Jannik Morlandt
[One day after this mission to Zeltros...]
Jedi Temple
- [member="Steve"] -
For once, a visit to Zeltros didn't leave him vowing to not return... this time the vow was shaky at best, thanks to the Sil-Alert Stims that Knight Eden had brought along for the lot of them. The results of the mission, what information was gathered, and what actions were taken would be discussed were discussed with the right people, and Jannik was left only with his thoughts of the conversation he'd had with Avalore, and forward thoughts as to his duty as a knight.
It was time for him to take a student, perhaps even more than one. Not only was the contact with more than one student that he had through teaching his peers beneficial to his continued reacclimatization to life here, but the simple fact was that students presently outnumbered available instructors by a large margin. Thus, he felt duty bound to do what he could, despite the things he knew he needed to accomplish. Without a doubt, how his future students would factor into this was a very present thing in his thoughts.
So, the evening he'd returned to the temple and debriefed from the mission, the seer set about accessing files on the students that were waiting, and spent the rest of his time that night taking in a meal and considering each one. After a great deal of deliberation, he settled on the one with which he would start while still preparing for the next stage of his own journey. Was he influenced by the relationship he had with his own master, [member="Kira Liadain"]? Perhaps. The fact was that she could not help him with the one thing that determined his Jedi path, but without the tools she had provided to him, would he really have gotten to this point, and remained in the Light? Would he have lived?
There was no knowing, and after that meal, he had drafted up a message, and sent it to one short, yellow-skinned hopeful whose name was a mononym: [member="Steve"]. In that message, he gave a time, and a place - this morning at 0700hrs, on the front steps of the temple where he had now been sitting for some time, watching the horizon over the jungle.