I'm Sexy and I Know It
Nickel One
Roche Asteroids
The current events of the day had set many, many wheels turning. Bridges were burned and storm clouds loomed over the Republic as it spiraled out of control, changing from a bastion of democracy to a fascist government seemingly overnight. Entire corporations were to be nationalized, their assets taken to be used by this new Socialist form of the Republic. Many had lost millions of credits of materials, but some companies had decided to fight back.
For Popo, the decision had been easy. Tenloss had produced weapons of war for generations, specializing in some of the most lethal firepower in the galaxy. The corporation sported entire units of private troops, organized into units and supplied with some of the best weapons and material that Tenloss could afford. Anyone attempting to mess with or force back Tenloss would pay a high price even trying to succeed. The problem was, Tenloss was only a corporation and as much as any Tenloss Corporate Soldier could and would outclass the best soldiers of any major faction in the galaxy, there were only so many he could spare. Popo had quality, but the major factions had quantity and quantity had a quality all of its own.
Fortunately, Tenloss' current plight was shared with many other organizations, other corporations with operations inside of Republic territory equally as targeted as Tenloss. Tenloss couldn't hold it's own against the Republic war machine forever, but banding together and standing with other corporations could mean the difference between losing assets and forcing the Republic to come to the table.
Popo had called a few individuals, ones he knew supported the corporate side of things; specifically ones with a stake in the Roche asteroids.
[member="Darell Irani"] and his assistant, [member="Leena Mai"], of Saiba and [member="Captain Larraq"] of Mandal Hypernautics. Individually, none truly had the power to withstand a dedicated Republic assault, even Mandal Hypernautics would eventually fall despite their complete and total superiority over most anything the Republic could field. But together, banding as one and allying with the Verpine that lived in the asteroid belts, they could feasibly hold out and possibly even emerge victorious against any enemy incursion.
As the shuttle carrying Popo docked with Nickel One, the main Verpine base in the Roche asteroid fields, he double checked his chronometer. It was almost time to meet with the Verpine heads of government here in the fields. He hoped the others would be able to make the appointment.