Disciple of Faith
For perhaps the first time in a very long time, Revna slept restfully. Peacefully, even. No nightmares plagued her dreams, no memories of her past tried to come back to haunt her. The last thing she had seen before sleep had claimed her had been him, and the beautiful sunrise they had watched together while in each other’s embrace.
She’d been so warm, even while the chill of Korriban’s night had settled over the grand chamber, and she had felt safe. The only other time she had ever felt that way, were the nights she had fallen asleep in the Cathedral upon Formos. A place that was nothing but ash and dust and memories now.
But she would not sleep forever; a few hours was just enough to recharge Revna, though this time she was a bit reluctant to let go of that warm slumber and return to the waking world. Her mind began to awaken before her eyes ever opened, and soon memories of the dance the night prior and what had followed afterwards, returned to in full clarity. Once again, there was a part of her mind that almost refused to believe it had all been real. That those memories, and the emotions that had been a part of them - the joy and the happiness and the elation and excitement - had been figments of her imagination.
A deep and hidden desire of her heart that had taken her on a flight of fantasy.
But as sleep released its hold on her and she opened up her eyes…she recognized that she was not in her bed. She blinked a few times, gathering her wits about her a bit more, and realized that she was a bit…chilled. She looked around herself, looked beside her where she had last seen Caedes…and found his place empty. Revna sat upright in the grand bed, uncaring that the icy air of Korriban was biting at her exposed skin. Sharp, ember hued eyes swept the room, seeking…searching.
Pain, akin to that which came with a sudden rush of panic, squeezed her heart as thoughts began to race through her mind:
...Had she done something wrong?...
...Did he regret this?...
...Was he ashamed of her?...
“...Caedes?” she called out softly, and a tremor of anxiousness was clear in her voice. After a brief moment, she sent a message along their mental tether, concern intertwined with her inquiry:
Where are you??
She’d been so warm, even while the chill of Korriban’s night had settled over the grand chamber, and she had felt safe. The only other time she had ever felt that way, were the nights she had fallen asleep in the Cathedral upon Formos. A place that was nothing but ash and dust and memories now.
But she would not sleep forever; a few hours was just enough to recharge Revna, though this time she was a bit reluctant to let go of that warm slumber and return to the waking world. Her mind began to awaken before her eyes ever opened, and soon memories of the dance the night prior and what had followed afterwards, returned to in full clarity. Once again, there was a part of her mind that almost refused to believe it had all been real. That those memories, and the emotions that had been a part of them - the joy and the happiness and the elation and excitement - had been figments of her imagination.
A deep and hidden desire of her heart that had taken her on a flight of fantasy.
But as sleep released its hold on her and she opened up her eyes…she recognized that she was not in her bed. She blinked a few times, gathering her wits about her a bit more, and realized that she was a bit…chilled. She looked around herself, looked beside her where she had last seen Caedes…and found his place empty. Revna sat upright in the grand bed, uncaring that the icy air of Korriban was biting at her exposed skin. Sharp, ember hued eyes swept the room, seeking…searching.
Pain, akin to that which came with a sudden rush of panic, squeezed her heart as thoughts began to race through her mind:
...Had she done something wrong?...
...Did he regret this?...
...Was he ashamed of her?...
“...Caedes?” she called out softly, and a tremor of anxiousness was clear in her voice. After a brief moment, she sent a message along their mental tether, concern intertwined with her inquiry:
Where are you??