Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An intervew for two

Not very much of a place.

I chose a semi-public place for the two of us to sit. Being a bounty hunter, Some people may get a little scared around me. Just the idea of someone with a gun scared the crap out of people. Or the fact that I captured people for a living. Taking them against their will. Scary. Even more so when it was done by a guy who is part Sithspawn and can control the element of fire and earth.

I tried to make myself look presentable. I had washed my long black hair. Cleaned myself of the gunk from my last job. Which was actually not really Jedi like. In fact it was against the Jedi. Still, I had my jacket on. Despite the drawbacks of having the jacket activated, I usually kept it on. However for this meeting, I had turned it off with a little bit of my blood. On my hip was a tri-barreled pistol simply because I always carried one with me. As well as on my left side was a lightsaber hilt, slightly hidden by the hem of my jacket.

I sat in the chair outside in the nice warm air of Couscant. It was the balcony of my apartment in which I was sitting. Open and in view of all those air speeders. Waiting for the woman to be knocking on the door. A datapad sat in front of me. With my availability of information usually hidden by most, I paid a good 250 credits to get all the information I could on this, [member="Jorda Ulluto"]. Zeltron, young, and well educated considering how she was a Zeltron. Usually they were known for Partying all day long, and into the night till the next day. And then some more.

Looking at the clock in the corner of the datapad, I saw that she could be here any minute. Considering how it was professional to show up a little early to the interview. It was ten minutes till noon. Mid day. I leaned back in my chair, so tempted to take out a cigarette and smoke one before she got here. But, I had to not just look good, I had to smell good as well.

Cigs and their stupid smoke.
Jorda Ulluto hurried up to the apartment of a possible new employeer, her platform heels clacking on the tiles. At 5'4" she was shorter than most and was never seen without some eye-turning shoes. The Zeltron had done a bit of homework on Mr. Imura and knew that it wasn't wise to keep a Sith waiting.

She knocked on the door, patiently waiting for him to answer. Clad in a black tight skirtsuit with a generous amount of leg showing, she made sure she was producing a copious amount of phermones. Hoping that maybe he'd be so distracted, he'd stay out of her mind.

Jorda was generally good at guarding her thoughts from the tendrils of the force, but there was one prominent emotion that was nearly impossible to hide. The desperation she felt at the thought of working for Dasha the Hutt one minute longer than she had to.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled as there was a knock at the door. Standing up, I adjusted myself. Since she would be working for me, and she needed to see the abilities in which I was capable of, I needed to look, act, and be professional. She was a Zeltron, so I had a feeling that she would be using her Pheromones to influence me. Seeing as how I had been to Zeltros before, I could deal with it.

Walking up to the door, Straight in front of the balcony, I reached for the keypad and pressed the button. Opening the door with a hiss. Standing there was a Zeltron that stood about my height with some very high heels, Legs were clearly visible, and the form fitting dress matched that with her hair to make her skin to almost pop out at me. I smiled as she stood there. "Hello, You must be Miss [member="Jorda Ulluto"]." Offering her my hand in the form of a shake, I wanted to introduce myself correctly, "Please come in."

I moved out of the way of the door jam to allow her into the apartment. Cleaned up and rather nice looking for a Sith. Considering that some of us were thought to be always in black and chant omens of death. The room was actually white and glassy. Fine looing in the standards of most courstant citizens.

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]
Jorda flashed the man a warm smile. He was a handsome and dashing looking fellow for a Sith, with skin that didn't look as corrupted as most. Oops. Hide those thoughts Jorda.

She took his hand and gave it a polite shake. "Well hello, Mr. Imura. It's a pleasure to meet you." she said with enthusiasm.

Hoping to impress the man with her language finesse, she graciously thanked him for meeting with her, but did so in Sith. "Zhol buti itin grazus kia macias j'us ir nu dazek j'us nuo sis umiba."

She grinned at him and glanced around the room. "And might I add that you have a gorgeous place."

The woman radiated confidence and allure. It was what she did best. No matter what she felt inside, her motto was to always put on a good face.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Enthusiasm, and she knew how to speak Sith. I smiled, as I returned to her in the tongue,

"Nie, Dazek-tu."

Already she was trying to show me how intelligent she was. Good for the most part. I looked her over. Seeing that she was indeed quite beautiful, likely trying to be somewhat modest, to allow my imagination of her run wild. However, I was not single. I did have a love interest. Sadly, it was not her, and I was happily in a relationship. Flirtatious behavior may have gotten her onto my good side, but no further.

"Thank you. Sadly I do not spend a lot of time here. I am out working." Indicating my hand towards the kitchen area, I decided to be somewhat polite, "Would you like anything to drink?" If yes, then I knew that she was a true Zeltron and was willing to do what was necessary for the job, if not, then she was nervous, and would not be in the best of situations in working with a Bounty Hunter. Nonetheless, I would hope that she was suitable for the job.

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]
The raven-haired Zeltron grinned warmly at the Sith. "I thought you'd never ask. After all, I do have two livers. Why not put both to good use?" Jorda chuckled lightly. She loved a good stiff drink, and it wouldn't be good form to refuse his hospitality. "I'll take a whiskey up, with rocks on the side please."

In his eyes she could see his appreciation of her "assets." As tempted as she was to know more about what the man was thinking, she reminded herself not to use her telekinesis as the Sith would most likely feel her snaking into his thoughts. And knowing Sith, he wouldn't be happy about that. They liked to be the masters of the mind games, not the other way around. Jorda had a magnificent body and a whip smart mind. She just needed to work on that naked ambition. That was the one thing that always got her into trouble.

Her hazel eyes scanned the room, looking for little details that she could remember later. Or conveniently forget if that happened to suit her needs.

She gestured to Imura's couch. "May I have a seat?"

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Now that was a fine choice. Whiskey. I smiled However she wanted it on the rocks. Eh, what could I blame her for? she was trying to stay somewhat modest in her consumption. "Good choice." Motioning her to move into the actual room, I flicked my hand towards the door as I walked towards the kitchen. With a hiss, the door closed. The question was then asked to sit on the couch. I smiled, and nodded my head. "Yes you may."

Walking into the kitchen, which was more so just an island next to a wall that was open for me to see others within the room, "So tell me Miss Ulluto," The varous clinking sounds of whiskey being poured, ice being added to both, while one was being diluted for the lady. "Why is it that you came to this interview with a Sith. Knowing full well that it could have just been a scam?" With myself being a Sith, and a Bounty Hunter, Lying was always on the table. Any form of lying really. Be it the manipulation of the truth, half truth and lie, or a bold faced lie. More so, Bounty Hunters liked to set up traps. Much more easier to do our job.

So with the question posed, I moved out of the kitchen towards her. Handing the Whiskey on the rocks to her, and the almost bubbling whiskey to myself. I liked my drinks warm and hot. Not really cold. Few were great when cold. Whiskey however, tasted, and felt good on the way down when boiling hot. I carried mine by the base and with a little bit of pyrokinesis, made the liquid bubble just ever so slightly as I sat down on the other side. Taking a drink with a very pretty woman.

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]
Jorda watched the Sith mix cocktails in his kitchen. She knew he was probably a monster in some way or another, but right now he seemed a consummate gentleman. Flashing her perfect white teeth, she took the whiskey and drank half of it in one swallow She needed it for what she was about to do. Jorda set the glass down on an end table and crossed over to where he was sitting, then turned around so that she was facing away from him. Without missing a beat, she slowly unzipped the back of her dress.

The skin on muscular back was crisscrossed with angry looking scars, most of them still fresh and not completely healed. She looked back over her shoulder to make sure he had gotten an eyeful and then zipped up again.

"That is why I'm here today, Mr. Imura. The kind of risk I'm taking by coming here today pales in comparison to what I risk by staying in the employ of that Hutt."

She sat down on the couch and picked up her drink, giving him a somewhat stoic look and raised her eyebrow. She wasn't here for pity. And she knew he'd be able to detect a lie. Why not just lay all her cards on the table.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
At first, I thought the woman was trying to drink me out from under the table, however when she came and rested herself onto the couch. Sitting next to me, she undid her dress to reveal her back. Scars in the multitudes were laced in every direction that I could see. Hidden away from the visible skin, I had a feeling that the last person she worked for, took advantage of her skills and talents a little too much. As she zipped herself back up and walked back to the chair. She answered my question. Saying that she would rather be employed by me, than a Hutt. Whatever Hutt it was, I knew would somehow come into my own life soon enough.

I didn't pity her. I didn't feel sad. I felt no emotions as I just sat there, taking another drink of my whiskey. Knowing that I have had worse than she. I may not look like it, but under my jacket, my entire left arm was corrupted. Changed by a Sith Lord through Sith Alchemy and Poisons. Granting me pain every waking moment. I sat the glass down on the table between us, and leaned forward. "Miss, I do not envy you and your past." I spoke looking directly at her with my red eyes. "You understand that by taking on this job as a secretary, means that you can be put into more pain than you already were."

I unzipped my own jacket and pulled out my left arm. Revealing the black and red hide that was once my skin. She could see the red marks on my shoulder where my skin and the hide met. Even as much as some of the skin slightly torn away as though the hide were eating my body. "Anything from simple scars to even manipulation of your own body is possible." Sliding my arm back into the sleeve, I grimaced as a spike of pain ran the length of my arm. Leaving the jacket open, I continued. "Before we go any further, I want you to know that your life has a chance to be taken from you at any moment."

I was not going to lie to her. her life was on the line. Even much more so if they wanted leverage against me, they could try and get the information from her. Either by payment, or by pain, they would take it. "Shall we continue, or do you wish to find a job that will not be so demanding?"

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]
Jorda's eyes widened slightly when he revealed the raw and painfully-looking corrupted flesh of his blacked arm. It was gut-wrenching to look at. Then she listened to his warnings, with the same stoic look on her face. The man was obviously involved in some very bad things. And this piqued her curiosity. Jorda was, like many Zeltrons, a thrill seeker.

"Trust me, Mr. Imura. I'm not looking for a cakewalk. And I'm not afraid of putting myself in dangerous situations." She sighed realizing that she might have to go into the hard sell.

"I know that there are risks associated with working for you and let's face it, the people you deal with probably make Dasha the Hutt look like a cuddly Ewok. But something I've always found to be true is, the idea that the greater the risk, the greater the reward."

She smiled and raised a brow. "I think. No, I know I can help you reap the biggest rewards in whatever you do Mr. Imura. I'm like you in that way. I think two steps ahead and I think big. And stop at nothing until it's all mine. It's all or nothing for me Mr. Imura. In everything I do."

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
While she had kept her expression mostly unchanged, I could see the widening of the eyes. To some, that was all that happened. Others reacted as though I was infectious with the Gulag plague, or worse. I was glad that she didn't react too much to.... it. leaning somewhat back from where I was, O picked up my drink with my right hand, taking a sip as she spoke to me.

Most of it was all about the thrill of being in danger to get a greater reward. Though really she would not be in that much of danger, there was a higher chance than all of the other jobs she could have chosen. As well, her attitude about all of this was turning out very well. As she mentioned about how I would likely deal with people who were worse than Dasha the Hutt, most likely the same Hutt that she was with before due to adding everything else up. I nodded my head silently to her as she had her explanation.

Her word choice, changing from think, to know also showed me that she had a sense of self respect as well as a high self esteem of herself and her abilities. Very apparent by her word choice, and the way that she was dressed. I took another sip from the whiskey after spinning the cup around within my hand. Stirring up the contents inside. I drank the last bit of the alcohol and sighed as I set my glass down. "You, Miss Ulluto, think very highly of yourself, and your abilities." Leaning all the way back now, I splayed my arms out on the back of the couch, I mean, this was my apartment. Why could I not?

"That, I like very much. Only, Can you do all that you say?"

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]
Jorda's lips drew into a crooked smile. "Mr. Imura I'm fluent in hundreds of alien languages and I'm intimately familiar with all manner of different species' customs. I know that you always bring a Trandoshan clan leader a Wookie pelt before negotiating with him, and you never get into a drinking game with a Sullustan because you will lose. I can finesse any sticky relationship you have with allies or adversaries."

"Of course I have a slight advantage in reading emotions, because well, Zeltron." she pointed to herself with a chuckle. "And I'm not afraid to use my phermones to get what I need out of a situation." She switched gears with him suddenly.

"Before I continue singing more of my praises. I would like to ask you what duties you'd be having me perform in this position? I need to make sure it's worth my time and talents as well. I'm sure you understand."

She knew she was being a little bit arrogant, but her instincts told her that the best way to deal with the cagey Sith was to be as bold as possible.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled as she said that she was fluent in hundreds of languages, as well as many customs. Now that would be something very useful. A very smart and intelligent woman indeed. She went on about her other talents as a Zeltron and how she was willing to us her many assets to get her job done. That was what I wanted. A woman who could do many things that I could not. As well, she could not do many of the things I could. She could speak hundreds of languages, I could throw anything with my mind. Her intelligence of customs, as to my ability to use a plethora of weapons. In my mind, I almost thought that we completed each other. What holovid was it from that the main actor said "You complete me"? Eh, forget about that.

Now it was her time for questioning me. I smiled as she asked what her duties would be. Nodding my head to her, showing that yes, I did understand the reason for her question, I spoke, "Mostly, you will be gathering me contacts, and using your own for my needs. If they are yours, I will respect them simply because I do not want to tarnish your image, and I require that you do the same for my contacts." I moved back to sit upward and not be so relaxed. This was the part in which I need to look good. "As a secretary, you will be setting up dates and times with those who I need to meet with. Some of them you can come to, others you may not. Simply because of the type of people there, or because of what may or may not be discussed."

I reached for my glass, and tried to drink from it, forgetting that it was empty, I frowned at the glass and sat it back down. "You will also find higher ranked bounties that will have a payout of more than 500,000 credits, or have an equal amount of that worth in stock from a company." I reached my left hand out, and flying from the table out on the balcony came a datapad into my hand. Flipping to the prices of what she will be paid, I continued on. "You may work from anywhere you wish, and you can be provided living conditions if you so desire. You will be paid five thousand credits every month. For every bounty you set up for me, you get a ten percent commission from that bounty. Bonuses are available on holidays that are known Galaxy wide, and raises can be made should you be doing above and beyond what I believe you can do for me."

Finally getting to the page, I handed it across the table to her. On it would be everything that I said. Including health insurance and the like. If she was going to be working for me, I wanted to make sure that she was at the top condition that she could for her job. Not just someone who sat around at home typing away on Spacebook or looking for dates on I wanted her active and willing to do her job, and maybe have some fun while doing it.

"Do you find these terms acceptable Miss Ulluto?"

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]
Jorda was impressed at just how buttoned up the Sith was about his operation. This was a much more professional operation than most bounty hunters. Well, the kind that Dasha dealt with anyway. Again, she was reminded of just how small time Dasha's organization was. And a small time gig would never sate her appetites.

The Zeltron woman carefully took the paper from him. She tapped on her chin with her long black nails as she scanned the fine print. She was extremely tempted to take the job on the spot, even if it gave her the sinking feeling of making a deal with the devil. The job sounded like fun, just the right mix of intrigue and danger. Jorda, easily bored, wasn't satisfied unless she was scheming.

She knew she was taking a risk with the Sith. He seemed fair-tempered right now, but it was possible he could turn out to be a cruel demon after all. Dasha had been sweet at first, too. If she made a mistake, would he break her fingers like the Hutt did? There was no way of knowing.

Once done reading, Jorda nodded at him approvingly, "yes, I find these terms acceptible Mr. Imura and I'd like to reiterate that I am highly interested in the opportunity. However I need a few days to give you an answer. I hope you understand." She flashed those white teeth again.

She had other opportunities to chase down before she made a final decision. She hoped the Sith wouldn't mind waiting a couple of days. Of course he would never know it, but she knew that she was worth the wait.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I hoped that this was not to much for her to handle. I was asking for a lot. Which was why I said ten percent on commission instead of five how I wanted. As well, most sith would not pay for health insurance. Yes that was true, and I was probably paying her more than I should, However with the hopes of what I had in a upbrining of a possible company in which my contacts would come to me for help, instead of the other way around, I thought I could pay her for this much.

I waited as she read it over. Looking at the details in which she would be working for. I smiled slightly as I was glad I did the commission. Meaning that if she wanted more money, she would have to help me look for the higher paying jobs. Both of us would get more money out of it. I could almost see the gears turning in her head. She was seriously thinking this over. Just what the doctor ordered.

She spoke to me with a smile. Saying she would need a few days to decide on an answer. With all these other jobs out and up for grabs, She wanted to see other ones as well. It was very likely that I would have her as my secretary. And I really did not want to push it. With a smile of my own, "Yes, take all the time you need. Keep the datapad as well. My contact information is on there should you want to leave a message, or contact me directly."

I pointed to her with an open hand simply for reference to her as a person, "Are there any questions that you have for me?"

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]
The Sith's willingness to take questions was a good sign, although there'd be no guarantee that he'd be truthful about any of it. She did have questions, of course, but none of them seemed appropriate to ask here. She'd just have to get them answered in due time. If she decided to take the job.

"I have no further questions for you Mr. Imura." she smiled and stood up. "The job description is perfectly clear and I assure you it won't take me long to make a decision." She placed her empty glass neatly on the counter and smoothed her dress. "Unless you have any other questions for me, I'll take my leave."

She strode over to him and offered him her hand once again. "Ar j'us norzi nun verhija nu valia fasona itin tikra j'us valia nenx majiati zhol." she said softly in his language, smiling at him with a crooked grin.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled, as she stood up, so did I. Customary of a male to stand up for a female when leaving the room, table, or otherwise. She said she had no other questions for me, Nodding my head, I watched as she placed her empty glass on the table. Walking over, she handed me her pink skinned hand. While I handed her my right normal Caucasian skinned hand. "No questions from me miss."

Her grin made me smirk as she spoke to me in Sith. I smiled as I returned once more in the tongue of those I had worked for. "Oy Nu itin nyâsh lausk mazo." releasing her hand, I motioned to the door. Walking a head of her, I pressed the button. letting the hiss come to my ears, "I hope that we will see each other, be it with you as my secretary or not."

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]

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