scent of freshly baked pastries drifts from the estate's boutique tea house and bakery, promising sweet delights.

Inside, the atmosphere is rich with history. The wide, oak doors creak open, and you're greeted with the warmth of dim candlelight flickering in ornate sconces. Deep red tapestries, intricately embroidered with gold thread, hang from the high stone walls, leading the way toward the heart of the castle. The floors are lined with plush red carpets that feel as soft as velvet beneath your feet. Polished, dark wood furniture gleams under the soft glow of chandeliers. Servants in elegant attire—maids and butlers in finely tailored uniforms—glide gracefully through the halls, their smiles warm, their presence welcoming.

The Feast Hall is a marvel of its own. A massive stone fire pit roars at the center, casting a warm glow that dances across the room, making the red plush couches and cushions seem even more inviting. Large, ornately carved tables stretch along the length of the hall, lined with golden plates and goblets. At either end of the grand table sit magnificent plush thrones, more like oversized, sumptuous sofas, designed for the host and honored guests. The hall is set for tonight's exclusive party, and the air buzzes with excitement. The scent of freshly roasted meats and spiced wine fills the room, drawing guests closer to the festivities.

Tonight, The Crystal Rose is hosting an invitation-only event, where select guests will be introduced to elegant yet discreet self-defense items—each crafted with the same attention to beauty and detail. After the reveal, every guest will receive a special members-only card, granting them access to the castle's luxurious offerings. From the tea house's delicate brews and handmade desserts to the romantic gondola rides through the rose-laden waters, the privileges extended to members are boundless.


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Location: Crimson Rose
Attire: Dress
Tag: Braze Braze

Lily studied the invitation several times since she received it. Curious about a few things. First, she wasn't sure who she could invite to be a plus one, it seemed like an offer that would imply formalizing a relationship or too romantic for her to do so currently. She also wasn't sure what semi-formal meant. For her, there was formal attire for balls and high society events, then clothes for going out with friends or to a small family event. The part formal had her pondering heavily for days over what would work and what was too formal, or too casual.

In the end, she went for something that she liked the look of and was not something she had wore before. A chance to try some new attire.

She entered the main room and noted that others had not made an appearance yet, realising that she must have been one of the first to arrive. It did not bother her at all, she was someone who was very determined to arrive early to an event since she dreaded the case of being late. For now, she approached the location of spiced wine and took a glass of the fragrant wine, inhaling the warm scents for a moment with her eyes closed. The location of the event seemed to be very picturesque and she liked how floral the area was.

It reminded her of the fact that most of her family had floral names for luck and prosperity. At least that had been the reasoning behind it from what her grandmother had stated, she started it as a tradition to ensure that their family would grow in wealth and it had worked. Though her aunt had been denied this privilege and was granted a name only from her grandfather.

While sipping the wine as she looked around, she wondered who else might have been invited to this event and what to expect to see.
Their arrival at this strange new place was a hell of a shock to Marissa's system, bad enough to momentarily short her vocabulator out for a few seconds when she tried to make a remark. What on Denon was this place? Planets with green was still a foreign concept to her, she had only seen such places a few times thus far. She wasn't prepared for this at all.

There was an abundance of these short, vine-like plants all over the place, trees dotted the entire area and, what she suspected was flowers, grew all along their path. The overwhelming smell of fresh air and various scents had her temporarily gripping at Jasper's arm to steady herself as she fought off the light-headedness. Despite it all, it was an absolutely beautiful sight. Apart from one aspect.

The strange building they were making their way towards. She had been told it was called a 'castle' a few moments ago. A sneaky holonet search through her HUD helped her to better understand the concept. The results were not at all this glamourous. She could ignore all that and simply chalk it all up to her own ignorance. What she couldn't push aside was the thought of how people found this beautiful? In her humble opinion, an ornate glass building, with some curves and angles here and there, would've looked better.

She forced all of these negative thoughts aside and gripped a little tighter at Jasper's arm. They were honoured guests and their hosts wanted them to enjoy themselves. It was gorgeous, she hoped that the two of them could have some private time to explore this place after the party.

The damn party

"I still feel like a cake with this." She remarked softly to Jasper. The dress was semi formal, an easy enough dress code for her... until she looked at her wardrobe and only had suits and uniforms. So she opted for something better than those but not as simple as a dress. She didn't have the figure for a dress, anyway. Pearlescent silk pants and white formal shoes, accompanied by a strange blouse that she described as a "snazzy tank top". The fine straps made an 'X' across her chest and wrapped around her neck, while a diamond pattern broke the monotonous design a little. It was better than a dress, but it still felt like it was meant for someone with a better figure than a plank. The only oddity to her otherwise reasonable outfit was the addition of the black strap she almost always had around her throat. It stood out against the rest of the clothing, but she refused to take it off.

"You can make just about anything work. Should've put you in a dress." She quipped with a smile as she glanced up at her Knight.

Upon arriving at a lavish room that had her swallow all of her previous thoughts, she noticed that they were not alone. Someone arrived before them, it seemed. "Know her by any chance?" Marissa quietly asked Jasper.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Crimson Rose
Tags: Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda

"I still feel like a cake with this."

"You can make just about anything work. Should've put you in a dress."

"A dress doesn't sound too bad," Jasper mused. "Well, a skirt at least. Maybe I'm making this work for you, but I wear a flight suit all the time for a reason."

All of his leg mobility was gone in these restrictive dress pants. He wasn't wearing anything too fancy, just black pants, a black vest, and a white button-up with loose cuffs. One sleeve was gone, as it didn't fit his mechanical arm, but the other wasn't too terribly restrictive. It was, at least, enough to remind him why he didn't like wearing sleeves. He gave Marissa a nudge and a playful grin.

"I think you're making it work way more than my greasy ass," he joked silently.

Marissa mentioned someone who had arrived before them, gesturing to the distant Lily Decoria Lily Decoria .

"A padawan I think, Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren 's student. Can't say I'm acquainted," Jasper shrugged. "Same generation as Jalen..." A soft sigh escaped his lips. "Jeez, here I am making myself feel old."

He was already a fish out of water, clearly. After all, Marissa had been the one to receive the invite. Jasper was just here to be emotional support, and eye-candy if M had her way, which she typically did. All of this defense stuff wasn't really intended for him, which was fine. He was more than happy to sit back and play the supporting role here.

More time with Marissa was worth it in any case.


Standing proudly in the gondola, her hands folded into the sleeves of her blue kimono, Casaana let the boat carry her across the lake as if she were a character in a drama show. Reaching the shore by the Crystal Rose, she saw that there wasn't anyone to see her impeccable arrival other than the doors' attendants. And she'd spent a good two hours pulling the boat across the lake with the Force and setting up the little repulsor disks to power it and steer too. All that effort wasted. Presenting her invitation, Casaana looked back. Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell was supposed to be meeting her. Or she'd sent her an invitation as her plus one.

Choosing her friend hadn't been too difficult a decision. It was her or Roman and bringing him would have likely been viewed a certain way, especially as he was engaged to Anneliese. Maybe she could have brought her? It'd have been nice to get to know the red-haired Padawan a little more. Or anyone from Kattada. Hopefully Persie and she could meet some new friends here. Instead of going in, Casaana turned to watch down the path people were arriving down to wait for her friend.
Braze Braze


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