Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Unfortunate Trade

Planet: Forest Moon of Endor
Location: Red Bush Grove
Objective: Unknown
Time: 16:23:44
Weather: Clear Skies, Sunny
Day | Night: Day //
That's what most of them were, at least as far as Orion knew. The preservation of trees and flora that surrounded the village was a testament to such things. What really showed the Ewoks true craft, was their tiny huts, built out of the surrounding trees above. Orion's studies told him of their deep connection to the living trees on the Forest Moon of Endor. Now, here he was, standing just a few hundred feet from the small hobbles. The wooden architecture showed from the distance, a sight to behold for any outsider. Gigantic branches, swathed in hanging vines and small steeps served as connectors from house to house. The Ewoks showed their master craft in the most primitive of ways. Many, unlike Orion, would turn their nose up to such living conditions. With Orion, even though dedicated to his own goals in the darkside, appreciated the true art of their homes. He couldn't help but admire the twists and turns above him as he subtly walked into the center of the surrounding village.
Orion learned his lesson, places with vast forest meant warmer temperatures. His cloak, battle armaments and silver mask stayed on his ship. Instead, he traveled light, his black tank top and matching pants covered him. At his feet weren't his normal combat boots, rather, his sneakers, perfect for running. At his waist rested a steel utility belt, fastened to it were his sonic variant grenades and one lonely lightsaber on the left side of his hip. Motionless at the center of the Ewok village he lifted his pale hand and ran it through his long black hair. Sighing he waited to be greeted.
The small furry creatures ran along the tops of the trees. Some even swung back and forth from vine to vine. Small, but brave. As he was spotted a Ewok flipped through the air, a small stiletto in his hand. a large satchel resting on his back. he lifted the stiletto to the air, showing Orion the heel. The shoe looked uncomfortable and before he had a chance to deny the little bugger, another Ewok jumped in. A small metal belt stretching from his right shoulder to his left hip. A crossbow attached to it on his back. The Ewok with the stiletto shoe was waved away with a few disgruntled words, from the newcomer. The Ewok turned to face Orion and frowned. It's white hairy beard almost inciting him to grab it. Orion resisted and stepped back, the Ewok seemed angry.
"What brings you here, traveler of the stars?" The Ewoks high pitched tone showed no signs of anger, but the strange creatures face expressed just that.
Orion smiled, the little furry hunter examining him with his large brown eyes. it was almost cute, if Orion had time for a pet. Fortunately for the Ewok in front of him that wasn't why he was here. He had a few things to purchase, that apparently were only sold in the Red Bush Grove. Medicinal herbs were hard to come by where he mainly stayed, (his ship) so to Orion the herbs were valuable. Sure, he could have bought them anywhere else, but Orion was cheap and knew how to play the market. Finally, with a quick thought, Orion spoke.
"I come seeking to trade." Orion grabbed onto the black leather strap on his shoulder and swung the heavy bag to his chest. "I've got plenty, where can I find Ruso?"
The Ewok hunter shook his head, stomping his foot and waved him to follow. It seemed the one that greeted him didn't approve of outsiders, or maybe it had something to do with his visible saber. Ewoks knew, whether Jedi or Sith, force sensitives were trouble. The small furry beast grunted as he stepped onto the crooked wooden steps, a light creak making itself apparent as he continued forward. The stairs were attached to a large, thick branch that lead to the higher area of the village. The smell of crushed berries and fresh wood dust combined made for a pleasant aroma. climbing to the top part of the branch the Ewok turned to him and pointed. Rudely grinning, the small hunter jumped, latching onto a vine and disappearing into the canopy below.
Orion glanced to where the curious Ewok pointed and his eyes widened. Hundreds of huts were scattered throughout the treetops. Worse, those that inhabited the area were rushing all over the place. Grinning with distaste he began his hunt, all for a few decent prices.

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