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Private An Unexpected Invitation


Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

An invitation is not just sent by clicking a button or tapping a field on a datapad. Some may do so for the sake of ease and it may be appropriate to offer such casual message to ones friends for an evening of revel, but it was hardly sufficient and appropriate to offer an invitation like that to a person of importance. Even if the recipient might not consider it as an insult, based on personal preferences, it was nevertheless not the right way to approach it.

Hence why Valkorian sent one of His Knights with a formal letter to invite the Grand Master of the New Jedi Order to Zakuul. A simple undertaking done by simply delivering the message through a person instead of bits and bytes, highlighting that there may be indeed significance in the message and occasion rather than a casual frivolity. The message was straight and clear, lacking neither precision nor respect as it invited Valery Noble Valery Noble to Zakuul, to the Spire and the Palace of Dragons.

It would not be the only invitation He sent out into the void with a messenger. It would not be the only herald bringing forth a message of parley and curiosity. The Galaxy was wide and the need for knowledge was as big as the requirement for decisive action. The time had come.

He chose not to use the Eternal Throne room for a meeting, it was not appropriate to stand in front of the Throne He laid claim to but did not yet climb. There was much to do and He needed to earn the right to sit there, the privilege to command its presence. Instead He had opted for the Palace grounds, it was magnificent in its own right, a pearl of Zakuulan architecture and its bright lights, walls of glass and magnificent gardens offered plenty of space to roam and converse.




Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber

In a time when messages could be delivered instantly with just a click of a button, it came as a surprise to her that someone had sent a messenger. She understood it wasn't for a lack of technological advancements of the Zakuulan people, but a wish to show respect and emphasize the importance of the request. The invitation in question was simple — she had been invited to a meeting on Zakuul. A planet with a vast history that she vividly remembers.

But while the ancient conflict between the Jedi and Sith had changed very little, she had to remind herself that the Galaxy wasn't entirely stagnant. Zakuul had not participated in any major wars since the days of the Old Republic, so they had more than likely changed their ways.

She had to approach this with an open mind.

Following the letter, Valery traveled to Zakuul aboard her X-wing. It wasn't a short journey but her curiosity about the person who invited her, as well as the reason for the invitation, made the time pass quickly. Soon enough, after entering the system, she was approved for landing and made her way down to the surface. The guards who received her guided her to the Palace grounds, from where she made her approach.

He was impossible to miss. Valery blinked when she saw the huge, imposing figure waiting for her. She had always known his species to be tall and built for war, but she had not quite expected this. Still, she approached with her usual confidence and grace, and swept her long brunette locks over her shoulder when she stopped before him.

"You must be Valkorian, prince of Zakuul?" She asked, as her chin rose to look him in the eyes.



Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The room, or rather hall, she was guided to led her through a well maintained garden with benches, curiously empty, with fountains where clear water procured a serene and fresh atmosphere, with shrubberies and trees maintained to perfection that they almost looked artificial but their scent of cedar and pine yielded their natural origins. Lanterns procured a yellow-white light, too bright to look into but complementing the rather bright atmosphere and architecture quite well.

Through large doors she was led, coming into a corridor of blue metal and glass, the blue hue and light coming from sconces, luminous and bright as those outside, and led deeper into the Palace. Everything gave an aura of clean regality, a mixture of aesthetics and technology as statues of armored figures stood next to those of what seemed to be scientists and other civilians, carved from bronze, from marble and many other materials.

Her guides, two Knights in golden armor, pikes and shields in hands, stopped before another door and before two more Knights, these in white armor with a golden trim, offering a silent exchange before she was offered by one of the white-clad warriors to enter, opening the door for her and leading her in. He would retreat afterwards and close the door once more.

In a large room she found herself, at least two levels high with water sculptures at the walls, more greenery and civic commemorations such as statues and sculptures. The middle of the hall opened to the top where the other floor could be seen, it was empty aside from a large desk standing there where the host was seated behind. The desk fitted to suit His size, the man standing next to it looked tiny and lost in comparison, offering a bow before retreating as the Master of Zakuul rose from His seat and moved around it to meet the Grand Master.

Valkorian was dressed in an attire half-robe and half-armor, the upper part plated and fine engravings offering an insight to past fights and glory as well as the dragon dominating the chest with its extended wings. The lower part were flowing robes, of red and gold, certainly of finest craftsmanship. It seemed rather uncomfortable to work in and probably was part of the approach to todays meeting, one part practical and peaceful, the other clad for battle.

"Grand Master Noble, indeed that I am." His voice echoed forth, suddenly giving the impression that He was older than He looked, the voice bearing a seniority or experience that has seen much and experienced even more. There was a slight pause between her title and name, a deliberate pause as intended as it was acted as if it was unintended. "A curious name, more significant towards ideals than origins, is it not?" He mused, with His golden eyes looking for her reaction.

"I am grateful for Your acceptance of my invitation, a welcome surprise for either of us, especially in times of dire and doom such as ours. Too rarely are words exchanged before blades are drawn, battling for ancient dogma more than for personal beliefs. Did you have chance to recover appropriately from the Siege of Coruscant? May I offer you a refreshment after your long journey?"




Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber

He was even more imposing from up close than she could have imagined, but she did not feel intimidated. She was here as his guest, and the tone of his voice suggested as much. He spoke with experience and his calmness exuded confidence of his own. It made her feel at ease and equally as eager to learn more about the purpose of this meeting. It was something important enough to avoid holo-calls or recorded messages.

This had to be handled in person.

"It's certainly not related to origins." Valery chuckled and reached up to brush long strands of hair out of her face, "My parents were farmers, and so were their parents before them. They were good and kind people, though." Valery never cared about the idea of having a higher place in society just because of birth. She believed that it should be earned by deeds, decisions, and rationale.

She wondered how a Prince such as himself felt about it, but perhaps that was a conversation for another time.

"I'm grateful for your invitation as well. I must say, it was unexpected but receiving the message through a messenger in person was interesting." She looked up at him, maintaining eye contact for a longer moment while she smiled. "I've mostly recovered, but I'm afraid my wounds were not physical."

"For now, a drink will make me feel a little better."
She flashed a faint smirk and waited for him to lead the way.



Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

His eyes seemed too bright to look at them for too long but before such feeling could set in, it would ease away, it was like a cloud which blocked the sun for long enough that the eyes would get used to it, move away and the sun offered its shine again. It seemed bright at first but it was natural, it was warm and in a very intimidating way, comforting.

Valkorian offered a slight smile towards her response, one which did reach the eyes. She was intriguingly casual but would not hesitate or hamper seriousness by it. By what He judged, she was genuine and had neither major interest nor ability to hide something. His hand extended, gesturing to the side where a pair of chairs stood with a small table next to them.

"Farmers." He offered, pondering briefly, before continuing. "I feel that a messenger offers a more serious and meaningful delivery, it is important to me that we have a chance to converse and I believe a random message on some screen has the potential to be lost. A man in armor bearing a letter much less so."

Waiting for her to take the offer, He would follow and stop in front of the table, taking the decanter and filling first her glass and then His own with a deep red wine, the scent of pine reappearing, but now mixed with wild berries and a hint of vanilla. He offered her the glass, looking curiously small in His hands but it was handled with care to not break or spill anything.

"An Alderaanian vintage, ice-wine from the Apalis Coast. The climate and soil on Zakuul is not suitable for growing such, sadly, but it provides ample opportunity to grow other spirits, especially in sentients." A joke, a wordplay.

"It will not ease any wounds or heal any scars, it may only provide a momentary respite in sweet refreshment I am afraid."




Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber

The fire in her orange eyes burned brighter when she noticed the glow in his eyes. It was a curious thing, but another aspect of the Prince that captivated her. He then met her genuine smile with one of his own, and Valery felt the ice breaking a little. First meetings were often tense and sometimes awkward, but she felt no reason for things to be that way today. He had his purpose for inviting her, sure, but she saw an opportunity to make friends.


"I would agree," Valery continued on the topic of the messenger, "It certainly drew my attention and made me curious about you." She turned with him at the gesture of his hand and began to follow, but her eyes drifted up to meet his gaze with a smirk. Until serious business was up for discussion, she'd retain a fairly casual demeanor.

The two soon reached a table, where the Prince filled two glasses of wine. Valery's eyes briefly widened when she recognized the drink and turned to him with an even brighter smile.

"My," she said and chuckled, "Alderaanian wine is my favorite. You haven't been reading up on me that much, have you?" She teased and slowly raised her glass to her lips for a careful sip. The taste was just right, and the way her gaze seemed to relax suggested as much.

"It's perfect, thank you," Valery said with a polite dip of her head. "But I doubt you invited me just to have a drink with you?"



Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"I have not."
The statement was quite direct and while it maintained a underlying amusement, it was an interesting thought. He knew who she was and what she was up to, but He did not see a need to inquire her personal preferences. Should He? In His opinion the personal preferences might play a role in decision making, influence certain aspects of life, but it was either too much or not enough to properly make judgement. Social intricacies were not His forte. "An intriguing coincidence, but it is no secret that Alderaan holds the most potential for certain finer aspects of life and acquiring the amenities is not too difficult, even here in Wild Space."

As He sat down Himself. the chair seemed to perfectly suit His stature, it was made out of some brown wood, carvings offering details of stories and figures not unsimilar to those on His armor. She had a seemingly identical twin, but it was a tad higher while His was also on a slightly lower platform, countering either the need for Him to look down or for her to look up. Both were cushioned with soft red velvet, golden pins holding it in place. While regal in their appearance, similar to that of the table, it was strangely out of place in the rather tech-heavy, bright interior.

"Most certainly not, indeed. A drink may smooth and ease into a conversation, but it will not replace it at best of days. The Galaxy keeps turning and the bulwarks of Light and Dark remain entrenched, battling each other over places far and wide. The Sith carve a path of destruction, the Jedi shield corruption present in the senate and corporations. You are leading the New Jedi Order for some time now, battling in the Second Great Hyperspace War, throwing down Exegol and prevailing over both the Maw and the Empire. Peace remains elusive. Why?"




Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"That, I can agree on." Alderaan was a rather special planet. Not only did it offer great wine, fashion and other finer aspects of life, the people were also wonderful. Many of her dearest friends were either born there, or living on the planet currently. It made it a frequent place for her to visit.

But for now, she set those thoughts aside and focused on the prince.

Seated in her chair, Valery made herself comfortable and listened to the prince. What he said next touched on a point of thought that had crossed her mind many times. When she came out of stasis all those years ago, she had been surprised by how little had changed.

"We did have peace after Exegol, for many years. But if history has proven one thing time and time again, it's that war and peace are cyclical. We defeat a force of evil, but the very nature of people means there will always be some who try to gain power over others. There's always someone who looks down on those they deem weaker."

"We may never maintain peace indefinitely, but if we don't what we do, there will never be peace at all."



Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

He listened to her explanation. Remembering the mention of the stasis and her apparent age, He considered if the Hegemon would know her and if they ever encountered each other in the days of the Old Republic. But it was of no matter to the conversation at hand. He could not help it, but was disappointed at her response. It was bland and had the taste of an excuse more than an ideal or even reasoning. Moreover it was redundant.

"You are acknowledging the cycle of war and peace, the nigh-infinite battle your order and the Sith are engaged in and you believe that what you do and the way you do it is still correct - despite it being one of the two actors in a play which spans nearly 8.000 years now and has been the undoing of trillions of lives."

"I must say that it appears curious to see a bright mind willingly accepting ancient approaches as a foundation for peace which has resulted in war ever since. Do you believe that if you eradicate the Sith you will achieve the peace you seek?"

He sipped from the wine and looked at her. There was no accusation or critique in His tone, no judgement but simple and seemingly genuine curiosity.




Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Do you believe sitting still and doing nothing would have a better impact? Do you believe Dark Jedi, Sith, Hutt slavers, imperial warlords or evil cults like the Maw stop existing if the Jedi, Republic or other Alliances fall apart?" She sipped from her wine and looked at him with a more serious, focused expression.

She understood his question, but she didn't particularly think it was a good one.

"By nature, the Jedi are reactionary. We don't make enemies where people live in freedom and peace, and we do not start wars to rule worlds or project power. The Jedi aren't perfect and have made their fair share of mistakes, but we do not oppress and we do not make people bend the knee against their will."

She paused for a moment again.

"As long as there are others who will do such things — and this Galaxy has always been and will likely always be full of them — we have a choice to make. We can sit by and do nothing, or we can continue to resist and fight for the values of people who don't want to live under a tyrannic ruler."

"It may not be possible to destroy the darkness entirely, but this is the only way to not be consumed by it."



Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"What do you believe is between eradication and idleness?"
He asked curiously.

Valkoryen listened to her expanding on the nature of the Jedi and their apparent goal. The conversation had shifted into a serious state and seemed to go into a more defensive manner than anticipated or intended. He had no intention of insulting or offending her and her beliefs, merely wished to fully comprehend her point of view.

"How do you, or how does the Jedi Order decide what is 'tyrannical' or where oppression starts?"

"Can the desire and urge to fight such and to fight the darkness be in harmony with the Force and the tenets of the Jedi Code?"




Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I believe it can, but it's not an easy task and our decisions aren't always easy to make," Valery explained calmly. "Jedi dedicate the majority of their time — of their life — to learning about the Galaxy and how to help people with the skills they develop. That dedication helps our judgment in most cases. We make mistakes, of course, and Jedi are also prone to falling down the dark steps that others before them have, but the vast majority always continue to do their best to help others."

She paused for a moment to take a sip from her wine and continued again.

"As for the Order's judgment, there are simple definitions for Tyranny that you can use to look around, but many of our most dangerous foes — the ones you referenced and those we've fought for millennia — are not difficult to judge. The Brotherhood of the Maw wished to burn planets down to ashes to reforge them to their desires. It's no secret what they've done to the Chiss."

"Many of them now serve this new Dark Empire, which invaded the Core and obliterated planets populated by billions. The people in their territory have no choice or ability to change their political leaders. Any resistance is struck down with an iron fist, and so is any form of criticism."

Valery held up her glass, "Do you believe these Sith Empires not to be tyrannical or oppressive?"


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