Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Unfortunate Turn of Events (Onix)

Ziost was a cold, unforgiving world. Saran was learning that all to quickly. While the Order of the Grey found a new home, she was in search of an ancient artifact made by the Sith Darth Psyona. Apparently, it held the knowledge of some long-lost technique, although that was little more than rumors at this point. What it would do, or even bring, was up for debate. But even then, she had been sent here. Wrapping the cloak tighter around her, she trudged to the ruins ahead, hoping that she could find some shelter soon. The bitter winds spun around her, whipping up enough snow to blind most anyone, but the Miraluka pressed on, undaunted. I should have worn my armor. She thought, wishing for the sealed, controlled environment it would have created for her. But she had foolishly left that on Sanctuary. Finally slipping into an old building and out of the wind, the Knight pulled out her datapad and studied the map. She needed to move through the ruins, where a tomb should be located. Hopefully she could make it without much difficulty.

Hunting was a game I played. It was my job. I was paid with the responsibility of hunting down individuals, or objects that influenced the dark side of the force. This was one of them. Recent rumors of a holocron storage under the name of a Darth, always meant that the dark side was filled within. To continue my job as a Jedi Shadow, I had to find this collection of knowledge, and either take it back to the Jedi, Best case scenario, or destroy it all leaving no remnants of who had come before. To aid in the staunching of the increase of Dark Sided individuals plaguing the galaxy. Geared up for whatever may come, I was inside a building that was half torn from the natural elements of Ziost, and the years of erosion that stripped away from its former glory.

Holding out a physical map, and comparing it to a datapad, I looked for clues on what may lead me to the beginning of a place I could search. Only I had to stop. I could hear footsteps outside. Putting both away without a sound, I jumped up, flipped myself around an exposed beam of the building and moved to the top of the roof. With concealment I hid myself visibly with the force. Slowly as I could see under me in the dim light, some person looking through a datapad, I drew out an SH-9 Slugthrower pistol. The Suppressor already attached. The only sounds you would hear would be the mechanical workings of the pistol, and the object that the slug hit. That was if the target was close enough.

This one, was very close. I could almost touch the person. I could not see who they were with the hood up, but from the body form, and the stance that they took, it seemed to me that the person was a Female, either a Jedi in search of destroying this cache of knowledge, or a rogue force user looking for more in the powers of the force. All of this was made by simple observations of the armor, the detailing of the person, and how I had a feeling that I knew this woman on a more personal level.

Staying silent, I would watch and wait. See her reactions and the choices she made. Maybe instead of making myself find out where it was, I would simply follow her to find it. Use her to my advantage.

Or I could kill her where she stood with a well placed bullet to the back of the head. Decisions, decisions.

[member="Saran Drast"]
(I'm assuming you're hidden from force sight as well?)

Something was wrong. She wasn't sure what, but she did know that things weren't quite right. She wished she had someone here to help. But they had no one to spare. Sighing, Saran started across the ruins, trying to begin to dodge through them now, avoiding giving much of a target. After a few building hops, the silver cylinder flew to her hand. She didn't like this. An enemy could be anywhere.
I was silent. Not moving as the woman did. She seemed almost squeamish. She could feel something. Force sensitive. Lightsaber wielder, and probably one that was fairly well trained in the force. Seeing that she was moving, that means I would have to as well. Standing up as she already left the building. My Force Cloak hid me from just about anything and everything. However, I was expanding energy. Too quickly. Letting it fade as the woman left, I kept up the small amount of concealment. Using a power called Art of the Small, I concentrated myself to become smaller and smaller. Hence, my force signature would become so small that I would not be felt through the force. However, seeing and hearing me was there.

I kept the slugthrower out and aimed after her person as she hopped over to the other buildings. seeing that I was already in a good spot. I didn't expose myself. Crouching down behind a broken wall, I just hope that she couldn't see through old stone and walls that were built over hundreds of years ago.

[member="Saran Drast"],
(Not anymore, but yes I was just for a moment)
There he was. Not the best place to have a potential enemy, especially one who seemed to simply watch. "What do you want?" She asked, letting the wind carry her voice across the ruined city to him. She began to search for cover, trying to get what she could between them. She didn't know why. She was reacting to instinct now. Finding something, she attempted to hide from where she could see [member="Onix"]. Pulling another cylinder to her hand, she let it roll across the ground, behind another piece of cover.
Apparently she could still see me even through walls. Meaning she had use of force sight. I smiled as she asked what I wanted. Standing up, I clearly had visible the slugthrower in my hand. I slid it into the holster as I exposed my hands to show the woman that I was not armed. Really I still was. "I want the relics that reside here. However, that would not have been the first question I would have asked should I be in your situation." Dropping down from the roof, I had rolled to lessen the impact, as well as secretly draw my lightsaber. I looked to her to where she was, and guess that she might also have a hold of her weapon.

"You see, I am nobody. I don't exist. I am a Ghost." I smiled, clearly she would be able to see my smile, but nothing of the rest of my face. "Now do you plan on continuing to stand in my way, or will you move."

[member="Saran Drast"]
"If you truly are nobody, you can cause me no harm." A small smile crossed her face. There really was no such thing as a nobody to her. Everyone mattered to her. Idealistic? Yes, but she was still young. I don't believe you're Sith. You seem more like a bounty hunter." She sighed, still hiding behind her little piece of cover. "Unfortunately, I have been tasked with returning a talisman from the tomb to the Grey temple. I will retrieve it." she stated, activating the red lightsaber blade across from her, two pieces of cover over. "That is my task to fulfill."


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