Dominic Shiro
The sand of the desert planet Tatooine, irritating, coarse, rough and constantly getting in every crevice imaginable. The only reason they were there was to finally stop some Hutt cartel drug traffickers, slavers and whatever else they do. While the majority of the crew were off trying to quell the drug lords, the rest were sent to free some slaves and neutralize the leaders of that operation, thankfully the exact definition of 'neutralize; was never made clear, so they could go about it how they wished, or in other words, just make it up on the fly.
He sat just outside the camp, bored as always, repeatably throwing and catching his saber in his hand, waiting for the rest to finally catch up, though in truth he probably should've left the ship with everyone else. In the distance he could eventually make out a small figure walking toward him, Cawn maybe? After noticing this he clipped the saber back onto his belt and stood to get a better look.
"Cawn? Is that you ya rodent?"