Lothal/Old temple ruins
15:22 local time

The Diogenes was still in orbit, keeping an eye out for any surprises while also scanning the surface to help coordinate with its commander on where everything was. On the surface of the planet, staring at what looked like a very offensive-looking rock, was Darth Kados. His Tuk'ata stood beside him while a small squad of troops were carrying supplies and equipment from the shuttle to what would be their camp.
"Makes you wonder how odd the Jedi were back then, doesn't it?" he spoke with a chuckle, looking down at his pet. The creature grunted before walking towards it with its master close behind. "No need to be like that. I told you, you get spoiled too much. It's time for you to go on a diet plan." he continued to speak, which earned a low growl from Varpa. "Oh shush. I'm not that fat."
He stopped by the foot of the old temple and looked around. He knelt down and removed his helmet, setting it down beside him with closed eyes. His hands were placed in his lap and with a deep breath he started to concentrate. His comlink perked up with his squad reporting in. He rolled his eyes and raised his wrist. "Very well, commander. Hold position and stay put. I'll check back in before nightfall. In the meantime, I would prefer radio silence." he maintained a calm tone, but his commander knew that it was better to listen. With another deep breath he closed his eyes and focused the force to see what lay beneath him underground. A massive series of tunnels, treacherous drops and other hazards awaited him down there...nothing out of the ordinary. However his meditation was broken once more when Varpa stood up and started growling. "You sense it too?" he asked simply with a smile. "It is of no concern. Just lie down and relax, it is nothing to worry about." he assured his pet who obeyed immediately. It grunted and dropped to the ground once more with a lazy thud.