Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Interesting Title

Hello everyone! I am making my way back to forum-based roleplaying after trying out other platforms. Nothing beats the ol' hosting website, no matter how clunky it may be! But first, a few things:

1. I used to play a lot of tastelessly edgy characters. During my foray away from forums, I quickly learned how not to play an edgy character, and I still cringe to this day. However, I have decided to try my hand at a Dark Side character done right. Maybe a redemption story as well?

2. One of the reasons I tried other platforms for RP is because again, I feel that the forum structure is dated and clunky. I may need some refreshers with how things work every once in a while. For example, I don't think I set up this writer account correctly.

3. I am excited to see the huge amount of lore this server has! Where should I begin reading in order to catch up?

I've got a good feeling about this!
Hey there [member="Multi-Tool"]!

Welcome welcome welcome to Chaos :D

The first thing to look at is the Guide to Getting Started. Joining the general Chaos Discord Server is also highly recommended.

You can find the general timeline of what's happened on the board here.

Other than that - enjoy! Warmest recommendation would be to join a Faction, as these offer close hubs where you can get to know people and get RP's going. You'll soon be flooded with invited ;)
Scherezade deWinter said:
Hey there [member="Multi-Tool"]!

Welcome welcome welcome to Chaos :D

The first thing to look at is the Guide to Getting Started. Joining the general Chaos Discord Server is also highly recommended.

You can find the general timeline of what's happened on the board here.

Other than that - enjoy! Warmest recommendation would be to join a Faction, as these offer close hubs where you can get to know people and get RP's going. You'll soon be flooded with invited ;)
Thank you so much! I'll be sure to look at the guide soon!

Zardu Hasselfrau said:

Welcome to Chaos!
Thank you!
Tathra Khaeus said:

I'd also suggest, if you haven't already - Making yourself a discord account as that is how we mainly socially interact.
I do have a Discord account, so expect to see me on there sometime soon.

Amaya Cardei


Welcome to the boards! If you have any questions feel free to ask and if you're looking for dark side then look no further than the Sith Empire! :D Enjoy your stay!

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