Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ancient Sith Ships

Heading to Begeren

A datapad laid on Romeo's lap as his sifted through the planet's intel, only a few hours away from it, the yacht he was on etched close, and closer to the place. It was here Romeo hoped to find blueprints for more ancient sith ships from the Old Republic era, and commandeer them for his own personal usage. It wouldnt take long for the Shadow King to poke a few virtual buttons on the datapad, and the planet's history would appear.
"So it's from the old Sith Empire days, looks like it's just after the Jedi Civil War...hmm..interesting."
This was the man's hobby, taking old things, and making them new, and improved. He was sitting behind the pilot's seat in the cockpit, behind the captain, Yullian Ingoa, a older human, nearing his fifties.
"Captain how much longer till we reach Begeren space?" He asked the man without looking up.
"Two hours your majesty." He said in a old, gruffed voice.
"Thank you captain, please inform me when we get there." He responded back, and grabbed the man's shoulder with a firm squeeze.

Standing up from his seat, Romeo left the cockpit, and went to check on the rest of his crew members, his general had came along with his cousin.
"D.A. will benefit greatly from this if we can find those blueprints. It would be even better if we could find one of the ships still intact!" He spoke to himself. He wasnt speaking of any ship in particular, but his mind did wonder to the Interdictor - class cruiser from Revan's Sith Empire.


The large man sat in the kitchen of the yacht, finding it a bit to fancy for his taste, and little to defenceless as well. When the man saw his second cousin, his king, walk into the kitchen, he stood attentive. His back straight, and his legs together. His arms straight at his sides, he was the perfect disciplined soldier. He wore the Drakon Regiment general insignia on his cowl, with a big red cape that fell behind him. A lightsaber clanked at his side as he stood absolutely still.
"You're majesty." He said with a soft tone. The man wasnt a mean person by no means, he just was a serious person, who took things literally. It was how he had been raised. "We should go over the plans for war with your father." He said in a more as a matter of fact tone.
It wouldnt be long before his king would have to declare war on the his own father, and begin the assault on the tyrant Sin head.
Karlotius Vyanmo sat in the captain's chair of his combat liner, "The Rat", as he and his crew approached Begerin. According to his tacticians back at his compound, all he and his crew would have to do would be land, scan for the schematics, then leave. Karlotius sat down, too tired to pay attention to the scenery as he approached.
He awoke to a loud siren ringing. At least one sizable ship was in the area. This was not planned, but if Vynamo knew on thing, it was that caution was for the unsuccessful. He ordered his crew to approach the planet at maximum landing speed, and braced himself for what would hopefully be a peaceful retrieval. If he died, good.


[member="Karlotius Vynamo"]

Felicia would be heading to the kitchen herself, and would stop in mid step as the captain would's voice would come over the intercom, "You're majesty, we have exited hyperspace, but it appears we're not alone. A ship is heading towards the planet at full speed." She cocked her head, and rushed towards the cockpit, only to see Romeo was already at the kitchen, with their second cousin, Noctis. "What are we going to do about them?" She asked.
[member="Karlotius Vynamo"]

Hearing that they were now near the planet, but not alone, Romeo rubbed his chin. "Captain, send them a hail." He stepped up to the bar, and grabbed a water, waiting for the captain to send the hail. "Sir we are ready for the hail to be sent." Romeo sipped his water, and cleared his throat. "Good captain. This is the Eths, yacht of the Shadow King, to unknown ship heading towa.." Then static. "Captain what's happening to our coms?" He called out. "Sir it seems something it blocking all communications. I can't pinpoint where it is coming form." He sipped more of his water. "Get ready. We need to make this as peaceful as possible."
[member="Romeo Sin"]
@Fiona Sin
Karlotius and The Rat were now in the upper atmosphere of the planet. He went down to the Shuttle Bay, and entered his personal landing craft, The Fondor, with a pair of cheap mercenaries. However, when he attempted to contact the bridge to open the hanger door, all he heard was static. "You! On the right!", he barked,"Go to the bridge,and tell the firing officer to shoot five shots from the heavy cannons, onto that Sith statue we saw on our way down. Hurry!".
Maybe they could spook the other ship into clearing out. He hoped that they wouldn't be offended by the destruction of the statue.After all, what were the odds of running into a Sith craft on a backwater planet like this?
Karlotius had the hanger doors manually opened, and descended onto the planet, with one mercenary aide.
[member="Karlotius Vynamo"]

This was crazy, what was this ship doing? Romeo ran to the cockpit, and watched from his viewpoint as the ship was now shooting down a statue of a old Sith Lord. "Do they..they think we're Sith I bet.." He thought out loud. The captain turned his head to the king. "Sir what do we do now?" He asked. Romeo sighed, and sat down beside him.
"There's no way we would fit through the statue...find another landing point, and keep trying to hail tat ship."
[member="Romeo Sin"]
The Fondor may not have had long range scanners or comms, but it had windows. Karlotius saw the Sith statue fall, and the nearby ship flying away, and decided to land near his target.It was an incredibly old research ship. According to an ancient holocron one of his scouts found in an abandoned shipyard on Foerost, there was supposedly significant research and schematics on the components of some sort of Space-Station/Factory that may very well have been valuable to whichever military was the highest bidder.

The vessel was underneath a fair amount of sand, rock, crystals, and other such junk at the edge of a cliff, which the Fondor's dual turbolasers made short work of. After carefully clearing off the waste, Karlotius landed his ship on the outer hull of the 30 meter research vessel.

20 seconds later the hull of the research vessel was severely compromised, The Fondor was heavily damaged, and Karlotius's mercenary aid was dead. What happened was a blur. Karlotius, due to his deafness, only saw the first explosion before he blacked out. The ship must have had automated defenses. In any case, Karlotius had no reason for delay. He went into one of the smoking holes of the research vessel and entered the bridge.

Manually overriding the security was easy. For some bizarre reason, all computers of this era allowed you to do anything to them, regardless of security, if you had enough funnily bent pieces of metal. Karlotius went into the library of the ship, and extracted all their information onto his datapad. Sitting down in a dilapidated chair, h flipped through the information to ensure he had the right schematics.

He didn't

A primitive ship which appeared similar to the Imperial Interdictors he saw in museums as a child, was in front of him. Not only that, but coordinates to an intact and operational specimen on this very planet. An Interdictor would be very useful for piracy indeed. Karlotius left the vessel, and entered The Fondor through a hole in its side. With a hull this compromised, he had no hope at getting high enough to dock with The Rat. Karlotius, after a small amount of thought, decided to pose as a messenger from The Rat to the other ship in the system, and began pursuing it at the quickest speed his shuttle could muster.
[member="Karlotius Vynamo"]

It did not take long to find a place to land near the specified place for the Eths. The large yacht landed down softly, and the hatch popped open. Romeo stepped out with his other members, but thought it better they go back inside. "I will be back shortly...make sure the ship isnt..." He looked up, and saw a ship coming his way. "Well....I guess they want to talk after all." He gripped the saber on his belt, but did not take it off.
Karlotius landed his personal craft. At least, he would have, had he had any sort of functional landing gear. As he, unfortunately, did not, his craft skidded for quite a while, nearly going over one of the increasingly troublesome cliffs of the region. He tried to get the ship to take off again, but it refused. He stumbled off the newly decommissioned Fondor and strode as dignified as he could towards the small group near the landed yacht.

"Gentlemen, you should consider yourself honored,for the mighty battleship The Rat has chosen you to aid her captain in a simple task! I command you to..."

Karlotius noticed that at least one of the group,the bizarrely unamused and stoic looking one, had his hand on what appeared to be a lightsaber. now that he thought about it, the group seemed to have a very Sith-ish vibe going for them. The clothes, the lightsabers, and the smell led to a clear conclusion.

"Sirs and Madames. I have no love for the Jedi. All I ask for is your consideration on a simple trade. You escort me and my busted shuttle back to my ship, The Rat, and I give you some ancient Sith knowledge. Do we have a deal?"

He extended his right hand to shake, and put his left hand on his blaster.
[member="Karlotius Vynamo"]

Romeo had already noticed the blaster, but saw reason to start a fight here. He shook his head.
"You think we're Sith dont you?" He sighed, and shook his head some more. "Not even close man.." He took his hand off his saber, and reached for the hand offered and shook it. "We can do that, we're just looking for blue prints, nothing more." Romeo rolled his eyes at no one particular. "Still can't believe you thought we were Sith." He chuckled to himself.
"I am a King good sir. I would pay handsomely for any tech you find too, tech that I would like for myself."
"What a coincidence, I am a king too. My glorious homeland of Marlick. Green pastures, fertile land, plenty of water and money for all. The food flows like water and the water flows like liquid gold. But, back to business"
Karlotius relaxed his grip on his blaster.
"I have blueprints, and I'm willing to trade if you give me a chance to copy them On my datapad are schematics for an ancient ship. I haven't had time to closely research them, but it was used by Revan and his ilk. it looks to me like its some sort of Interdictor, but I'm not sure. What I do know, is that whatever it is, its ancient and powerful, and should be more than enough pay for a simple hop up to my ship!"
Karlotius's cybernetic eyes were buzzing.Finally, a plan that would work without a hitch. Be the end of the day,no doubt, he would have an Interdictor, her schematics, and a hostage king.
"My ship is nearby, if you want to head up now, I have a signal gun that would let them know not to fire on you."
[member="Karlotius Vynamo"]

Romeo's eyes narrowed, and he nodded as he listened to the man. "This sounds like exactly what I am looking for..." he turned his head to his ship, and looked back at the man. "Alright, you got a deal." He rolled his shoulders, and relaxed. "Lets get this show on the road. He smiled to himself. Romeo was wearing the best he could afford for this trip, and with his lightsaber on person he was ready for anything. "So exactly what do you need me to do?"
"All I need is a ride out to my ship. You just need to fire an emergency pattern of shots at the ground, and my men will know I'm aboard. Our ships can dock up with each other, then I'll get off, copy the datapad, and bring it back to you. You're happy, I'm happy, and we can both leave, and never meet again. Child's play". Karlotius smirked.
He couldn't help but feel a slight bit of dread. Something told him that he would have more trouble than he hoped.

You could say that he had an intuition that was not good regarding this subject.
[member="Karlotius Vynamo"]

Romeo nodded, "Then let us get to it." He said turning on his heel. The small robe parts of his armor swayed behind him. He waved his hand over, inviting the man to follow. "We must hurry, as I do not wish to be here any longer than needed. Mandos tend to be territorial at times." He stepped on the ramp to his ship. "Can we get the coordinates to said location? My captain knows not where we are going."
Karlotius volunteered the coordinates that he last knew the ship to be at. It couldn't of moved very fa
"One more things, your highliness, I would like to treat you to dinner once you arrive. would hate to be ungracious after all!"
Certainly the king would fall for this brilliant ruse!
[member="Karlotius Vynamo"]

Romeo nodded at the man, sent the coordinates to his captain. When the man volunteered dinner Romeo looked at the man with the most curious look. He was not here for food, or long term partnerships, the man had already made the mistake of thinking them sith. "No thanks. I have already eaten." Romeo said in a friendly matter. He was a king, not a fool.
"Fine then! At least give me the privileged of giving you a drink, once we arrive. Not often I get to drink with other kings, after all. I have this really good drink made from,erm, the...uh, BACTA OF DARTH PELAGIUS! it's incredibly expensive, and rare, and delicious!"
No king could resist a fine drink!
[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Karlotius Vynamo"]

Romeo turned, and looked at the man. How daft was he? He was amusing to the king though. Obviously this was a trap, but that was okay. So Romeo figured he would humor the man. "Well, I hear that is a fine drink indeed!" He was lying, the way he made it sound was that someone made a drink from bacta that the Sith Lord had used as some point, but he could have meant that was the name of the drink, either way, Romeo was not buying it. Now his two family members had went to their quarters, unable to contain themselves.
"I will drink this with you indeed!" He smiled. A few minutes later the ship was off to the coordinates given, and were now hovering over it.
"So what this shot pattern?" He had to admit that part was clever, either they really signaled each other with shot patterns, or this was the guy's clever scheme. Romeo liked this guy, though Romeo didnt like liars.
Karlotius had created the shot pattern communication after an incident that led to over 7.5 billion credits worth of death sticks and his last Interdictor being destroyed. The Rat would open up the docking bay, the two ships would connect and, when the king came inside, the trap would be sprung. As they approached The Rat, Karlotius sprung the last part of his cunning plan
"Hey The Rat has a really cool and unique bridge so you should come in and enjoy the drink and the check it out alone with me OK?"

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