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Private An Interview with a Master

Fashion ExtraOrdinaire

It wasn't often that Stomme got the chance to do an interview. His office, often neglected by the Gungan, overlooked the business district that he worked in. Rogue magazine had a golden opportunity here. An interview with the Sword of the Jedi.

"Come in, come in." Stomme spoke, offering Valery Noble Valery Noble a chair in front of his desk, a nice wooden desk, clearly from Naboo. "Ve hope the trip here wasn't too worrisome. Ze traffic around Coruscant can be a pain around dis time of day, no?"




Outfit: Wedding Ring

Well, this looked shady.

Dressed in a modest black dress and some heels, Valery had walked around the business district for a few minutes to find his office. Down below at this level, Coruscant felt darker and the neon lights and people walking into alleyways only added to the grim atmosphere. Luckily, she soon found her destination and was guided to the Gungan's office.

He offered her a seat and Valery promptly plopped down.

"It was alright, thank you," Valery said with a polite smile. "I'm glad to be here."

Fashion ExtraOrdinaire


Stomme smiled, picking up a small device, clicking a button as the start of the recording began "Good, Good. So to start off, for the record, who are you, miss Noble? Tell us about yourself, your accolades, what you do for work, all that jatz."

The Gungan hoped that he could get Val to tell plenty of stories. It wasn't often you get an interview with the master of the jedi order.

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Wedding Ring

That was quite the question to ask.

Even without trying to brag, her life had been very eventful and she could talk for hours just about the things that happened before her time in stasis. That wouldn't really make for a good interview, though, so she opted for a summary instead. Something that gave people an idea of who she was, and offered Stomme a chance to ask more questions or go into a different direction with the interview.

"Thank you for having me, Mr. Stomme," Valery began with a kind smile. "I'm Jedi Master Valery Noble, originally born thousands of years ago during the days of the Old Republic. Much of my life back then was quite traditional — I was given up to the Jedi when I was an infant and gradually trained to become a Jedi Padawan, later a Knight and a Jedi Master. At an Enclave far away from Coruscant, I turned into a leader, and brought my Jedi to Onderon for a battle against the Sith Empire."

"That's where circumstances resulted in my time in stasis. I woke up around the start of the Second Great Hyperspace War, and ended up playing my part in ending it at the Battle of Exegol." The Wall of Light she had brought down on the planet was still fresh on her mind, and so was killing Kyrel Ren, but she wasn't going to detail anything unless asked.

"More personally, my greatest accomplishments are my husband and children. We have quite the warm family and I'm very fond of them," she said with a far warmer smile than before.

Fashion ExtraOrdinaire



"Quite ze story. Tell me about your family then, however much you are comfortable sharing. You have shown quite the example for ze rest of us all. The leader of our great order, as both a mother and a leader. It is nice to know the woman behind it all is capable of a form of stability, no?"

The gungan smiled, adjusting his overly large hat. "Ve all look up to you, to know you are still able to keep a decent head on your shoulders, that is commendable."

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Wedding Ring

Valery's smile became noticeably brighter when her family was mentioned, "My family gives me a lot of stability. When you come home after a long assignment and have a husband and children who look at you for the person that you are, rather than the blade you wield, you're pulled out of the Jedi mindset for a while. It helps me relax and gives me a lot of strength for when I go back to being a Jedi," she began while she thought about her family some more.

"Family can give a lot of purpose as well. I have children who need me and who aren't aware of what's happening in the Galaxy. When they look at me, they see their Mom, and all they want is my attention and to share their love for me, and feel the same in return. I've learned that it's something I need in life."

"It makes me feel complete."




Outfit: Wedding Ring

Valery nodded with a gentle smile, "You only really understand what it's like to have a kid when you're responsible for one. It gives you a lot of strength and purpose, but you also learn what it's like to be afraid to lose them. Or you'll understand the pain in your heart when they get hurt or feel scared or threatened. That pain often lives inside the people we help as Jedi, and for me, it has been much easier to connect with those I help because of it." The Jedi of old had no way to truly understand — they felt incredibly distant from people, even if they wanted to help.

All of that had changed now.

"So yes, it has changed a lot about my perspective as a Jedi. I'd almost say that I recommend parenthood to all Jedi, but it's not that easy. It's not for everybody, but there's no experience close to it if you do decide to be a parent."

Fashion ExtraOrdinaire


Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Stomme smiled, nodding. "Very insightful. Ve have never had the change for children, but ve think our readers will love to hear that zou are so caring in your own motherhood. Now! Ve must know, Mrs. Noble. How do you keep yourself fit? Surely, a jedi like yourself must have some interesting workout tips, no? Ze women of the GA look to you as d'eir inspiration, and keeping healthy is very important."



Outfit: Wedding Ring

"For starters, don't have triplets," Valery joked with a toothy grin, "But pregnancy aside, the most important thing is to listen to your body and treat it with respect. I follow a strict diet, but I have my cheat days, too. I train hard, but I also give my muscles time to rest and recover," Valery explained, knowing it was somewhat typical advice. If people wanted her exact routine, she could write an entire blog about it.

That's what the kids called it, right?

"Determination is important, too. I push myself beyond my limits constantly, until my body can take no more. You need the mental durability to do that, and also to know when to stop."

Fashion ExtraOrdinaire



"Wise words. Ve think the readers would like to know though, what of us normal folk? Ve know there are many who struggle with lacking the certain willpower of a jedi master. Do you have a routine that keeps you going, or is it something else? Drive like that can't be simple as wanting to put in ze work, no?"

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: Wedding Ring

Valery shook her head, "For most people, Jedi Master or not, it's important to set realistic goals that you work towards and actually reach. Work with someone at your local gym if you're not sure where to begin or set up a list of goals yourself. Write down where you're currently, where you want to go and work towards it in small increments." That way, reaching each small goal along the way would be encouraging, until the final goal was reached.

"You can also think about what body type you want to work towards. If it's for a specific sport or if you just want to be healthier and bui;d some muscle. We're all different and training to be a boxer is very different than being a bodybuilder."

Fashion ExtraOrdinaire



Stomme smiled. This was going well.

"Very wise, as to be expected from a jedi master." He smiled. "Now, if you don't mind, tell us Mrs Noble, what inspires you, fashion wise? Ve must know after all. It seems very rare ze public sees you in de traditional robes of ze jedi. De bodysuit you use, where did it come from? We've seen you in many dresses as well. Vhat are your preferences vhen you get to choose your outfits? Dere is a story behind every outfit, vhat is yours?"

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Wedding Ring

"I've never been one to wear traditional robes. Before my time in stasis, I had a different tunic as well and when I got out of stasis, I wanted something new that fit me as a person. I don't like overly loose-fitting clothes unless it's a dress, and I wanted it to portray strength and grace at the same time. The bodysuit does those things for me." It was quite an iconic image now, she knew, and it was still as comfortable as the day she got it.

"For dresses and casual clothes, I like to dress to impress my husband and make him look twice," Valery said with a smirk. She had said it somewhat jokingly, but there was definitely truth to it.

Especially with her Epicanthix-styled outfits.

"In all honesty, I'm not afraid to show off a little and present the woman I am. I have my limits, of course, but I train and work hard for the way I look, and I don't mind showing it. We all know how good it feels when you look in the mirror and are happy with your outfit, hair, and such, right? I'm no different."

Fashion ExtraOrdinaire



"Dere is something to be said about ze fact you are a woman. I am not one for politics, but vhat is your take on dis? Has it ever been a problem for you? Surely you have faced adversity, no? How does one handle such a situation as a jedi master?"

Stomme wasn't one to think too hard on that. Discrimination as a Gungan was one issue he had faced plenty of. People often assumed him of lower intelligence, but he was no fool. But what he was sure of, was that his guest would have some interesting thoughts on the matter. With the new ERA law, surely the master of the Jedi Order would have some stories to tell.

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Wedding Ring

"My gender hasn't mattered within the Jedi. I'm from the traditional past when all Jedi began as younglings, and we were all treated as equals at the Temple. Even now, it's not a type of discrimination that you'll encounter within the Jedi Order," Valery began to explain. But this was likely no surprise to people — the Jedi very visibly stood against these types of evil, but the Galaxy as a whole wasn't so kind.

It wasn't kinda to anybody.

"But I've been to parts of the Galaxy where that's different, and not just for women either. I've had people say inappropriate things or look at me in ways they shouldn't. It just doesn't get to me or bring me down, because I know who I am and what I can do with the skills I have." Valery smiled and reached up to tuck some hair behind her ear.

"I know it's a bigger and more daily fight for some people, but it hasn't held me back."

Fashion ExtraOrdinaire



"You are lucky, in many ways." Stomme figured. "Though, is that not what the jedi are for, no? To protect the innocent? Ve look up to you folk for guidance, many do not consider ze fact you are people as well. As ve said, ve do not bother with politics, but it is nice to know ze jedi are above such trivial things. Do you ever feel...privileged? To live in ze pretty temple, to have a nice name, a title that allows you to keep your reputation. Of course, you've earned it all, but...does it ever feel as if you didn't? Ve know that sort of thing is common in celebrities."

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Wedding Ring

"Most Jedi are above it," Valery clarified with a smile. Jedi were still people, so that meant they weren't perfect either. They would make mistakes and some would completely stray from their paths. But that wasn't something the Jedi as a whole could be blamed for, and the vast majority made a conscious effort to be good people.

It was crucial for their duties.

"I don't feel privileged for living in a Temple or having a title," Valery said rather calmly. "I feel privileged to be surrounded by good people who want to help make the Galaxy a better place. But it's no easy life," she said with an even tone of voice. "We expose ourselves to life-threatening scenarios constantly. We are willing to and have risked our lives to save others, and many of us carry scars to prove it." Valery herself had quite the scar across the left side of her face.

Though some scars were not physical.

"When we're at the Temple, it's our moment of peace away from the more terrifying things in the Galaxy."

Fashion ExtraOrdinaire



"And for vhat it is vorth, ve appreciate your efforts. Never let it be said dat ve are Rogue Magazine do not understand the trials one such as yourself go through, to keep people like us safe." Stomme offered a kind smile, nodding with his big hat. "Ve are all in your debt, Master Noble." With a toss of his back frill, as if it was a combed wig, he was back to his jovial mood. "That said! Surely, you must have some thrilling tales to tell, no? Vhat adventures has ze Great Sword of ze Jedi gone on?"

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Wedding Ring

"It's not an easy life and we face a lot of challenges to do what we do, but nobody is ever in our debt," Valery said with a warm smile. She never wanted anybody to feel like they owed the Jedi something for what they did. The Jedi weren't perfect and even though they risked their lives for others, there was never going to be an expectation to be rewarded. It kept the Jedi from giving in to greed, and kept them focused on following the will of the Force.

Moving on, though, Valery certainly had stories to tell.

"Well, too many to cover in one interview, but perhaps my encounters with Kyrel Ren — the Maw's Wrath— could be interesting. It began at the very beginning after I got out of stasis, and it ended when the Second Great Hyperspace War came to an end."


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