Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private An Invitation [Jackal]

The ship was unassuming, its sole passenger even more so.

A Rodian, draped in non-descript garb, exiting the boarding ramp and exited the spaceport and began to walk down one of the many mud-clogged streets of Jiguuna. With laser-focused purpose, they quickly moved through the streets and beyond the outer wall of the settlement. Swampland and bog stretched for many miles in all directions, with only a few maintained paths connecting the disparate encampments and larger cities together. Most travel was done by speeder, but the Rodian's instructions forbade it from commandeering any form of transportation.

So it walked, through the sludge and grime, until it disappeared from view into the swamp. It traveled like this for many hours, neither pausing or slowing. It overcame whatever obstacle was placed in its path, circumventing fallen trees and impassable quagmires. Their journey lasted well into the night, darkness falling upon the swamps they traversed. The blackness of night did not impede their journey any more than the environment in which they traveled did, the Rodian's unblinking eyes staring forward without deviation.

This was their of state of being until they have reached their destination, a home isolated from the rest of Nal Hutta in the very heart of the swamplands. They walked towards the entrance, stopped several meters away, and then remained completely still. It was then that the Rodian's body began to shimmer, pixelating as the holoflage shroud dematerialized from around their body. In the Rodian's place stood a lithe metal body, a pair of bright red photoreceptors glaring out from beneath a pithed cranial chassis. Servos whined as the body readjusted, growing slightly taller, but otherwise the droid remained stationary.

At that moment, the droid began to play an audio track incapable of being detected by most creatures. However, this audio was set at a frequency that would illicit a response from the inhabitant of the lonesome hovel, one that the droid had specifically been sent to treat with.

The sound would only cease once the individual revealed themselves.




Equipment | In Bio
Location | Near Home
Tag | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Focus and study, her recent efforts into understanding the manipulation of death had lead the Sangir to discover how to make a Husk, along with how to amplify the thing to turn it into a far more potent servant. Such a test subject had been strapped to a table, undergoing all sorts of tests and theories of its master and creator. A bolt there.. Some plate there, and a wire around thisssss...


Sadly for Jackal, the idea of a tesla Husk would have to be put on hold as this one just burnt up thanks to faulty wiring. And now to make things worse, her ears picked up some annoying sound that kept pinging in her ears like a swamp bug. Suited up and pistol in hand, the droid could hear off in the distance as a door was kicked down, Jackal growls while stomping off to investigate what was making the sound. Soon finding a droid just sitting there, she raises her gun at it with a frustrated expression.


She asks, baring fangs at the droid, calming down a little as the sound stopped.

"This about a job or something? I swear I have no idea how you people even find me out here anymore, I would have figured that giant snakes or slugs would ward people off.."

Jackal rolls her eyes, lowering her blaster a bit.



The droid adjusted the position of its head, looking down at the smaller organic with its pierce red photoreceptors. In the span of half a breath it conducted a preliminary analysis, advanced sensors sweeping over the organic's body that determined the individual presented before it was the one that it had been sent to find. Scanners indicated with a confidence of 95% (far within acceptable parameters) that the organic was, in fact, the individual catalogued as 'Jackal'.

This confirmation met the criteria that would allow the droid to shift into the second phase of its mission. With a whirring of gears and servo-motors, the droid suddenly began to elongated vertically as both arms and legs began to lengthen by a considerable amount. The torso distended as new metal plating clanked into place to compensate for the sudden stretching of synthetic internal systems. When the droid had finished, it now stood somewhere north of two and a half meters.

Light danced over the metallic exoskeleton, pixelated colors appearing before coalescing into a static image. What now stood before Jackal was the image of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Carnifex, in an almost lifelike quality. This simulacrum of the Tyrant looked down upon the smaller woman, like a predator sizing up its prey before it pounced. Fortunately for Jackal, the Dark Lord, even in this holographic form, desired no violence to be imposed upon her.

"Jackal the Sangnir," rumbled the slightly mechanic voice of the Dark Lord, which even across this vast distance carried the weight of His inexorable will. "Many have spoken of your actions and your accomplishments. I have ascertained that these stories carry with them some semblance of truth. I've send my emissary to treat with you, and to offer you an opportunity that few rarely receive. Should you accept, then you will receive riches beyond all that you can comprehend. Reject my proposal, and you shall not receive it again."

The image of the Dark Lord took two steps forward, the droid's servo-motors audible beneath the holoflage. "I am in need of capable hunters, ones that do not flinch away from the hardest of tasks. I have determined that you might stand amongst this number. What say you, Jackal the Sangnir?"




Equipment | In Bio
Location | Near Home
Tag | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Her inhuman eyes focus as the image of the dark lord appeared, this instantly captured the interest of the hunter.. Sith always paid well, and it wasn't like any Jedi had even offered her a job yet. Her blaster is quickly put away since there is no danger present, crossing her arms as she stares up at the projection of the man.

At first she had figured this to be another person who had just so happened to need a no name hunter to get some simple hunt done... Yet, her eyes widen a bit as he explained that at least among the Sith she was already starting to get her name out there. The attention was for sure something she craved, how would one become the best if not a soul knew of you? And considering her love for riches, the offer of untold amounts almost sounded too good to be true, but she just had to take a bite and see what happened next.

"Apologizes for my prior anger, dealing with failed experiments tends to get one a little upset to say the least... Now as for this offer, you had me at the word riches. What sort of job are you wanting done? A hit? Regular hunt? Smuggling job? Whatever it is I don't care, though I must say that high risk jobs do require more credits or something of high value."

Jackal snickers, perhaps now that her name was out there she could get a better home? More space would be nice at least..

"Might I also ask how it is you found me? Normally people have trouble even knowing what planet I hide at, and what was that sound I heard?"



"There will be many things that I will ask of you when the opportunity arises, reserved for those with an unwavering fortitude and a will to take any action. Know that my patience is quite vast, but not endless. Success will be rewarded generously, failure will not." They were very concise terms, easily understood and without obfuscation. Perform well and the Dark Lord would reward those who served Him with the aforementioned unfathomable riches, but fail Him repeatedly and He would not be merciful; a threat that went without elaboration but was undoubtedly quite clear.

The image of the Dark Lord seemed to pause in thought, considering the last question that Jackal had placed before Him. "I have many eyes across the galaxy, many ears as well. There is very little that happens within the galaxy that escapes my notice, least of all a lone Sangnir on Nal Hutta. The sound that drew you out was one that I had created to specifically affect Sangnir, as you are not the first of your kind that I have encountered."

Taking one more step forward, the droid extended an arm towards Jackal. There was a mechanical whir, and a compartment built into the droid's palm opened as a small box was gently ejected out into its grasp. Holding the box aloft, the image of the Dark Lord elaborated. "This here is but a fraction of a fraction of the wealth that I would bestow upon you in my service. Consider it an incentive, one that will be followed by a greater one after we have met in person; face-to-face. My emissary carries with it the coordinates for our meeting." A small card popped out as well, one designed to be slotted into a ship's navicomputer.

Jackal would find a solid brick of aurodium inside the box, a metal rarer and more valuable than gold. Less than a tenth of what Jackal now had in her possession was worth several tens of thousands of credits, and she had an entire smelted brick given away to her as an incentive.

"Take your time considering whether or not to come meet with me, Jackal the Sangnir. I will be waiting, but not forever."

Then the image of the Dark Lord disappeared, and only the droid was left.




Equipment | In Bio
Location | Near Home
Tag | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

His terms were easy enough to understand, same as any other Sith it would seem so far... Yada yada, don't fail, bla bla, do my work. Of course, to Jackal this all made enough sense.. Why pay someone if they sucked at their job eh? And so even with the risks included, she gives the projection a simple nod.

"Easy enough terms to understand, and I will gladly agree with them. Suppose my name hasn't got out there for no reason now has it? Never would have guessed that you would have eyes and ears even here in Hutt space, but then again I have seen your kind making deals with the Hutts many times before.."

Continuing on with agreeing with his deal, Jackal takes the box in hand, simply expecting some credits to be within it as per the usual, once opened however her inhuman eyes quickly widen at the sight... Was this... Did he just give... WHAT?!

Jackal audibly coughs a bit as she panics a bit, this was indeed real... And this Sith lord was not messing around when it came to promises of vast wealth.

"Y-Ya.. I will be sure to pay you a visit then! Just need to pack some things and I will meet you at the prefered location.. uhh.. Sir."

Still completely awestruck, she takes the chip gently and places it in a safe pocket. Just with this brick alone she could buy an actual house, and if this guy had more to just toss around... She could be set for life!



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