Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Invisible Man Sleeping In Your Bed [ATTN: Sorenn-Syrush]​


[member="Bareesh Kajidic"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

It was that time of the week when the local Sorenn-Syrush Industries manufacturing plant on Balmorra received its usual shipment of materials. A large speeder truck pulled up to the gates of the factory, coming to a stop at the designated security checkpoint. A beleaguered looking fellow in a security uniform stepped out of the pillbox, hot caf in one hand. He used his other arm to check his watch and noted the time - a little after six thirty in the morning. Sun was just coming up. The delivery folks were running late. Unbeknownst to him, this was because the delivery truck had been waylaid earlier so a small force of Syndicate thugs and Kajidic goons could abduct the original drivers and empty the truck of product. This way half of Force 32 and the Kajidic's men could fit in the back.

The other half of Force 32, 3203 "Blue" and 3204 "Green", were in the driver and passenger seat respectively when the security guard came up - an Pantoran and a Mirialan. Odd pair, but nothing to raise alarm over. Both were dressed like truck drivers for the delivery company this plant relied on, just a couple of jumpsuits with a logo on the right breast. Although something about them looked like the suits were ill-fitting, maybe too tight. Or maybe what they were wearing under it was too bulky. Whatever. These clowns were late and the guard didn't want to hold them up any longer than he had too.

"ID, please," he said to the Pantoran in the driver seat, hand outstretched.

"You got it," said 02, reaching down past the sidearm stowed between the seats to pick up his Helix Syndicate standard-issue, fabricated false identity. He passed the card off to the guard.

The picture matched up, so did the rest of the details. But the guard's features turned skeptical when he passed over the name. "Your name is... Federico... Fibonacci?"

04 closed his eyes, anticipating misadventure.

"Yeah," said 02. Matter of factly. Like this wasn't the stupidest name a person could have - although, really, it wasn't.

The guard did not look sufficiently convinced, but handed the ID back anyway and took a sip of his drink. "What kind of name is that?"

"It's Tapani."

He cocked his head to the side, then made a groundbreaking. "But you're a Pantoran."

"And? I'm Tapani too. Tapani-Pantoran. Look it up." Now 02 was getting offended, exactly like a Pantoran with a Tapani name would if his sacred his lineage were questioned. "You never heard of a Tapani-Pantoran?"

"No, as a matter of fact, I haven't." The guard pursed his lips. Don't say anything else, Glen, remember your karma, he thought to himself. "You, in the passenger seat. ID."

"Yeah, sure thing, boss."

04 opened his eyes and reached down as well, only he grabbed the sidearm, pointed it out the window, and fired. The bright blue stun beam caught Glen somewhere around his collarbone and sent him staggering, spasming backwards. 02 raised an arm to shield himself from the spray of caf that flew towards him, but it only splashed against the side of the speeder truck. By the time 02 lowered his arm, 04 had already pulled on his mask, hopped out the passenger door, and was running towards the pillbox to open up the gate.

Well, this was already going great. 02 reached for where he had it stowed and pulled his own mask on, calling out the window. "Why'd you shoot him already?"

"'Cause my ID says Pasquale Provolone," 04 called back. The gate began to rattle open and 04 jogged back in front of the car, hopping back into his seat and slamming the door.

"Yeah, that's fair," 02 decided, gunning the engine and pulling forward. One off-palette Tapani was one thing, but two? That was pushing it. Especially with the alliteration. "Who the hell printed these?"

04 snorted, "Someone out of a damn job when we get back, that's for sure."

They didn't have long to get themselves sorted now, not since they left the security guard twitching in a puddle of hot caf. The speeder truck swerved violently through the road encircling the facility before coming to a grinding halt in the loading bay designated for it.
The truck's rear doors slammed open and three guys wearing delivery jumpsuits hopped out. It might have looked normal, like a delivery crew in a rush, if all three of them had not been wearing full-face helmets and stood under 5'5".

The lead guy wore a chipped yellow helmet, with glowing green eyes. The other two stood just behind him. None of them said a word, but moved in unison thanks to the joys of cybernetic communication implants.

When the Kajidic needed a small team to inflict mass casualties in a semi-professional manner, they used Ganks. Specifically, they used Keeta and his pack of bloodthirsty contract killers. Gorba would have his majordomo slide a portfolio across the desk, Keeta would pick it up, and everyone and everything inside the portfolio would end up dead or destroyed. Keeta and his pack would take home the money, with the Hutt getting a hefty 10% finder's fee.

So when Gorba had Brutus give Keeta an envelope with details about the Sorenn-Syrush Industries Plant, he expected to see it on the holonews the next day, with a caption reading "mysterious accident at plant levels facility, kills a thousand," or something similarly obscene.

Keeta, in his yellow helmet, did not waste time. He pulled out an old-fashioned slugthrower, screwed on a silencer, and approached the delivery entrance with all the calm implacability a 5'3" contract killer could exude.

He turned back to the Helix operatives and gestured. "Fibonacci, Provolone, tight schedule. Let's go."

Behind him, the two other Ganks looked at each other, then started convulsing silently, hands clutching their stomachs.

[member="Helix Syndicate"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
Location: Sorenn-Syrush Industries Manufacturing Plant - Loading Bay 04
Objective: Lie, Cheat, Steal, Kill, etc.
Allies: [member="Bareesh Kajidic"]

Truck parked, 02 and 04 hopped out at once, 04 keeping watch over the delivery entrance into the building while 02 opened up the truck's back doors. The heavy doors rolled up, allowing a a squad of seven Shock Troopers out first. The Shock Troopers were no one special, just a small unit led by an Aqualish - Lieutenant Borbok. They would be picking up some of the slack while Force 32 and the Ganks attended to other matters. Speaking of which, 01 and 03 hopped out after them.

"I heard we shot someone already," 03 said, tossing 02 his rifle. 01 ignored him and went back toward the front to hand 04 his weapon.

"Yeah, 04 plugged a guy 'cause of our names. What's yours?"


"Man, you get all the luck," 02 said, checking the sights and then unzipping his jumpsuit. As it happened, he was wearing HSAS Stealth under it. The armor was standard issue for Force 32, even if they had customized it beyond recognition. "I'm here stuck with Fibonacci and 04's got Provolone. What about your last name?"

03 paused a moment, then realized, "Oh, you meant the fake names we got."

02 stepped out of his jumpsuit, "Did you just give me your real name?"

"Uh," said Kevin, "No."

"Both of you shut up, the Ganks are here," 01 came marching back over, 04 close behind him, now similarly de-jumpsuit'd and armed with a scary looking shotgun. "Lieutenant, get moving. Clear the manufacturing floor and plant the charges."

"Copy that," said Borbok - or the mechanical device that allowed him to speak basic did, anyway. By the time the Ganks had come over the Shock Troopers were already on the way out. The sounds of far-off small arms fire followed after that as the Shock Troopers cleared out anyone in the immediate way. To their credit, Keeta's Gank squad did not stop to fraternize with Force 32. They just kept on walking, leaving 04 and 02 to wonder how and when they had seen (or heard?) their stupid fake names.

"04, you're with me," 01 said, "We're tailing the Ganks down to the reactor level. 02 and 03, you're hitting the mainframe. Keep it moving, keep it quick."

With muttered agreement, Force 32 broke apart to pursue their designated objectives. Hilarity would doubtlessly ensue.
"What are you-"


The silenced slug entered the facility worker's forehead and exited out the rear of his skull in a red mist. Keeta lowered his pistol and continued moving through the hallways with the other two Ganks and Force 32. He only occasionally stopped to put a bullet into whoever stood in the way.

In short order, they arrived at the reactor level, where several engineers met a messy end. After eliminating them, Keeta started to pull out det charges from his satchel.

One. Two. Five. Eight.

He laid them out in a neat little row on the ground, then began attaching them to the reactor core.

"Hmm. Hmmm. Hmm. Hm. Hmmm. Hm. Hmmm."

[member="Helix Syndicate"]
Location: Sorenn-Syrush Industries Manufacturing Plant - Main Power Reactor
Objective: Lie, Cheat, Steal, Kill, etc.
Allies: [member="Bareesh Kajidic"]

"Sheesh, these guys are fast," 04 remarked as they moved briskly through the halls.

"They're Ganks," 01 replied tersely. "That's the point."

Generally speaking, 01 was never big on talking. The current situation did not weigh on his mood any better, given that he was effectively playing "follow the bread crumb trail" with a pack of Ganks. Only the bread crumbs were hapless factory workers with their brains and blood splattered all over the place. They were shooting everyone they happened to run into. Not something Force 32 generally concerned itself with - conservation of ammunition and all that.

The facility's security teams probably were still trying to mobilize and figure out what was going on. "Hold up," 01 ordered once they reached the reactor level. Only a couple flights of stairs, several more hallways and catwalks, and then like twenty dead mooks later. This was already shaping up to be one of the more hardcore raids Force 32 had been involved in. "Watch the entrance."

SS Industries security personnel were not going to have a hard time figuring out where they were going thanks to the Ganks. So while their cyborg counterparts scurried about planting charges, 01 and 04 covered the exit. Sure enough, eventually the people with guns showed up. One could only wonder how many casualties they could bear to sustain before fleeing like most people often did. "Hostiles incoming."

"Keep them back."

01 put a three round burst into the leader's chest, prompting the rest of the security guards to scramble for cover. Maybe this time someone would return fire.
Keeta finished laying out the det charges just in time for the plant's security team to arrive. The Jester looked to one of his Gank packmates who went by Smile and sent his thoughts directly to the killer via his implant.

"Smile, set the charges. I will deal with the team."

Smile sent back the impression of a smile.


Keeta pulled out a second slugthrower, which he held in his left hand, then, still wearing his jumpsuit, he started sprinting for the hallway occupied by the security team. A thought impulse activated the retinal trackers in his eyeballs and red reticles appeared around the hostiles in his field of vision. Synthetic epinephrine flooded his blood stream from his adrenal pump. Running at full tilt, he suddenly leaped diagonally into the wall, hit it with his right foot, and kicked off.

Cybernetic implants in his nervous system quickened his reaction time and as he hung, mid-air, he started firing.

Packets of plasma and bullets turned the hallway into a storm of molten death. Keeta became a blur, leaping, rolling, firing, and spinning through the hallway like a dancer at the ballet.

At the opposite end of the hallway, he stopped. In his wake lay a string of dead security guards, blood leaking from the holes in their bodies. Most had holes right between the eyes.

Keeta looked directly at Provolone and twirled his pistols with a flourish.

[member="Helix Syndicate"]

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