Name: Anath'ar'iameps-Thariam
Age: 97
Faction: Dominion of Shadows
Homeworld: Csilla
Force Sensitive: Yes
Biography: I was born on Csilla. A cousin of a cousin, my family ties held little value in the greater Chiss society, but I knew my duty. I was approached by Jedi to begin my proper training in the Core of the galaxy, but I turned them down. The moment I was old enough, I joined the Ascendancy military. I was a soldier, I vowed to protect my world and people from a galaxy dedicated to our destruction. I had been in service for nearly half a century when The Brotherhood of the Maw came to Csilla. I fought, we all did. Men and women I had known for decades were cut down around me, but I still stood. In the end, the planet broke before we did.
I joined the refugees fleeing from our ancestral space, wounded and broken spiritually. I was found by the Seer, a prophet of a Dark God. In my weakness, I listened to him. In my heart, I found Truth.