Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The high pitched whine of the speeders engine roared in the ears of the Tusken duo. Such a new sound for the two. Mere days ago they had acquired their new ride in a raid on a moisture farm. They rode Banthas since they were children. Now they ride their new steed, and where they went, Hell followed.

Settling below the horizon the twin suns were fading. The night chill beginning to arrive. A young boy, Arwen was his name, toiled away on a vaporator unit. Could have only been 10 years old. On the moisture farms, even the children worked. Those units needed constant maintenance. The boy kept at his chore until his ears picked up the faint but growing noise of the speeder bike. Curiosity got the better of him. Looking up he scanned for the vehicle with a hand raised to block out the brighter of the suns. Only took a few seconds but he made out the dust being kicked up. What and whoever it was, was making a straight line towards him. Odd the boy thought. Not deeply enough to note they were coming from the opposite direction of town. Nor that his father hadn't mentioned any visitors coming. Sure were in a hurry though. The boy dropped his hand down. And the unmistakable sillouette of a Gadderfii Stick became vistable in the light.

Arwen's tool bag dropped to the sand. A full sprint for the farmhouse. The roar of the speeder grew. The terrible warcry of the Tuskens. And an unusual sound. Arwen turned his head back. All his senses told him not to. But he did. It was that Gadderfii Stick being dragged over the sand.

They were upon him.

The Tusken swung.


"It's a hit. Ackwenno makes a line drive down left field! Yesh runs it in. That that's the Phase folks. Castel 6, Breentaal 5. I tell ya folks that was a real pressure cooker of a game..." - Holoscreen

The Holosreen was muted. Rex had aquirred the remote for it from under servers nose. She was in a cantina for a late breakfast in Mos Eisley. The town still was that beloved hive of scum and villany that no self respecting person should visit.. But there was business at hand. And the place made a very good Tibidon steak.

"Hey I was listenin' to that, cat." the server angerly spoke.

Quick to bite back, "You were. Games over though. And I need a refill on my Caf." Rex pointed her steak knife at the empty cup. "Pitter patter, lets get at 'er bud."

The server didn't push any further. Rex wasn't the kind of person others were likely to push around. And definitely not one to take it. He turned about to pour her another cup. Now then, with the noise reduced she could pick up more on the conversations of the few other patrrons. No good news to be heard around here. Lotta Tusken talk going on. Some moisture farm got raided and burned last night. Facts were already out though that they'd been on the warpath for a month. Not that the thousands of years of hostility had ever stopped, but the brew up lately was getting really bad. Lots of rumors why. No answers though. The rumors were why she was here though. A spacer Rex talked to two weeks ago on Ryloth had said that despite the hundred or so people killed, there wasn't a Tusken among that number. One survivor even stated to her that he shot one in the chest with his blaster rifle, barely even slowed him down. That got her suspicions up. You don't take a blaster bolt without good protection. And it's not like the Mando's left Beskar layingt around this planet when they left. Rex wanted her suspicions put to rest.
The men had sat around a table, in one of the alcoves far from the cantina, between them and it was a sizable crowd of people.


Despite all the light, noise and chatter, the atmosphere around them was considerably darker than their environment, only the Rodian held any optimism as the other three seemingly stared, eyes barely moving, focused and speaking one at a time. They weren't the usual patrons, but they stuck to their seats as if possessed by some melancholic feeling, unable to leave. Like they were afraid.

"-Which is why when I went out there, I always carry a blaster. Slugthrowers even. I don't care which, I save the last of the ammo for me." The man finished talking, going for a drink from his mug. The other three quietly exchanged glances, the echoing chatter behind them was all that could be heard for a brief while.

"I've never seen a Tusken get that riled up, to the point burning down a whole farm and slaughtering that many. I've shot at a bantha once before, y'know, owned by them. Didn't kill it, but they saw, shot back, I ran. Never got pursued farther than their legs could take them." As the table remained quiet, Henri continued "Something or someone riled them up, that or maybe they know of how crazy things are getting around the galaxy and just wanna take advantage of the chaos."

The hooded one scoffed "You haven't lived a day here. You didn't run, they let you leave, Tusken don't go far from their prized animals. Reality is, this planet is finally done for, didn't produce a single good thing in its whole existence and is gonna get burned to the ground just like how Coruscant is once the Sith get their hands on it. We're all dead."

"I don't think we're all dead."
The Rodian replied, innocently

"Yeah and with that I'm gonna get another drink. If I don't come back, I'll see you back at the spaceport, hopefully no one stole my ship in the meantime." Henri took one more drink from his glass and then put on his hat, placed his hands on the table and pushed himself to his feet and going back towards the center of the cantina, the cacophony of chatter causing him to groan in annoyance. Even on a place like Tatooine, things simply felt too crowded for him.
The Caf was a little too hot still as she took a sip from her mug. Quickly rolling it around her tongue to dissipate the heat over more surface. Rex swallowed and followed it up with a sharp breath to douse the fire. A man, a human man, walked up to the bar on her right. Rex had been listening in on him and his friends conversation. With most of them being rather sour of the situation Tatooine faced. "Hey hot shot. You should be shooting the Tusken, not the Banthas. They got bounties out on them from all the trouble they're causing." Rex set her mug down with a clink of ceramic. She then gave him a light smile and and up and down look. Whether he cared about her eavesdropping on their conversation wasn't plainly evident on his look. Maybe he was just the stoic type?

Henri Van Baker Henri Van Baker
He paused, taking a slow look over what he could only define as an incredibly large cat that had spoken. Or, whatever exactly a Togorian is.


He remained very, very quiet, eyes a little wider than normal- though not in any horrified fashion -simply holding in place. For a moment it seemed like he would never respond, too tense to even say a word. The idea of even buying a drink as he intended to had been completely forgotten, whoever was at the counter having simply walked by. After a minute of silence, he finally opened his mouth, in a blunt tone as well as seemingly baffled, or possibly distracted. "You... are, massive."

He then rapidly shook his head, returning to a more normal state of mind, quick to correct himself "I uh- I MEAN, I don't shoot anything sapient- I don't shoot at people. I'm just a hunter, y'know, of animals."

Is'ekapi Rex Is'ekapi Rex
"Good thing that I'm sapient then. Else you'd surely hunt me like a massive beast then." Rex raised her hand to brush her bangs over to the other side of her face. She was one to play with pray she wasn't going to eat. Always the flirt. She took in a deep breath and let it out at the same slow rate.

"Too bad though you're not that kind of hunter though. There's something the Tusken likely have that I want. Tracking them through the deserts and wastes though is a Males job. I'm not versed in such ways ya know. Perhaps though, you'd be willing to take such work? You wouldn't have to kill any of them. And I'll pay well." She really wasn't lying about the tracking. In her species, the sexes were split. With the males living a nomadic life as hunters. While the females raised the young in settlements, conducted business and trade. Ran the whole show of their society basically. Though her father had taught her some things. It was many years ago. Skills she never put to practice. This man being a hunter, thus should be able to track anything, man or beast. Rex didn't doubt his stated profession. He just needed to persuade him, with credits preferable. But if needs be she could try another trick.

Henri Van Baker Henri Van Baker
"Ah-ahaha, y-yeah, right..." He nearly flinched as she moved her hand- even as something as innocent as moving her hair -the sheer size of Is'ekapi was enough to make him nervous, especially the thought of hunting something that large. No matter how good she looked, he couldn't shake the feeling she had killed before. Or was well within the capacity of harming anyone or anything easily, hence maintaining a respectful stare right by keeping his eyes upward.

"Leave. Leaveleaveleaveleave." Was one half of his brain, sweating, fearful, the idea of trusting her would have been a far-gone idea, but, then the other half of his thoughts... "The money, I really, REALLY need the credits."

He'd glance around, pupils darting left and right before looking right back at the Togorian. "Well, if you're offering money I can't resist, should be easy given how few people travel out in the desert anyway. I just, uh... don't fight, at all. I can definitely get you wherever you need to go, just hope you can handle the desert is all, the heat can be unbearable."

Is'ekapi Rex Is'ekapi Rex
"Excellent then. I'm not too worried for the heat. We'll manage and provision accordingly. Anyways. The pay is 725 credits a day, with a 25 credit meal stipend. Since you arn't willing to fight I won't be offering any combat bonus. Travel expenses will be covered by me. If what I'm looking in to turns out then there will be a bonus payout. Undisclosed amount to be determined latter, but I assure you it would be a decent chunk of change." Producing a tablet to Henri to inspect. Terms disclosed were on the contract. "Now then, if you'll read and sign this Mr..." She was embarrassed she'd never given a proper introduction. A good thing her facial cues were hard to read. "I didn't ask your name did I? Nor give mine. The name is Is'ekapi Rex. You may call me the latter please. I prefer it."

Henri Van Baker Henri Van Baker
Quick to grab the tablet, he was halfway done reading it before briefly glancing, then finally looking up "O-oh? Oh! Right, right, my name is Henri, uh, Henri Van Baker. Good to meet you, Rex." Hastily reading through the rest of the contract, he'd sign whatever had to be signed and accept whatever have to be accepted, then spun the tablet around and handed it back to her. "A twenty-five credit meal stipend is better than any combat bonus! You're willing to pay a bit for all this, so, I can promise to track down whatever you want... and hope you find whatever you're looking for. I just hope that isn't too many Tusken."

"I just need to collect my gear from my ship, then we can get to work. Whenever you're ready of course."

Is'ekapi Rex Is'ekapi Rex
The tablet back in her hands, and a cursory inspection to check if he had signed where needed confirmed things were good to go. "I'm happy to hear you find as such Henri." Safely stowing the tablet back, she took a moment to mentally run through some thoughts. "As soon as I pay I'll be good to go. Tell me though; which docking bay your ship is at. I will need to get our transportation and the supplies we'll need in order. It should take me only two hours. That will give you time to get to your ship and do what you need, I will meet you there." A shoulder check back to Henri's friends caught them looking at her. "And, you should say goodbye to your friends. We may be gone for a little while. But don't tell them anything important" The tone of her voice had turned neutral. Henri should pick up on her meaning that she was just being careful. The less people who were led on by any amount of bait the better.

Henri Van Baker Henri Van Baker
"Oh, Docking Bay 57! We can meet up there if you want and I'll be ready before-" the sudden turning of Is'ekapi's head caused him to stop talking, briefly glancing at the table he was previously sitting "Oh, right, I'm not exactly the greatest friends with them or anything but I'll uh... get on that, almost forgot." With a hand suddenly placed on the counter, he'd push himself away with "Again, bay 57, see you there." And then proceeded to return to the table, hands in his pockets and moving a bit slowly as if to stall time.

When he did arrive at the table, the explanation to them had been swift, just as swift as his departure. What could be heard- little there was -had to do with a "New job opportunity" and "Would be gone for a while." There was some scoffing, while the Rodian just sat utterly surprised. No matter the reaction from the group, Henri would just shrug, turn and leave, heading off to get ready for the expedition.

Is'ekapi Rex Is'ekapi Rex

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