Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anastasia Rade

Name: Anastasia Rade
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Faction: New Order
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Caucasian
Force Sensitive: Yes


Tactical ~ Since a young age Anastasia has been taught to look at things from all angles. She has been disciplined to not use her emotions when making decisions.

Martial Arts ~ Since a young age she has been trained in order to be used as a tool by her captures

Visions ~ Anastasia gets visions of the future and past from time to time. She is unable to control her visions. Many times these visions are blurry and don't make sense. The one thing they seem to do is give her a headache.

Social Skills ~ Being a prisoner she doesn't know how to interact with others in a social setting as she has never really been given a chance. Her captures keep her on a short leash

Slow to trust ~ Anyone whom she "befriends" has betrayed her and ended up using her for their own goals. The young woman has yet to find someone whom actually cares for her.


At the age of three Anastasia's life turned upside down. The toddler was ripped from her family and became the prisoner of Gaug priests. They took care of her well enough making sure that she was fed and trained her a little in the Sith arts but not much. In her spare time, when she wasn't busy with chores, she would read and dream of one day being free. She was experimented on as she grew and her visions began to pop up. Her captures were looking for a way to control them but were quite unsuccessful. In a last ditch effort to try and make the girl more valuable to them she was sent away to better develop her underdeveloped Force abilities.

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