Kainan Wolfe
Shadow of War

Attn: [member="Alwine Lechner"]
- CNS Midnight Exigent
In orbit of Geonosis
An immense, arrowhead-shaped shadow hung above Geonosis, large enough to be seen from the ground far below, even in broad daylight. Its hull bristled with weapons like spikes on a hedgehog, row upon row of turbolasers, hypervelocity cannons and missile launchers, all spreading out from the Perdition cannon that served as the ship's main weapon, an immense axial composite beam laser capable of unleashing complete devastation upon a target.
The Midnight Exigent was one of the Confederacy's most powerful warships and the flagship of the dreaded Sword Armada, largest and post powerful fleet division within the nation's military. Its master-and-commander was one of the most enigmatic Sith Lords in the galaxy, a devious military mastermind who had designed many of the Star Dreadnought's systems, himself.
Although few knew it, a war was coming. That was the primary reason for Tacitus' visit today, planning out a military campaign half a galaxy away took time, the logistics alone being a monumental task. The conclusion of the meeting left Nelvaan's Eternal Emperor with some free time while his ship refueled and resupplied for the journey back to his icy homeworld, time which he would use to attend another matter which he had meant to resolve for some time.
The Obsidian compound was only a short shuttle ride away from the fleet command headquarters, so it did not take him long to reach his destination. A pair of black, triangular stealth fighters of Nelvaanian design flanked the silvery shuttle on either side, not out of necessity, but for the purpose of conveying his high-ranking status to onlookers.
Having a Knight Obsidian or two stationed on Nelvaan would certainly not hurt the fortressworld's defenses and Tacitus himself needed someone to watch his back while he commanded the indomitable fleets of the Confederacy to victory, in case enemy Force wielders boarded his flagship and managed to fight their way through the various guards onboard. To that end, he had reviewed the files of several candidates and finally forwarded the request. It was time to go meet with his new bodyguard.