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Approved Starship Anchor Outpost Mk. 1

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Manufacturer: Inquisitorial Armory of Faldos, Sith Order, Order of Wonosa
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Length: Low
Width: Very Low
Height: Very Small
Size: Small
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
  • Intent: To make a simple, cheap outpost for Sith forces.
  • Image Source: Generated using Midjourney
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • All Standard Features
  • Docking Ports for Screening Ships (Ranging from Small Craft all the way up to Frigates)
  • Small deployable network of Sensor Buoys
  • Anywhere and Everywhere: With a respectable hyperdrive and the ability to operate in most hazardous space phenomenon, the Anchors can deployed essentially wherever they are needed. Whether it be serving as the first line of defense for a planet or on the outskirts of a system or even sector to watch for incoming fleet traffic. Not to mention they can be redeployed without too much effort as well.
  • Best Port of Call: A feature somewhat unique in a station so small is that of their integrated Hyperspace Beacon, allowing ships in contact with the Anchor to be able to jump to them rather than having to stick to more traditional hyperspace routes. This feature serves as the station's namesake and as such the Beacon is by far the most defended and heavily armored portion of the outpost, with its own backup generator just in case of Ion or EMP attack.
  • Cut and Run: The Anchor stations come fairly lightly armed and what weaponry they do sport is largely meant to support their starfighter compliment. As such any fleet larger or more heavily armed than the typical civilian flotilla or minor patrol fleet will have little to no issue destroying the outpost with minimal damage, meaning that their only real choice when confronted by a proper fleet is to jump to hyperspace and attempt to escape.
  • Cramped Conditions: As a result of the station's relatively small size, there is only so much space for cargo and crew luxuries. For an Anchor to operate in any extended capacity then they will either need a steady supply line or will be forced to limit their starfighter compliment and crew in order to fit more supplies.
The inspiration for what would become the Anchor outposts originated with smugglers and pirates that the Sith forces under Darth Strosius regularly engage across the Outer Rim. Networks of hidden smuggler stations and pirate dens that were unknown to those not within their ranks or with access to their secure channels, many of which would be destroyed and hunted down by the Order of Wonosa in their quest to rid criminal influence from the Kessel Sector.

In order to more effectively patrol and secure routes of travel both within Sith space and especially beyond its borders, this tactic was sought after by the engineers and designers under the command of Darth Strosius. The Anchor outpost is deceptively simple and cheap in most respects in order to ease the rate of production but with a few key features that make it very useful indeed. Chiefly it's communication systems based around long range and covert messaging that makes interception difficult and loss of contact even harder. Additionally the stations also each boast a Hyperspace Beacon which aids ships in locating them even if they are placed far away from normal hyperspace routes.

With the Beacons and their communication setup the Anchors could even theoretically form their own temporary hyperspace route in order to allow fleets to pass by well-traveled and guarded routes without issue. A strategy that the Sith forces no doubt make use of, even if the stations are mainly meant to act as aid to patrol fleets and as early warning outposts.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a simple, cheap outpost for Sith forces.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Sith Order
Starship Class: Other
Starship Role: Patrol
Modular: Yes
Material: Durasteel, Ferro Magnesium Armor Plates, Transparisteel
Armaments: 10 Point Defense Laser Cannons
6 Ion Cannons
4 Quad Laser Cannons
Defense Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 15
Optimal Crew: 20
Cargo Capacity: Small
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