Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anastasia Alina Stefanova


(credit: Selenada, dA)​
Anastasia Alina Stefanova
NAME: Anastasia Alina Stefanova
FACTION: (Children of Midvinter)
RANK: Civilian, Force Apprentice
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 173 centimetres
WEIGHT: 52 kilograms
EYES: Bleu de France
HAIR: Tyrian Purple
SKIN: Pale Caucasian

+ Free - Anastasia seems to be completely free from any government, organisation, family, or group, meaning she is not bound by anything or anybody. This is especially a strength because of her freedom of Force usage.
+ Presence in the Force - It is an advantage to be a person sensitive to the Force in this galaxy, and as Alina is one of them, she is quite advantaged.
- Fragile - not only are Alina's personality and mentality easily breakable, but so is her body which can be destroyed easily.
- Bodily Limitations - Anastasia is one of the least athletic people in the galaxy, making her really disadvantaged at any battle or any kind of athletic activity.

Anastasia was born to Maxim Pjotr Stefanovich and Viktoria Elena Stefanova on the planet of Coruscant on a wintery night, due to that she quickly acquired the nickname of Coldborn amongst her friends. The girl's first days to her first years hold no serious meaning for her current day, but after midway to twelve, she was separated from her parents not due to Force sensitivity like her parents told Alina's friends, but because of an old conflict the girl's father had with a powerful crime lord.

The girl was brought to the planet of Midvinter which was easily one of the very best planets for the girl. Coldborn was left with a foster family, but left to be supervised by the crime lord's spies. The girl remained to be homeschooled just like she was before being abducted. The incident played a huge role in her life and the depression of it even made her mum Elena commit suicide a few years after that. Being the family's only child, she had held a special meaning for the two parents and as they were not able to find the girl, a part of their own lives was lost.

Years passed, both sides - Pjotr and Anastasia - wanting to find each other, but ineffectively. Coldborn was still being supervised by the crime lord until the day she turned twenty-one, but she has no idea of where to go now. The memory of her former days of living on Coruscant are fuzzy and she has not got a clue of how to get back to her family.





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Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
If you are ever looking for a Roleplay, or training or what ever. This char or [member="Solan Charr"] can provide such :D

Suggested these two of my chars because of them being on Coruscant alot and being heavy travelers.


Alexandra Cinthra said:
If you are ever looking for a Roleplay, or training or what ever. This char or [member="Solan Charr"] can provide such :D

Suggested these two of my chars because of them being on Coruscant alot and being heavy travelers.
I will keep that in mind. :)

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