Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Unexpected Proposal

"I thought this would be.... a better place to have a private conversation."

Bethany turned toward [member="Ignus"] . After what he'd said down in the gardens, that public gathering had seemed like the wrong venue for further discussion. Once she had seen off her other guests, the Jedi Master had brought him up to one of the balconies. They had not yet built a location dedicated to receiving visitors of this sort, but the small table was just right for two, and it offered a modicum of privacy.

Gesturing, she took a seat herself. She'd asked for tea to be brought up, as well as water once she'd queried his preferences, but that would take a moment.

"Before anything else is said, please know that I greatly appreciate your honesty about your identity," she said softly. "If you wish to explain why the secrecy is needed, I would be interested to know, but you are under no obligation to. Sanctuary is a safe place, for anyone, from anything, and we will strive, always, to keep it that way. There are no exceptions to that."

It was both an offer of safety, but also a warning. She didn't know him, or his intentions yet. So far, the only people who had come to Monastery, seeking the Order, had come with open hands and hearts, looking for something that they had been unable to find in the rest of the galaxy. But Bethany was neither naïve nor a fool. It was only a matter of time before others came seeking things beyond peace and the purpose she was building here. She hoped, of course, that would not be the case.

But she didn't expect it.


News They Don't Want Heard
He looked out off the balcony, admiring the view as it were. All of this could be taken away at a moments notice. It was a shame that such could be said, and that was part of the reason he existed to do what he did. Things needed to change in the galaxy, and as long as no one was willing to do what was necessary to make that change, it wouldn't ever happen. The noble sacrifice, they called it. Well, Leos wasn't so noble, and he wasn't sacrificing himself, but the end goal was one worth striving for. If only he'd been able to show Paa'lee that before she'd sent him away. Someday she might call for him, though. He could explain then.

"I'm a Sith. If the others knew I wished to help you out, well, it might cause issues."

The notion of being called a heretic for actually wanting to create peace, when Sidious had ultimately desired the same thing through strength of military might didn't sit well with him. He wasn't by any means an Emperor type of individual. Not that he'd have the chance. Only his descendants could truly complete the plan that he had set in motion several years ago. But for now, he could work for them. Turning to look at [member="Bethany Kismet"], he regarded her not as an enemy, but a peer. A peer in need of services.

"I own a major galactic corporation. In order to facilitate your efforts to help people, you'll need ships. I'm willing to provide them at a minimal cost to you, assuming you're willing to buy from me. Most of my vessels have been warships, to be sure, but that's not all we can make. Medical frigates. Consular vessels. Whatever you need we can make. Within reason. Is that something you'd be interested in?"
If his revelation about his.... proclivities.... surprised her, it didn't show. She simply nodded, as if he'd said something innocuous, listening carefully. But her stance didn't change, she didn't withdraw.

Bethany had a long and complicated history with the Sith. She knew better than to assume any particular things about someone and their intentions based on anything as simple as such a title. She'd learned, long ago, that things were rarely so simple.

"Our Order has little in the way of liquid capital at this time. Everything we have comes from donations," she said quietly. "That being said, yes, additional medical ships or even ships for materials transport would be useful."

She did not even address his 'if you are willing to buy from me.' Not directly. But the fact that the conversation was continuing after his confession was enough to answer it, in truth.

"I would be interested however," she said, pausing for a moment as tea arrived. She motioned for it to be set on the table, and waved the young man off when he started to pour for them, taking the pot herself. When they were alone again, she continued, her attention ostensibly on the steaming hot liquid traveling from one vessel to the next.

"I am interested in 'why', however," she continued then. He wouldn't be the first Sith she had met with noble intentions. Noble and good however were not always synonymous. Her tone was conversational and curious, but not suspicious. She handed him one of the cups and saucers.



News They Don't Want Heard
He'd honestly expected as much. New as they were it didn't really surprise him. At least she was interested, which went a long way in proving that this group was legitimate about their intentions of neutrality and welcoming. He felt justified in approaching them.

"We can do that."

Tea arrived and he sniffed the air, taking in the aroma. Leos was not an alcohol drinker. He rarely imbibed, and when he did it was in severe moderation. One glass of something and he was done. Not because he was a light weight, as one would put it, but because he saw no sense in getting so drunk that it killed brain cells and made one spew the contents of ones stomach forth. That was a lot of wasted money. Leos did not like to waste things in the slightest. Now, the tea, however, smelled fantastic. He could drink numerous cups of that to the point where it helped to flush his system. It was also beneficial when it was cool out, as it often was on Mirial.

He took the cup and saucer when it was handed to him and gently lifted the glass to his lips, taking a small sip of the hot liquid. Not only did it smell good, it was pleasing to the palate as well.

"When I was younger I had the sense that I wanted to kill the Jedi for taking my brother away when he was very young. I still have not found him to this day. One could understand such feelings in a child who'd had someone taken from him. As I grew older I realized that the problem wasn't the Jedi, nor the Sith, nor the Force. The problem was the galaxy itself."

The cup was returned to the saucer, one hand holding the saucer, the other the cup, as his orange eyes rested on her.

"This galaxy has been destroying itself ever since the Jeedai split apart ages ago. When balance was no longer maintained, and some chose the path of light while others the path of dark, the slow spiral of destruction was begun. To this day war wages in nearly every corner of this galaxy, fueled by one sides belief of good and just versus another. Truthfully no one can win so long as there are such divisions. One may defeat the other, but someone else will just replace them.

"I know you most likely won't like my intentions, or rather my methods, but it's my aim to rid the galaxy of all governments. Not to instill anarchy, of course, but to install a new, singular government across all systems, and to blend both sides of the Force together once more to obtain balance. It's what the Force wants. That's why Tython is always wracked by Force storms. It wasn't before, when people simply studied the Force. The ideologies of light being good and dark being bad, or vice versa with most Sith, only serve to bring ruination to the galaxy. I want to end that, or, at least, strive to do so. I don't think it shall happen in my lifetime, but at least I can leave a legacy of trying."

He sipped his tea once more.

"The galaxy needs people like you and your order, those that just want to help and don't want to fight everyone. I'd rather support you and see you flourish than have you destroyed by some wayward Sith or Imperial organization."

[member="Bethany Kismet"]

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