Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private An Ool of Their Own

In Umbris Potestas Est

The agriworld of Ool had as of yet remained untouched by one of the various factions within the Maw, and Onrai intended to expand her territorial reach within it - certainly to a planet that was within easy reach. Ool's fertile farmland was richer than Nathema and Kinoss, and would allow for far more sustenance to be provided to the population under her control. Already naval assets had come into orbit and large-scale colonization was already beginning. The latest in droid-based fertilization would be key, but Onrai intended to do far more than that.

She intended to farm underground as well.

Great hydroponics bays were going to be dug beneath the surface of the world. Some would be dedicated solely to the growth of various fungi that required no light and such an appropriate environment. Others would become fully artificial growth facilities for plants, and at least one laboratory to develop more efficient cultivars of base grains and vegetables would be installed on the world's surface.

Yet, in the meantime, there were potential hiccups that could possibly interfere.

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

An Ool of Their Own

Location: Csilla's Ruins.
Tags: Onrai Onrai

She told herself that she wouldn't come here. That she shouldn't come here, and yet, here she stood. Sorta. Within the confines of her ship, Mi'la loomed before the one place that the Force felt normal to her. But out of all the places she found, why did this one have to be a grave yard. She looked out her view port at the dead planet, trying not to blame herself for being unable to help. She had been so weak, her strength had been fleeting, and yet...maybe there was something she could have done.

Truth was, Mi'la would never get to find out.

She had come here for good reason. Her experience with Master Wu had exposed her to a connection in the Force she had never felt before, and now, she longed to explore that connection in a way she hadn't thought to try in a long time. Closing her eyes, she focused inward, and outward, tapping into the wound that this place was, and the pain that lingered within. Forming a mental barrier around herself, Mi'la delved deep into this rift she felt in the Force, trying to trace where this strange energy that had assailed her had come from.

The answer that she would be hit with, left her shaken, as she could see an entity she had no understanding of standing before her in her minds eye.

She held her breath, uncertain if this entity could now see her as well, though something within her told her that was indeed a reality.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Why hello there."

Onrai had indeed noticed the unusual Twee that had come particularly close to her domain. A void of darkness seemed to surround the vessel of the young Jedi, her ship's instruments going haywire before finding herself deposited over the world of Ool. There were a multitude of warships around her area, yet they appeared not to notice her. The voice that had spoken so clearly soon spoke up again.

"Land where I tell you. I will meet you there."

her ship would receive coordinates detailing a place to land that didn't appear to be at a landing pad on-planet.

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

An Ool of Their Own

Location: Csilla's Ruins.
Tags: Onrai Onrai

Mi’la froze as the creature spoke to her, the Jedi taking a step back as she felt herself in danger. Before she could even act however, her ship shook around her, the knight still aware of what unfolded around herself, ship alarms blaring as she felt her position within the force shift, she was no longer at Csilla, but she had no idea where she currently stood.

Hearing the entities words, Mi’la found herself pushed out of her trance, now lost as she looked about and found ships surrounding her ship on all sides, yet no one attempted to hail her. Swearing slightly, she tried to work out what to do next, until a series of coordinates trickled across her terminal, and reluctantly she applied them.

No idea where the hell it would lead her.

Her ship began to ease into the atmosphere, trying to hide from what the recognized as not friendly ships. How in the hell would she get out of this?
In Umbris Potestas Est
How adorable. She was so worried, so fearful of what it was that had come to her. There was no reason to be, truthfully - Onrai had no desire to cause her any harm. The vessels in orbit around Ool ignored the small fighter as it made way to the location in question, slowly passing through the atmosphere and eventually reaching the ground itself. From within the shadows of the grass manifested a form and figure - it was Onrai, her inhumanly shaded form once more manifested to another being, yet here, not on Kinoss as she usually greeted people.

"Welcome. I am Onrai, Queen of the Stars and the goddess of this world. I have called you here because you are of great import, as a threat looms on the galactic horizon that seeks to devour all life and subjugate it to its whims."

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

An Ool of Their Own

Location: Unknown
Tags: Onrai Onrai
Mi'la was indeed concerned, but the took the effort to calm herself, steadying herself, as she eased her ship down, the large ship just wasn't made for these sort of in atmosphere maneuvers; at least, she didn't feel comfortable with it. As her ship navigated to the indicated landing zone, Mi'la felt a knot within her gut, knowing that whatever she was dealing with, she hadn't read about in the academy.

She braced herself for the worst. She wouldn't allow a Sith spirit to take her over again.

Focusing on the elements of the Force within the clothing that she wore, she exhaled, and steadied herself. If the Force brought her here, the Force would see her out of it.

Leaving the ship, she kept herself calm, mind focused, as she approached the creature that had brought her here, the Force rippling in a way she had only seen once before. Standing before the woman, she examined her, trying to process just what she was looking at, when Onrai spoke. She wasn't certain of the threat this 'thing' spoke of, but there was probably a reason for her being brought here. "I'm Mi'la Undari, though I still don't understand what exactly this is all about. What creature is this?" She was filled with confusion, namely that this entity seemed to take itself rather seriously, and that Mi'la hadn't truly felt any real danger in her life as of recent.

Was this another drug induced dream? She really hoped not.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Onrai motioned for the Jedi to leave her fighter. "They've taught you nothing of the history of the galaxy. Not that you would know more from the Maw's own doctrine, or the typical Sith teaching." She said, beginning to walk as she once more motioned for the Twee to join her. "Above the Celestials, those nigh-mythological beings that are given credit for much of the galaxy's oddities and creations, is one known as the Supreme Maker, the creator of all in this universe. One of the Celestials, some millions of years ago, felt darker emotions and ultimately turned to evil. This Nakhash and his other corrupted brethren were sealed away, to be left to their own perverse devices. At least, they were. Then Solipsis acted."

She paused for a moment. "I have reason to believe the bonds on his prison have been damaged, and have been looking for those I believe may be suitable in helping ensure he does not break free."

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

An Ool of Their Own

Location: Unknown
Tags: Onrai Onrai
The Twi'lek raised an eyebrow at being told she knew nothing, a slight she did not appreciate in the slightest, and not by whatever manner of monster this was. She pulled on the Force, and for a moment, the world of Ool seemed to stop, then...merely linger there as the Twi'lek had a glint in her eye. "I know more than you'd think, jedi or no." She said soundly, before letting the Force go, and the world slowly resumed it's course.

She knew of the celestial, or at least the fables of the, but with this entity speaking to her about stopping some ancient being, well, the Twi'lek certainly had questions about this. "So, how exactly do I come into the picture here?" She asked, crossing her arms, entirely unsure about what this was about.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Ah, a little wrinkle in time. Quite the intriguing tick - she was more powerful than initially letting on. "A fair assessment, but do you know more than myself?" She asked, teasing the Twee a bit. "Simply put, I seek to ensure that such an entity as Nakhash either cannot get freed from his prison, or better, is eliminated from all of reality so he is unable to threaten us or any others. I believe you may have the power necessary to end the threat of the corrupted Celestial and ensure safety for the galaxy - even if they are unaware of the potential danger Solipsis may yet unleash."

It was a fair enough statement.

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

An Ool of Their Own

Location: Unknown
Tags: Onrai Onrai

"It's possible, do you know the life span of a red dwarf store in the Organa Major system?" She asked, extending her hand upwards, and focusing, as duplicates of the Twi'lek began to come into place. She had no idea what this was all about honestly. Five copies of her stood before the alien entity, all seemingly of the came composure of the force. Over all, she was very much lost as to what this thing wanted, Onrai or not, she had dealt with spirits before, and if need be, she had a technique to deploy if i was required to kill one. "If you are so concerned that this entity be destroyed, then tell me where to go."

She had little patience for this sort of affair, as the void in the force shifted around her, like a lens, i was drawling upon Mi'la, as the Force was slowly being sheared away by the impasse of her gathering might. She seemed to be almost unintentionally feeding off of Onrai, though she seemed not to fully notice it.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Such a star will finally be snuffed out fifteen trillion galactic years from now. But perhaps it might be sooner if one were to change the variables of the natural universe." She said, before coming over and patting the real Twee on the head, several other shades manifesting and patting the illusions on their heads as well. "Well, I will give you the coordinates as to where you may yet find the gateway leading to him, so you may yet seal him in once more." She smiled, looking down at Mi'la.

"Why showcase such bravado?" She asked. "There is nothing to be concerned with."

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

An Ool of Their Own

Location: Unknown
Tags: Onrai Onrai

Mi’la scowled as she was seemingly brushed aside, feeling a hand upon her head as Onrai offered an answer to her question. The patting of her head however was insulting. She gathered strength between her several variants, and focused it on Onrai, succeeding in something akin to tickling the entity as she tried to find a connection to suppress and failed.

There was something about this creature she didn’t understand. It would require more study on her part. At least she was being given the information she needed to go about her business. “Because you are dangerous and are to be considered such.” She said aloud, as her several copies seemed to merge back into her, the Twi’lek remaining firm as she announced where she stood on the matter.
In Umbris Potestas Est
A smile came to Onrai's face - the sensation of tickling was something she had not felt in literally decades, and she couldn't help but react at least a little bit. "Am I really dangerous? I do as a goddess is supposed to do for her worshippers. I provide to them, answer their prayers, and guide them to success in life. If they choose not to worship me, that's their own business, though of course I'd rather they supplicate themselves." She said as the shades dissipated.

"Now you seem to be trying to draw on my power. Why is that, I wonder?" She asked.

Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

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