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An Evening Out

Golbah City

[member="Asajj Novar"] | [member="Lirka Ka"]

The hustle and bustle of life within the capital city of Geonosis was almost sickening for the young half breed. It was hot, warm bodies were everywhere, pressing against one another as everyone struggled to arrive somewhere first. It felt out of place on such a bright world for no other purpose than a promised outing with his sister. Did he consider her a sister? They shared a name but there was something else there he wasn't quite sure how to explain which certainly complicated things in their already strange relationship. This day, Vaulkhar opted to bring Asajj with him off of Iridonia, likely without their King's permission, on a promised expedition to get her some fresh air and some fond memories after the traumatic experiences that had taken so much from her. He had put off several other projects we was working on in the hopes of giving her an enjoyable day doing something other than wallowing about on their home planet. Was it worth it? The half breed was entirely unsure as of that moment. He knew the matters he currently handled were difficult enough as is and putting them off could definitely cause a bit of chaos. Though, he welcomed such.

Vaulkhar cleared his head of the varying thoughts bouncing within via a firm shake as he descended the ramp from his ship into the open aired hangar. He sent Asajj ahead shortly after landing to pay for the space as well as find them something to drink, as he hadn't thought to bring enough for the both of them before leaving the palace of Iridonia. He was used to packing for one. His droids began work on his vessel, ensuring any required maintenance was handled while simultaneously keeping it's defenses up and prepared for any emergencies while the ship's master was away. With one last look at the ship, he turned and made his way in the direction he felt Asajj via the aid of the force. Thrown over his shoulder was a simple looking duffel bag, the majority of his belongings in there. Already he was garbed in his signature armor and his weapons hung at his belt.

As he rounded a corner he cleared his throat while waving to get Asajj's attention. He had to admit, watching her walk around and explore brought a smile to her face he enjoyed viewing. With the unfortunate amount of time she spent cooped up on her father's planet, trapped within her own pity, he knew what she found elsewhere in the galaxy only brought her joy. Which oddly enough, brought him a hint of it as well. Any emotion aside from what drove him was normally shoved deep down within him, specifically because he found them to be a distraction and a waste of time. Though to be fair, this entire expedition could so clearly be considered the same. His smile faltered momentarily at the thought, though it shortly returned as he looked upon Asajj once more.

Life was complicated.
Had her father known she was coming to Geonosis it most likely would have ended with her behind bars in a rather well furnished cell for a time. She was still healing the King would say. She wasn't ready. But Asajj knew she was. Or, at the very least, knew she couldn't stay couped up forever. She would have simply lost her mind. It was a welcome risk to travel with [member="Vaulkhar"] against her father's wishes.

Upon landing she did as her.. Brother. No, she couldn't consider him a brother. Not after what she had confessed in the hanger. Not after kissing him. As she stood in line waiting to get some drinks a faint blush formed on her cheeks. The Dathomir actually did do that. She had wanted to talk about it when he returned, but she couldn't bring herself to. It wasn't just embarrassment, but something in him changed.

When he called for her attention she turned and smiled, waving a hand. She could feel where he was since they landed. A perk of Dathomir magic to say the least. Her violet eyes watched him as his smile faltered for a second. Her eyes softened a bit as she watched him. She'd have to bug him later as to why he seemed so down.

Once Asajj got the drinks she walked up to him, tossing one of the bottles. "Know where we're heading?"
"I wanted to explore the city a bit, perhaps visit some local bars. I want to get information in regards to the CIS as well as learn something about a former Templar temple that once stood on this planet," Vaulkhar's hand deftly plucked the bottle out of the air. Even though he was blind he had seemed to have no problem with the day to day tasks of your average man. "Thanks for the drink by the way," he uncapped the drink and took a hearty sip before wiping off his mouth and recapping it. He slid it into his pack before looking around the area with a soft sigh. "You paid for us to dock here, yeah?" Not that he didn't trust her with such a simple task, it was just better for him to be sure than end up with a fine or an impounded vessel.

His gaze scanned up and down the woman for a moment as he properly eyed her within their surroundings. He was unsure of her take on things as is, but I'm sure he'd figure that out as the day went on. His attention then went back to their surroundings as he looked for any obvious sign of a bar or general location to meet the locals. After a brief period of time he motioned down one of the streets before stepping off.

"I think I found our first destination."

[member="Asajj Novar"]
"That's quite the plan for the day ain't it?" She grinned wide. For the first time in a while she wasn't thinking about her injuries or her past. Just what was going to come next.She nodded quickly at his thanks, still smiling. "Of course. It's the least I can do, y'know? And yeah, ships all paid for. We should be fine for as long as we need to be here." The advantage of being the princess of Iridonia meant she could reserve most spots in space ports as long as needed.

Asajj turned her gaze from [member="Vaulkhar"] to the bustling city, a faint smile on her face. To be around people again was just a comfort. She turned back to the half breed as he spoke, blinking curiously. "Oh? What do you see?" She was quick to follow him, holding her hands behind her back as she continued to look around, trying to find what he saw. "Someplace fun I hope?"
"Sounds and smells like a bar, if I had to guess," even though the duo were still a few dozen paces from the entrance, he seemed sure of the answers as they moved. Vaulkhar's use of the force allowed him a far greater understanding of his surroundings after years of mastery over the force sense ability. It was almost as if he could see through what was around him to whatever it was he sought out. A great skill for his line of work. His gaze shifted back to Asajj as they walked. He moved about various individuals without even looking forward, further accenting this ability of his. "So Asajj, is your father aware of this trip or will I be getting an earful once I get back home?" Vaulkhar felt it almost pointless to ask the question, he already knew the answer considering how well he knew Krest. The man most certainly would of said no, but this offered him the chance to see if she'd be honest or not.

With their approach of the bar, he turned his attention towards the entrance before moving through. It was relatively busy with dozens of people inside. It was noisy and smelled of liquor and warm bodies. Definitely not his favorite sort of place to visit in his free time, though the information that could be gained within was boundless. With a swift motion of his head, he pointed her in the direction of a table before striding towards the counter. He ordered two drinks before paying the gentleman at the counter. Then, Vaulkhar strode towards the table he motioned Asajj towards with the drinks in hand.

He expanded his senses to fully encompass the building. Dozens of conversations assailed him, he could almost feel the various heartbeats around him. He began to tune out the generic bar conversation while seeking out anything of interest.

[member="Asajj Novar"]
"A bar?" She had never actually been to a bar before to drink. Plenty of times for assassinations during her time as a Sith though. Asajj couldn't see through the walls as [member="Vaulkhar"] could, but she did know how to pick up on the conversations around them as they stepped into the bar. Not many good conversations to say the least. Just about what would be expected from drunks on a desert world.

"No, he doesn't know. And no, you're not going to get an earful. He'll get one from me if he tries." The Dathomir huffed, frowning in the half breeds direction. She was not only fully grown, but had authority almost equal to the King. She casually plopped down at the table and accepted the drink, peering at it curiously. Booze was something she hadn't had the experience of drinking just yet. And so she quickly downed the drink.

Once finished she'd slam the cup down, shivering at the burn the alcohol left. "So uh, we're just gonna drink here?"
This was the usual nonsense to Lirka, she frequented these places as much as anything when she had those bits of offtime when she wasn't off violently murdering someone for the Confederate Defense Force: the seedier the better, gave her a little rush of nostalgia for when she had been off working with the mercenary trash that was likely to be found, breaking noses, and collecting heads. It had been a fun, but eventually horribly dull life.

Can enjoy the more fun parts when at places like this, Lirka was a hulking figure that usually got a good bubble of personal space. The Sephi almost always wore her heavy plates of armor though didn't have the extra intimation factor that was her almost faceless helmet. No, the partially armored Sephi stood helmless at her own little table, juzzling down whatever drinks she could. Her two meter long Klaive, that ever impressive albeit grossly exotic sword adding just to the scene the woman gave off.

She could feel a slight tick to her senses, seems some interesting folk had decided to come on into this poor establishment today.

[member="Asajj Novar"] [member="Vaulkhar"]
"For now, yes," Vaulkhar took a sip of his before setting it down, his gaze casing the room with each passing second. Notably, unlike his companion each of his movements down even to his sip of liquor, were measured. He had picked up on Lirka as he entered the building. The hulking woman in plated armor offered a fair bit of a disturbance. However, it was her force signature that set him off to her presence long before he could even hear the sound of plated metal brushing up against the space around it. "Stay here for now, I'm going to test the waters a bit, Asajj," with that, the half breed stood and pushed himself from the table. He slowly began to move across the room, specifically in the direction of Lirka's table.

His blind gaze settled on the table nearest to her before he took a seat, his back turned to her. The moment he sat, he stopped repressing his aura. The room seemed to grow darker as all warmth surrounding the half breed was sucked away, only to leave a cold vacuum about the young man. It was likely the clearest challenge to any within the room. His energy was quite literally off the charts. Those nearest to him offered a very wide birth, opting to walk as far away from him as the space within the tavern would allow. He gently tapped a small device on his wrist, activating the communicator located within his ear. He muttered softly.

"Asajj, as far as anyone needs to know we're vacationing here together. In about two minutes bring a plate of food over to the table, darling."

[member="Lirka Ka"] | [member="Asajj Novar"]
"Alright, I guess." Asajj mumbled a bit to herself as [member="Vaulkhar"] stood up and began walking away. He really couldn't sit still. Her violet eyes settled on the now empty glass, her fingers idly drumming on either side. What was it alcohol did to someone? Ironically her head was beginning to fog in the usual way of being tipsy so much she couldn't remember what she heard about booze's side effects. Left to her own devices she slowly felt the effects, though she wasn't sure what it was.

When the blind man's voice came over the com in her ear she practically jumped from her seat before hastily responding. "I.. uh.. sure?" Darling? What did he mean by that? And they were vacationing together? Against her better judgement she blushed a bright red, squeezing the glass in her hands before, as he asked, she got up to get a plate of food and brought it over to where Vaulkhar had moved. Truth be told she didn't know what she had gotten. She had half mumbled something about meat while still distracted by what the Zambrano had said.

Once she had set down the food the Dathomir sat across from him, her hands in her lap and her eyes down to watch as she twiddled her thumbs. "So.. Vacation..?"

[member="Lirka Ka"]
Lirka was not quiet about the void she felt, nor was inherently or properly vocal about it either, what came from the woman was a snarl that very much didn't match her cold and boney face. It was almost bestial, a thing that came from the Dark Side, Lirka despised the force more and more with and every of these little happenings that so decided to grace her presence. Every time those awful little abilities actually helped they seem to give her a mental world of pain every single time.

She simply tensed up first, squeezing tighter around her glass. She was, of course, listening into the two's conversation with relative ease. She had gotten pretty good at eavesdropping over the years.

[member="Asajj Novar"] [member="Vaulkhar"]
"Indeed, dear, vacation on Geonosis. It was meant to be a surprise that I intended on revealing upon arrival. I hope you don't mind," Vaulkhar took the plate of 'mystery meat' and took a few bites of it. Over the years he'd made a habit of never passing up a meal. Never knew when one had to make a hasty exit and food was food. He gently pushed the plate forward a bit before looking back up to Asajj, his lips turning up in a half smile before he spoke once more. "So, how are you liking the planet thus far? I know it's not quite like home, but I think a change in scenery and an introduction to new cultures can go along way for both of us, know what I mean?" Vaulkhar reigned in his energy after he finished speaking, all of it suddenly disappearing as if it were not there in the first place. Soon he appeared entirely force dead.

He tugged on his jacket gently to find some more comfort in his usual attire. Once more he took a few bites of the meal before taking a sip of his drink. Fingers clenched around the cup began to shift and drum along the surface of the cup as his fidgeting had yet to cease. "You know darling, I've some business to attend to once we get home. A few gentleman have been causing a bit of trouble for my family and I cannot miss this call to action."

Words ran freely from his, more than it normally did for the half breed during his free time. Strange.

[member="Asajj Novar"] | [member="Lirka Ka"]
Asajj could only blink dumbly as [member="Vaulkhar"] spoke, casually nodding at his questions. She could formulate words for some reason. Her violet eyes glanced down to her empty cup, blinking. Was this what booze did? Was that why she felt somewhat numb yet warm throughout? She didn't like this feeling in the slightest. Though pnce he mentioned having to leave again she finally broke her silence.

"Wha- wait. Hold on. You have to leave again? But, you just came back." The Dathomir trailed off, blinking down at her glass. It surprised her how sad she actually sounded. "Damn alchohol.." She muttered under her breath. Her face was now flushed red from her embarrassment and her fingers rapidly tapped along her empty glass as she couldn't keep eye contact with the half breed.

She didn't even notice his ever changing presence in the force, which was an oddity for her.

[member="Lirka Ka"]
"It shouldn't be for too long, just a few days at most," Vaulkhar reached across the table to gently squeeze her hand, offering her a reassuring smile that was atypical for the half breed. He had never been one to show any semblance of emotion, let alone comfort out in a public setting. His hand retreated across the table before he turned his head to look over his shoulder. His gaze settled on the hulking form of Lirka, armored nearly head to toe. He dipped his head in a nod before sizing up the woman thoroughly. The smile he wore drifted away as a stoic expression took hold of him. He made a home for his elbows on the table behind him as his back pressed against it, facing Asajj. "You know, I've never seen someone willingly walking about in such hot weather with such a strange garb. You carry yourself with a fair bit of confidence, considering you're in a seedy bar with quite the fortune adorning you."

Looking into the man's eyes it was clear as day he was blind, though he seemed to have no trouble assessing the woman before him. Unsettling, to say the least. A hand rose to his face and scratched at his cheek while he continued to maintain his vigil on the space elf. "So, what are you doing in a dump like this dressed like you're expecting the Sith to barge in and begin a slaughter?"

[member="Asajj Novar"] | [member="Lirka Ka"]
@Vaulkhar @Asajj Novar

“You sit in some of the worse, nice and violent, anyone could decide they want your stuff.”

Lirka, even in her slightly drunken state, could do the whole mysterious thing of no eye contact speaking, she raised her accented voice more than usual though. Half the booze half just to make sure it all got heard, her idea was simply based in the paranoia that was born from working in the Underworld for so long.
Asajj's flustered demeanor only worsened when [member="Vaulkhar"] took her hand. How cruel of a man he was to toy with a woman's heart so. "Vaulk, what's going o-" She could already tell something was amiss with the half breed, but as he turned to peer behind him towards [member="Lirka Ka"] she finally understood. It was an act. Her training as an Assassin should of told her that sooner. Part of it was the buzz she was feeling, but another was hope that it was real.

She ended up silently watching the two, once again drumming her fingers on her glass unsure on what to feel now.

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