Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private An Interesting Meeting

Darth Quizitus

Lothal/Old temple ruins
15:22 local time


The Diogenes was still in orbit, keeping an eye out for any surprises while also scanning the surface to help coordinate with its commander on where everything was. On the surface of the planet, staring at what looked like a very offensive-looking rock, was Darth Kados. His Tuk'ata stood beside him while a small squad of troops were carrying supplies and equipment from the shuttle to what would be their camp.

"Makes you wonder how odd the Jedi were back then, doesn't it?" he spoke with a chuckle, looking down at his pet. The creature grunted before walking towards it with its master close behind. "No need to be like that. I told you, you get spoiled too much. It's time for you to go on a diet plan." he continued to speak, which earned a low growl from Varpa. "Oh shush. I'm not that fat."

He stopped by the foot of the old temple and looked around. He knelt down and removed his helmet, setting it down beside him with closed eyes. His hands were placed in his lap and with a deep breath he started to concentrate. His comlink perked up with his squad reporting in. He rolled his eyes and raised his wrist. "Very well, commander. Hold position and stay put. I'll check back in before nightfall. In the meantime, I would prefer radio silence." he maintained a calm tone, but his commander knew that it was better to listen. With another deep breath he closed his eyes and focused the force to see what lay beneath him underground. A massive series of tunnels, treacherous drops and other hazards awaited him down there...nothing out of the ordinary. However his meditation was broken once more when Varpa stood up and started growling. "You sense it too?" he asked simply with a smile. "It is of no concern. Just lie down and relax, it is nothing to worry about." he assured his pet who obeyed immediately. It grunted and dropped to the ground once more with a lazy thud.

Cadere Cadere

After having another vague premonition in his dreams, premonitions of a mysterious figure that threatened to desecrate an old Jedi Temple ruin on Lothal. The Padawan promptly brought his concerns to the Council and luckily enough, they gave Cas permission to investigate and investigate only on the validicy of his dreams. If they were indeed true, he would report back and wait for a Jedi of higher rank to deal with it. Fat chance, if he can put this problem to bed quickly, he will.

Landing a few miles away from the ruined temple, Cas opened the cockpit's canopy and was ready to exit when BB-5 addressed him with a few concerned beeps and chirps. Hooking his finger and thumb to his chin and some deliberation, Cas nodded "Yeah, alright. I guess I have been sidelining you a lot lately." as BB-5 chirped excitedly, Cas exited the cockpit while his astromech hopped out of his socket. As the Padawan made his way to the ruins, with BB-5 rolling alongside him, he would look down at his companion "If things get dicey, go back to the ship and call for any kind of backup."

As he neared the ruins, the Kiffar could spot a few figures in the distance. Concerned, Cas, with BB-5 following suit, drew a bit closer before hiding behind a small rock formation. Peeking his head out slightly he could see a small squad of troopers who looked affiliated with the Sith Empire, there was... also a large man, a Pureblood maybe, but what concerned him most was the Dark side that surrounded the man... it was more intense than any Dark Jedi he encountered, and way more powerful and refined than the Sith Apprentice he encountered a while back.

Returning into a hidden position, Cas gazed at his astromech and without words, the droid speedily retreated back to the ship. Cas waited, periodically peeking over the rock to see how many soldiers were left and by the time they were gone and the large Sith was left on his own with his Tuk'ata, he exited his hiding spot. Confidently, he called out "Hey! This is sacred grounds, wanna tell me what you and a squad of Sith troopers are doing here?" standing in place, fists clenched. The idea of some Sith here, desecrating his Order's ruins angered him.

Darth Kados

Darth Quizitus

He heard the Jedi speak up behind him but he remained where he was. Varpa had gotten up and was staring at him with burning red eyes. Mid simply chuckled softly, though he still didn't bother to make a move against the boy. "Exploring these ruins, of course. Where we will desecrate, pillage and destroy everything we touch." he answered with a mocking tone. He finally rose from his meditative position and slowly turned to look at the boy...who fit the definition in every way. He looked him up and down for a moment before giving a scoff. "I do admire your confidence, boy, but it is horribly misplaced. As for your starfighter, why should I let it leave this system at all?" he asked him calmly, resting his hands behind his back as he slowly wandered closer to the Jedi.

"I have no quarrel with you, boy. But the dilemma we both now face is the matter of your presence here. I can let you go and call in more ships in case more Jedi try to show up...but that is just inconvenient. Blowing your ship up, now that is a better approach." he explained to him with a small smile as he came to a halt. The Dark Side of the force was flowing through him, ready to be used in a moment's notice. His saberstaff was within easy reach. However he didn't see any point in killing this boy, not yet at least. He tilted his head slightly to the side, his glowing golden eyes locked onto the Jedi's. "Do you even know what is in this temple, boy? Has your master ever told you about the secrets that can be found in places like this? In temples as old as this one. Ask yourself, would you rather attempt to fight me here and now? Or would you rather want to see what your predecessors have hidden away for you to find?" he asked him calmly.

Though he fully expected for the worst outcome. This boy was eager and ready to fight. However that eagerness was betraying a wealth of secrets to the Pureblood...

Cadere Cadere

His brow twitched and his body tensed at the Sith's condescending and mocking tone, balled up fists tightening with every word uttered. However, his anger smouldered and his body loosened, a hint of nervousness forming, he turned to the Pureblood surprised that he knew about his starfighter. However, as he wandered closer Cas stood in place... whether out of surprise or confidence remained to sbe een.

Anger returned once he threatened to destroy his ship, his concern fell to BB's safety and whether... whether he'd be able to contact more Jedi in time. The Pureblood halted his steps and continued droning on, trying to negotiate with him, but the fact remained... he didn't belong here. "I don't know, and I don't care." he stated coldly in retort, Cas took a step forward to the towering Sith "And if I wanted to, it wouldn't be with you."

"Like I said, if anyone deserves to explore these ruins it's us."
he exclaimed in referral to the Silver Jedi, Cas proceeded to remove his hilt from his belt "So, either leave or fight." igniting his lightsaber, Cas was bluffing, he just needed to keep this monster of a man distracted enough for BB-5 to send out a signal to the Order for extra backup.

Darth Kados

Darth Quizitus

The response was as much as he expected. He sighed calmly and smiled at the Padawan. "Well...unfortunately I do care and I want to know." he stated simply. He lowered his hands to hang by his sides. "And unfortunately, I'm not leaving." he said in a much darker tone. He raised his left arm and turned his vambrace towards his mouth. "Commander, take out that starfighter." he ordered his ship in orbit. A faint 'yessir' sounded off over the comlink.

He looked at the lightsaber in the boy's hand and looked up at him again. "Well come on, boy. You've drawn your lightsaber, readied yourself to fight your order's arch enemy. So come on, then. Take your best swing and strike me down." he spoke mockingly, looking down on the Padawan.

He still had yet to draw his lightsaber, but he was already channeling the force through him. The Dark Side was swelling in him as he stared down the boy in front of him. When the boy attacked, Mid raised his hand...and caught his lightsaber with his bare hand. His golden eyes bore through Cas as he eyed him down. His lips curled back to show his carnivorous teeth as he strained to hold up the ability. It was hard to pull off, but for the sake of making an impression on the seemed rather fitting. After a second or so he raised his other hand and released a force push to send Cas flying backwards several meters. Finally Mid summoned his lightsaber. The saberstaff was cradled in his left arm and ignited with a flamboyant twirl. The deep hum rumbled through the air as Mid held the double-bladed weapon up in a defensive stance. "Come on, then." he ordered the boy with a low growl rumbling in his voice.

Cadere Cadere

Cas' eyes widened in shock after witnessing the Pureblood's command, heart sinking at the thought of BB-5's, his friend's, demise... anger filled his heart once more as he tightened his grip on his lightsaber's hillt. Almost shaking, his voice was cold "You're going to pay for what you've done."

Completely silent, the only sound that was made was the hum of his lightsaber and the sound Cas' boot kicking off the dirt as he rushed toward the Sith Lord. Holding his lightsaber low to the ground, its plasma blade caused sparks and dust clouds to trail behind him. When he would meet with his enemy, he would raise his blade to strike him down only to be completely shocked at the Sith's display of Force mastery, he managed to actually hold the blade itself. Cas' scanned the Pureblood's face, it was taking a lot out of him to do this.

The Padawan then felt an invisible force hit his torso, sending him flying a few metres backward. Landing on the ground, he continued rolling further away before slowing down to a halt - adrenaline still coursing through him, Cas quickly stood up before entering an attack stance. He watched as the Sith ignited his saberstaff and twirled it, the Padawan returned with his own before rushing toward the Sith once more. This time, he'd play it smart and hold his lightsaber in a defensive angle while simultaneously creating a protective Force barrier around himself as to avoid any long ranged attacks with the Force.

Once close enough to his hulking opponent, Cas removed his barrier and employed the Force to speed up his movements, theorising his size and speed would create trouble for the Sith Lord - the Padawan would open with a swift strike aimed at the Pureblood's head before promptly dashing backward with the goal of avoiding a powerful retaliation from him.

Darth Kados

Darth Quizitus

Mid held his hard gaze as the Jedi recovered, though his posture was completely relaxed. "Your stance isn't bad, young Padawan. But you don't anchor yourself well. It also looks like you can't decide on what form to use. I suggest you stick with one until you're good enough to start mixing them." he explained calmly to him as he idly twirled his lightsaber around. He maintained his position with no intent on being the one to attack.

He closed his eyes and opened himself to the Force, letting the whole world light up around him in various shades against a black canvas. His Force Sight revealed to him the power emanating from his opponent...along with his emotion. The boy was very unstable. "You will never beat me like this, boy. Focus your anger. Use it to bolster your power. Give into it." he instructed, curious to see whether his opponent would open himself up to it. He finally charged, but Mid simply raised his blade to block the blow. In rapid succession, however, his saberstaff split and he gave a downward swing to where Cas' legs were. He left a molten line right where Cas was standing a split second earlier. He gave Cas a menacing grin and twirled both lightsabers idly around him. "You're quicker than I thought. Very good." he complimented him before holding both lightsabers at the ready.

"Last chance, Padawan. Help me open this temple...or suffer." he offered again. Though he knew the Padawan would never give in. So he opted to another trick.

He opened the palm of his left hand and released a blinding flash of light. With his eyes still closed, it wasn't a bother to him. But for the Padawan it might be a different story. If the flash worked, Mid would finally charge forward and attack. He would swing one blade to break his opponent's defense then swing with his other blade to sever his arm.

Cadere Cadere

Kados' comment was interesting, the Sith Lord's advice was the exact opposite his own Master had given him. Regardless he wasn't about to take any advice from a Sith Lord, especially one he was duelling.

Growing increasingly frustrated with Kados, he adjusted his stance a safe distance away from him - "You talk more than me." he stated, he twirled his lightsaber as he cautiously stepped toward the Pureblood before angling his lightsaber in a defensive position "Yeah, no, you're good." Cas would respond passive aggressively. The Padawan would then motion his lightsaber, ready to attack Kados once more. However, a blinding flash of light obscured his vision "Wha--?" he called out, quickly retreating and raising his lightsaber in front of him to defend himself.

A powerful attack from the Sith Lord managed to break his defence, causing him to stagger and nearly fall over. His arms would spread out as he would tried to regain his balance, he would howl in pain as he felt a white, hot pain in his upper weapon arm. Clenching his now cauterised stub of an arm, he dropped to his knee groaning through gritted teeth - once his vision was clear he would see his severed arm, still holding his lightsaber on the ground next to him.

He... he couldn't believe it, he thought he could handle Kados, he had overestimated his power. He lost. Badly. And now his arm was gone because of it. Still in shock and in pain, Can continued clenching his stub and would tilt his head upward, staring at Kados. His expression was that of pain with an undertone of rage. He was completely at his mercy.

Darth Kados

Darth Quizitus

The boy went down and Mid was quick to cross both blades in front of his neck. He looked down at him and gave a scoff. "Stupid boy." he said simply, then shut off his lightsabers.

Though he didn't let Cas off easy. He raised his leg and delivered a hard kick against his chest to send him to the ground. He then held Cas' good arm down and placed his knee on his throat to restrain him. "Now I'm not going to kill you, boy. But I will definitely make sure you remember me." he muttered to him as he pulled his dark side-imbued knife from its sheath. A quick swing sliced his clothing open, exposing his chest to him.

Then, with slow, deep and painful movements, he carved the Sith emblem onto his chest. The more Cas struggled, the more pressure Mid put on his neck to hold him still. When he was done he dropped a comlink beside him. "Now go. Call your friends and run back to your master." he ordered as he summoned Cas' lightsaber to his belt. With a sharp whistle he ordered Varpa and the beast obeyed, grabbing the severed arm and trotting along while munching away.

Cadere Cadere

Cas continued to stare at the Pureblood as he had both blades in front of the teen's neck, he closed his eyes and prepared for his fate only to hear the hiss of the plasma return to its hilt. He was relieved, if not confused but before he could even continue to question the Sith's actions - his boot was at Cas' chest, causing him to fall on his back.

With his remaining arm incapacitated and Kados' knee at his throat, he couldn't do anything but he damn sure tried. Cas fought and struggled against him, grunting as he did so. Then he pulled out a knife, a knife that had a presence of the Dark side, the Padawan continued to struggle as Kados exposed his chest and began carving into it. He struggled even more, writhing from the pain and grunted from the mind numbing pain.

When that was over, Cas wasn't sure which to hold - his now scarred chest or what was left of his arm. After Kados left with his lightsaber and the sounds of his arm being devoured faded, Cas continued to lay in the dirt - completely physically and spiritually broken, cursing himself at his arrogance and headstrong nature, he dreaded over what his Master would think or do once she found out. He wanted to contact her for help so badly but he couldn't face her or her disappointment right now.

Finally managing to gather his strength, Cas rolled over to his side and reached for the comlink and pulled it close to his mouth, he would send out a distress signal - "This... this is Cas. Cas Tynen... if anyone, anyone at all, is picking this up... I need... I need help." he exhaled hard from the pain on both his chest and his stub "I messed up... really bad." he ended the transmission there before dropping it on the floor, rolling on his back once more and clenched his chest.

As far as worst days go... this was definitely up there...

Darth Kados

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