Eternal Father
The ship was unassuming, its sole passenger even more so.
A Rodian, draped in non-descript garb, exiting the boarding ramp and exited the spaceport and began to walk down one of the many mud-clogged streets of Jiguuna. With laser-focused purpose, they quickly moved through the streets and beyond the outer wall of the settlement. Swampland and bog stretched for many miles in all directions, with only a few maintained paths connecting the disparate encampments and larger cities together. Most travel was done by speeder, but the Rodian's instructions forbade it from commandeering any form of transportation.
So it walked, through the sludge and grime, until it disappeared from view into the swamp. It traveled like this for many hours, neither pausing or slowing. It overcame whatever obstacle was placed in its path, circumventing fallen trees and impassable quagmires. Their journey lasted well into the night, darkness falling upon the swamps they traversed. The blackness of night did not impede their journey any more than the environment in which they traveled did, the Rodian's unblinking eyes staring forward without deviation.
This was their of state of being until they have reached their destination, a home isolated from the rest of Nal Hutta in the very heart of the swamplands. They walked towards the entrance, stopped several meters away, and then remained completely still. It was then that the Rodian's body began to shimmer, pixelating as the holoflage shroud dematerialized from around their body. In the Rodian's place stood a lithe metal body, a pair of bright red photoreceptors glaring out from beneath a pithed cranial chassis. Servos whined as the body readjusted, growing slightly taller, but otherwise the droid remained stationary.
At that moment, the droid began to play an audio track incapable of being detected by most creatures. However, this audio was set at a frequency that would illicit a response from the inhabitant of the lonesome hovel, one that the droid had specifically been sent to treat with.
The sound would only cease once the individual revealed themselves.