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An opportunity for orbalisks


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Dark-siders, here's your chance to get orbalisks: if you visit any three of the following on Malachor V in any order (all of which are subbed by Abyss), you may use orbalisks in a Codex or Factory sub of your choice:
One caveat: once the visit to the third location is over, you must have the orbalisks attached on to your body as they feed off your dark side energy.

IC thread: Malachor V: Day of the Free Festival
[member="Yula Knezevic"] - Please do not put a caveat of what a person must and must not do with a Factory sub. You have no authority or ability in that manner, and precedence exists that over-rules what you say. I'm wearing one such, as a matter of fact.

However, I do suggest to any Dark Siders or suitable folks that we have to try this, on the linked subs or other viable locations. Orbalisks are a very under used but useful source of armor for FU.
[member="Yula Knezevic"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Kami Meran"] |

So question here, if you are a neutral force user that has aspects of both, can these still be attracted to you? ie.. you use both light and dark powers
Kami has it real close Bryce. It's sort of a crap-shoot, but you'd definitely need to frequently use the darkside to keep it living. I justify it by my use of vapaad/juyo, so I don't give in to the Dark Side, but I use aspects of it to keep the orbalisks in the calypho compass alive.
[member="Julius Sedaire"], So question, could I use them for medical purposes also, like leeches can be used to restore blood flow to a finger with clotted dry blood. Totally hypthical here. but read the fluff and they seem pretty cool.
[member="Bryce Bantam"] - Ummmmm.... I suppose? I mean Jorus altered them on one of his Rekali,via bio-alchemy, to act as hyperspace compasses... I'd talk to him specifically, but it's at least possible, though again I think you'd need bio-alchemy to do much.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
[member="Julius Sedaire"] The caveat I stated in the OP is in the chosen orbalisk challenge that is applicable to the Malachor V thread:

(Darksiders only) In a public thread, visit or explore three approved Codex Locations created by Darkside-oriented PCs, ending with orbalisks attaching themselves onto your body as they feed off your Force Sensitivity.

But what is done with the orbalisks in the resulting sub is another matter entirely.
[member="Yula Knezevic"] - Again, there is precedent otherwise. I can link you if you'd like. Please leave telling people how to fulfill Restricted Materials challenges to FJ and those wishing to write the sub.

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