Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private An Introduction


Location: Bastion | High Council Chamber of the Diarchy
Tags: Rocho Rocho Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik

Reign moved up a spiral staircase, his mind wondering what the petitions of the day would hold. He eventually stopped at an embroidered door. The star of the Diarchy in the center of dark fine wood. Gold embroidery around carvings shaping what appeared to be the current story of the Diarchy. Above the symbol two men holding their sabers towards the sky emphasizing the brothers moving towards the stars.

Utilizing his credentials to unlock and open to door, Reign stepped into a wide open circular room. The High Council chamber, normally fitted with the chairs of the High Councillors had now only the two jet black thrones of the Diarch’s positioned behind a central circle made of fine marble from the childhood home of the Diarchs, and residence of the great Lord Kakus, an ever present reminder of the man that had set this path in motion.

He had beaten his brother here, which was a shock, Rellik usually stepped out from the shadows as soon as Reign entered the ornate room. No matter, taking his seat, his black clothing seeming to cause him to almost blend in to the stone of the throne, other than the golden accents which seemed to shimmer in even the dimmest light.

For now he would wait, there was one name on the docket today that had caught his eye. One Rocho Krul, he was not currently a citizen of the Diarchy but had sought them out nonetheless. Reign would be very interested in what he had to say.


Tags: Diarch Reign Diarch Reign Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik
The once trandoshan had been seeking a path since his transference from his death. Whatever his thoughts on being brought back by some sith in another body, he was back. And he had to decide what to do with that. There was a great deal of things still going on in debate in his mind, some of his skills, all of his power, and all his belongings, were still his. He still had the potential to regain a score in the eyes of the goddess. But in terms of direct combat, he was not what he once was. Until he could regain that, if it was possible at all. He needed to rely on alternatives, such as space combat. Where he was arguably at more of an advantage now. He wasn't any slower as a trandoshan than he was now, but with these extra fingers, however fleshy and weak they were by comparison, he could preform more tasks more quickly at the helm of a ship or in command of his compliment of droid fighters.

But that was not the primary reason he was here. Once, Rocho had served as an Imperial Knight in the Fel empire. They were probably more lax on their rules than what he imagined the Diarch's would expect, but that did not bother him. He was willing to relent some of his freedom for now for the sake of progression. He needed time to re-learn skills, put into practice new ones as well. And during that time, he wanted something to do. Working with the Diarchy seemed an appropriate choice. They were not the fanatics the sith were but were not going to lecture him over the usage of emotions in combat like the jedi may. Though he wasn't sure the jedi would necessarily disapprove of the specific emotions he used, they were not traditionally dark. But he did not prevent himself from using what they would call the dark side either.

No, he needed a steady route to take. And the Diarchy was that. He would provide them service as an experienced warrior, hunter, and his usage of his ships, they provided stability and a place to practice in his new form. He would enter once permitted, sensing things before he saw them. That ability at least was thoroughly intact, his ability to detect and identify individuals clearly was not as precise as the force sight of a miraluka, but it wasn't far from it in practical applications.

Rocho nodded his head, "Greetings, I am Rocho Krul. I believe my services could prove useful, and being in service could be useful to me. I'm afraid there's not titles for me to offer that would mean anything. But I have a trackable record of work, resources, and can present my current abilities to some degree. Though, lacking weapons, such a showing at this time would certainly be more limited." he explained pretty much getting right to the point. He had accepted that he couldn't come armed to the teeth as he often did, grenade launcher, battleaxe, shotguns, gauntlet, armor, prepared to go to proper war. Still, he felt it necessary to bring up he still could preform to some degree without them. Even as he was. He didn't know if they had done an evaluation prior or not, though being human now from what he was before may come up regardless.



The Co-head of state entered late. He had come in just in time to hear the statement from the man centered within the room. While Rellik was still at the door he announced his apology and bowed to both men. Presumably this would be a slight surprise sense he was the other head of state. "I apologize for my tardiness. Please forgive me Rocho Krul." He said the mans full name to show him he valued his presence and did not take any meeting with the Diarchs lightly.

He moved with both of his hands clasped behind his back towards his throne. "My apprentice has been up to some... interesting behavior that has taken up a lot of my capacity." He sat down and gathered some paperwork before him.

"I have looked over your current work via our intelligence agency and the record is very admirable. To be frank we appreciate the offer of recourses and abilities. In regards to the Diarchy, we would be grateful to have your services under our banner. If there are additional things you would like aid with, understand we are just as willing to share our recourses and power. I personally would love to see you in action."

He paused for a moment, reading over the papers one more time.

"If you do not mind, there is the issue of contradicting paperwork and we must assure the validity of who you are. It says here you were once a Trandoshan?"

The man came un-armed so there was no reason for either Diarch to be on edge. The two men were weapons of war on their own but together were a storm of power. Rellik appeared more just confused than malicious.

Tags: Rocho Rocho Diarch Reign Diarch Reign



Location: Bastion | High Council Chamber
Tags: Rocho Rocho Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik

The Diarch listened to the man at the center of the room intently, only cracking a soft smile when his brother entered late. He would remember to rib him about it later.

But for now, his attention was on the man they were to meet, as Rellik read from the dossier prepared by the Network, Reign nodded along. He had similar questions.

As Rellik asked the question that was on his own mind as well, Reign leaned forward, his fingers steepled and added.

“I had the same question, and while your track record and the way you have presented yourself before us is impeccable, I read in the report that Rocho had died. Can you please clarify this for me? Is there two of you or has someone pulled the wool over our Network?”

He said the last part with a light laugh, hoping to encourage the man that he was not under any suspicion, Reign was himself also just curious. He was no stranger to Sith magicks but wanted to be sure of his information.


Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik Diarch Reign Diarch Reign
The initial reactions were fairly good, so far. They at least seemed interested, as well as willing to provide their own aid. He nodded his head to Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik as he arrived and apologized. Next, of course, was the inconsistency of his being human. He let out a sigh pinching the bridge of his nose as he prepared to explain, "The records are correct, I was Trandoshan, and I did die." he began, "I won't weave some tale about preforming this myself, I underestimated the sith spirits number and power upon entering a temple. And they killed me. It was a sith, to my understanding, that brought me back, not my own power. However they put me into this flesh." he gestured with one hand at his overall form then hesitated, realizing the demeaning tone may be taken offensively by some, "A human body may work for you but it's hardly ideal compared to what I had before. It has not diminished my power in the force, experience, knowledge, or resources. Though I have to take more precautions when it comes to breaking it and put in more effort in melee combat. Though it's arguably better when it comes to piloting my ships."

He explained all this like it was an exhausting tale about how someone stole his favorite airspeeder. Partly because, while he did greatly feel disappointment in the situation, he was still alive. And while he strongly felt it was an overall downgrade, this body was younger than he was before. He had more years to regain points back. "As far as more clear verification, that is harder to show. Technically, a proficient wielder of the force and slicer probably could have gotten all of my equipment back as I did. So unless you had met me before, there's no way to prove I am who I say." He held up a hand, "Barring telepathic methods, but those are things I'd take caution with."

With that given, he waited to see what they'd say. He wasn't actually confident they'd believe it, but the alternative was he'd come in here lying, in which case, he'd either have to defend himself, simply leave, or prove he was still useful regardless.


Tags: Diarch Reign Diarch Reign Rocho Rocho

The two Diarchs listened to the mans tale. As the man regaled what had happened to him Rellik merely pondered if he would want to be put back into the body of a Trandoshin. Something he was sure he could do for the man if he truly wanted it. An interesting prospect that he would keep within his back pocket should the need arise. Furthermore the idea that another force user had done this to him led the Diarch to want to eventually meet the being if possible. Either to test his power against his own or to learn from him but alas it appears that Rocho does not know exactly who it was.

Rocho's introspection of his new body were seemingly accurate for someone in his position. It did line up with similar experiences throughout the galaxy and Relliks personal experience. The most important part to him is that Rocho had not lost any of his power. Whoever did the essence transfer was skilled indeed and chose a suitable host body.

"Barring telepathic methods, but those are things I'd take caution with."

Rellik resisted the urge to use Qâzoi Kyantuska to verify his words. It would take an absolute mad man to stand before the Diarchs and outright lie. If he did lie, his skills would be enough proof in the end.

Rellik did not need to turn to his brother and guage his thoughts. The two were in sync majority of the time. The Diarchs light sand colored eyes swirled with excitement.
"I believe you Rocho. In fact, I believe the Diarchy is a perfect place for you. I personally would love to see you in the field and work with you anytime. A man of your talents and reputation is not commonly seen in the galaxy. In turn, please seek me out. If you are to become a citizen of the Diarchy, your enemies are my enemies." The last sentence was stated with a slight evil/mischievous smile.


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