The Phantoms Yet Live
As the cloaked woman stepped off the shuttle onto Coruscant, her white mask hid a frown.
The planet had changed much since Judgement had last visited, and definitely for the worst. She walked, a hand on one of her rapiers sheathed at her waist, ready for any to attack her.
She was a wanted criminal, after all, by both Republic and Sith, who claimed her to be a terrorist, and she supposed she was. She'd blew enough stuff up to be called that.
As she exited the space port, her eyes scanned her environment through her mask. Aside from the usual looks at her mask, she was not gathering much attention. Good. She had much work to do on this planet before the authorities discovered her existence. People to kill, buildings to blow up, connections to make.
Judgement entered a market, a good place to disappear, although she could not shake the feeling that she was being watched, and scanned the crown, looking for anyone suspicious.
The planet had changed much since Judgement had last visited, and definitely for the worst. She walked, a hand on one of her rapiers sheathed at her waist, ready for any to attack her.
She was a wanted criminal, after all, by both Republic and Sith, who claimed her to be a terrorist, and she supposed she was. She'd blew enough stuff up to be called that.
As she exited the space port, her eyes scanned her environment through her mask. Aside from the usual looks at her mask, she was not gathering much attention. Good. She had much work to do on this planet before the authorities discovered her existence. People to kill, buildings to blow up, connections to make.
Judgement entered a market, a good place to disappear, although she could not shake the feeling that she was being watched, and scanned the crown, looking for anyone suspicious.