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Private An Offical Summons




Brehg Sha Brehg Sha
The Planet of Enarc was a major tradeworld located at the confluence of several hyperlanes that connected Mid Rim worlds between the Hydian Way and the Corellian Run. Although it was merely a footnote in the myriad of strongholds and corporate planets underneath the vast expanse of the Trade Federation, Its rather geographic isolation from the rest of the organization was extensively recorded and documented. Which ultimately brought it to the attention of the Commanding Viceroy Rulonom Laborr as several shipments of cargo bound for the Coruscant reconstruction efforts had mysteriously been redirected to other systems without consulting the Board for approval.

This situation raised serious concerns among the upper brass of the Trade Federation, leading to a thorough investigation into the matter. Laborr was particularly troubled by the apparent lack of communication and transparency in the decision-making process, as it went against the long-held established protocols and procedures established by Director Gat Tambor.

Consequently, the Customs-Vizier Brehg Sha Brehg Sha , who is responsible for overseeing the sector, was formally summoned to provide an explanation for the transpired incidents and outline the measures they intend to implement in order to avert any future occurrences.

On the World of Skako - Office of the Commanding Viceroy

"AWEREEOROROROROR..Customs-Vizer Brehg, the Trade Federation has taken notice of several shipments and parcels bound for the Coruscant Reconstruction Program being redistributed to Sith Order based provinces and planets. This irresponsible diversion of resources is concerning as it could potentially hinder the progress of the reconstruction efforts on Coruscant, which is crucial for the economic stability and prosperity of the entire galaxy. "

The Skakoan elucidated with a stern demeanor, fine-tuning the pressure suit components while the mechanisms emitted a hissing and squealing sound from within. The revitalization of Coruscant was simply another undertaking in the Trade Federation's remarkable portfolio, yet it held utmost importance in reinstating the Galactic Economy to its projected trajectory, thereby averting any additional depreciation of the Trade Federation Standardized Credit or the Outer Rim Duggot they had recently been pushing as an alternative to the Galactic Standard Credit within the Outer Rim regions.

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Customs Vizier of Enarc
On some level, Sha always knew that she was going to get dragged before the Board someday, she just assumed it would be for something she did, not because some e chu ta under her command decided to do something foolish. Despite her libertine lifestyle and laissez faire approach to cargo regulations, Sha ran a tight ship on Enarc, in part because as long as she made sure the books were clean and well organized, no one would bother to check for all the little things she slipped in from time to time.

Which made the fact that someone had been diverting shipments away from the reconstruction of Coruscant and toward Sith Order space all the more frustrating. Now, Sha couldn't personally check every flight clearance and redirection in her sector, but even she had noticed when the shipments bound for Alliance space started being rerouted en masse. Although the most troubling part was why she didn't notice sooner, someone was using official clearance to confirm changes in shipping routes and schedules behind her back.

Now, admittedly, Sha had opted to keep this development a secret at first, she didn't want someone with honest intentions snooping around her sector post. But now it seemed she was being hoist on her own petard, as her delay in reporting had turned into a direct meeting with Viceroy Laborr to discuss her operations. She gathered every scrap of evidence she had gathered that showed this was not her (deliberate) fiasco, dressed as conservatively as she could for the meeting, and presented herself as promptly as possible. She knew Viceroy Laborr did not like to be kept waiting.

"Viceroy Laborr, my deepest apologies for not bringing this matter to your attention sooner. I understand the importance of the reconstruction effort on Coruscant, and the important part supplies shipped through my sector play in those operations. But I believe this is not a mere redirection of materials, I believe someone is using my sector to support the Sith at the expense of the Alliance, someone with clearance. I have been gathering evidence to support conclusion, and my delay in reporting has been in service to providing a more accurate and thorough report on the situation."

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr




Brehg Sha Brehg Sha
The Skakoan fixed a penetrating stare on the Neimoidian Customs-Vizier as she entered the room, quickly providing a multitude of explanations for why the diversion of key resources for the Coruscant Reconstruction Effort had occured under her watch, Naturally, the preferred course of action was to shift the blame onto another individual for one's own shortcomings, with the hope that the superior would readily accept this scapegoating tactic and move on without another word being exchanged.

The Sith Order, being a significant collaborator of the Trade Federation, possessed their own distinct shipping numbers and trade ports. Therefore, the movement of an Alliance Shipment to the Sith Order was viewed with great suspicion as it could have only occured under the watch of the Customs-Vizier of Enarc, who controlled the ins and out of trade within that region.

The sudden shifts in the flow of goods could disrupt the Trade Federation's standing amongst the Federal Assembly and the Galactic Alliance, leading to potential economic repercussions which was unacceptable to the Executive Board.

"AWERORORORORO.. I have not called you here to accuse unidentified individuals nor explain away the problem, but rather, in your role as the Trade Federation overseer of the Enarc Region, it is your exclusive duty to stay informed about trade and shipping taking place in the region. Neglecting to establish an effective intelligence network indicates a deficiency in skills and determination to effectively maintain control over the sector, which is why I am on the verge of proposing a new leader."

Viceroy Laborr elucidated his intention to refrain from attributing blame to unidentified operatives within the Enarc Region, instead wanting to shift the discussion towards the possiblity of picking a new overseer, one more able to control the region more effectively.

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Customs Vizier of Enarc
Viceroy Laborr never pulled punches, Sha had to respect him for that, even if she was the one getting punched. The sting of the realization that a replacement was already on the table made her nervous, but she still had more than enough wits to realize that if the Viceroy was planning on booting her from Enarc he would have done it already. There must be a chance, even a small one, to ensure she was not replaced.

"I appreciate the importance of my position, and have taken steps to ensure that no further course alterations can take place. There have been no unauthorized redirections since I began my investigation and tighten sector security. I've also ensured priority status for shipments to replace the redirected materials."
She hadn't been sitting on her hands during this incident, she'd taken steps to mitigate future losses, and they were succeeding.

"As for the problem at hand, I fear a new Customs-Vizier will not solve the issue. While I do not have a name, I do have confirmation that someone, either with high level credentials or access to them, has been making the redirections. A changing of overseer will mean either a changing of policy and investigation, no guarantee of success in maintaining control, or simply picking up where I have left off after a transitional delay." Sha knew, at the end of the day, the primary concern of the Federation would be ensuring a stable and profitable galactic market. If she got in the way of that the Viceroy wouldn't hesitate to replace her, but if she showed she could work in favor of those goals she would be secure.

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr




Brehg Sha Brehg Sha

Viceroy Laborr had not demoted the Neimoidian from the position of Customs-Vizier of the Enarc Region, because of the internal challenges posed by the vast structure of the Federation. They were a complex network of a dozen or more companies, each with its own set of influential figures driven by personal gain rather than the collective success of the organization. Such a dynamic made it imperative to maintain stability within the region and prevent any further disruptions.

As a result, the decision was made to withhold any opportunities for advancement, ultimately saving Brehg from further scrutiny and potential downfall. He understood the delicate balance of power both external and internal and the need to navigate the intricate web of corporate politics to ensure the continued domiance of the organization moving into 903 ABY and the start of the Core War between the Imperials and the Alliance.

It is accurate to acknowledge that appointing a new Customs-Vizier will not resolve the current issue. While improvements have been made to prevent further key shipments from being diverted into Sith Space, these actions were taken belatedly. Nevertheless, there remains a significant chance for you to correct this error by identifying and addressing the responsible individual within your organization promptly. By doing so, you can ensure that no additional losses occur under your supervision. Act swiftly and decisively to rectify the situation."

The Skakoan provided an explanation, acknowledging that the appointment of a New Vizier would create complications in the region and hinder the ongoing investigation. However, Sha was not completely out of danger yet. She still needed to locate the person within her organization and terminate their activities before any additional losses were reported to the Board of Directors.

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Customs Vizier of Enarc
Sha was quite relieved to discover that she wouldn't be leaving Enarc with a box from her former office, but she also knew this stay of career-execution wasn't out of the kindness of the Viceroy's heart. She would need to find the source of this disruption in shipping, and fast. Her investigation had already narrowed the field of suspects considerably, but she may need to look for outside help to completely close the net. She had been monitoring all new hires, transfers, retirements, and disappearances in her sector ever since becoming aware of the issue, and while the pool was narrowing she hadn't found her target yet. There were good odds whoever was behind this was tapping Federation communications, and may even know about this private meeting.

"An investigation is already underway and I am narrowing the suspect pool as we speak, Viceroy Laborr. You and the board may rest assured that those responsible will be dealt with and no further losses will be incurred." Words were cheap, Sha knew that better than most, but at the moment she couldn't offer much more besides a large pile of evidnce for who wasn't responsible for this fiasco.

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr




Brehg Sha Brehg Sha

"I hope so, Customs-Vizier. For your sake." The Skakoan's armored googles narrowed as the Neimoidian reassured the Viceroy that the investigation would successfully locate and eliminate the suspect involved in the shipping disaster. If the responsible individual for the shipping incident was not found, she would face a rather displeased audience, as the Sith Order constantly required subjects for sithspawn experimentation.

Laborr flipped over the first page of the document, revealing a black folder that had been discreetly placed on the table from beneath the Viceroy's desk. The folder contained a comprehensive list detailing everything within the Enarc Region, along with its monthly data. It was evident that profits within the region were disappointingly low in comparison to their core holdings.

This was to be expected, considering the region's isolation from the rest of the transportation network. However, it was clear that those who failed to contribute significantly to the Federation would be disregarded and left behind.

"Apprise me, esteemed Customs-Vizier, of the measures you have taken to augment the financial gains within your jurisdiction. I want an extensive report on the region, including any external agreements you have made. There are many who would take advantage of the Trade Federation and offer nothing in return." Laborr desired a comprehensive report of the system to ensure it was pulling its weight.

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