Sanya Val Lerium
Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko

Note: development for discovery under the great journey
Intent: to create a new world in which the Sekalian people can call a new home that is habitable.
Image Credit: and others are Google)
Links:, characters companies
Development thread:
Planet Name: Ancora
(English Meaning - anchor, refuge, hope, support)
Demonym: Ancoran
Sekalien for those who came from the destroyed world of sekalus
Region: Outer rim
System Name: Nico-Ni
System Features:
Suns: Hadara type - yellow dwarf
Orbital Position: 3rd planet Goldilock zone
Moons: Junita
Adar - is closest to Hadara. All year round the world suffered extreme heat from the sun making it inhabitable
Maridia - is second closest to Hadara and befor Ancora. The world just makes it into the Goldilocks zone but it's surface is desert like and is incredibly hot.
Gres - is last planet of the system and the smallest. The world is mostly composed of gasses that can be mined for a type of fuel. The world has nineteen moons orbiting it
Rotational Period: 24 hours
Orbital Period: 736 days (two galactic standard years)
Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 14,826 km
Atmosphere: type 1
Coordinates: 5, 29

Major Imports:
Building materials
Holo vids
Major Exports:
Naturally formed crystals
Gravity: 0.9 G
Primary Terrain:
40% ocean
30% tropical/grasslands
15% mountain's
10% urban
5% forests
Major Locations:
Inquisition Space ring -

Source unknown, possibly
Previously the dry docks here were the remnants of the Sekalien society before it lost contact with the greater galaxy. Upon its rediscovery, Inquisition Industries restored the docks to full functionality for future productions, and to help stimulate the planet's economy.
After the end of Sekalus the giant space station was used to evacuate most of the population. It was used for many months as a temporary home while it traveled the stars to find a habitable planet for the Sekalien people. Upon discovery of the new world that met all the requirements the station had been placed around the world like it was on sekalus. It will forever be a reminder of the events that unfolded. Memorials stand all around the station now with the names of those who didn't make it.
Luss - Capital City

Source: Chimera Software, Atlantica Online
Luss is the capital city of Ancora, the name is not new to the people and held great importance on their original world. The city the home to a big portion of the population that fled Sekalus. There is no distinction between poor or rich housing as status in that respect had been left behind thus the designs of most of the homes had been made by the family living in them. Apartment type building had also been built for those who like to move around a lot or don't require much space they were also the first types of homes to be made as they could house the most. Still in the new start everyone is equal and everyone has put in an astounding amount of effort to rebuild their society back up to greatness.
The city itself runs across a seafront and inland. The from the sea inwards the city is four thousand kilometers. Everything is well spaced out allowing each area to be separate from the rest. Along the north end of the beach is mostly entertainment with nightlife scene, stadiums and places for media events to be held. On the south east of this district is the many new spaceports there is also two on the south west of the district.
Further down is luss palace standing on the highest part of the sea front. Further down is where the homes start as well as hotels to soon bring in more to the economy once everything became ready. To the south west is where the industrial area is. The area is mostly owned by inquisitions industries and other major companies that was on sekalus and outsiders.
Arx Luss- Royal Building

Source unknown
Arx Luss is the home for the royal family it is also the place where diplomats and important people go to meet with the monarch. On the lower level is the throne room it is large enough to hold a gala inside. The interior of the room keeps the theme of the spire the previous royal building. Fabrics in the room are black red and gold, but the floor is a white marble while the walls are gray graphite, black marble and white marble. The throne is made of aurodium mined from the world. The cushions are a red silk while in the arms that go down have a thin strip of black marble.
The next many floors up is made up of many different sections of the military and government. Each floor is dedicated to it's own thing. Economy, population and immigration, intergalactic relations, archives, government communications and military war room. The seventh up is for the royal guard. This floor has everything to make living in the busing as comfortable as possible. They have private rooms, a large living space, kitchen facilities, private bathrooms and an area where they can store their armor and weapons.
On the eighth to the tenth floor is large hangers. These house ships up to eighty meters and also house the royal guards starfighters. On the top hanger is a private hanger with enough space to park several ships inside it offers space for her to work on them and replace many different parts of the ships. The top three floors is the royal living quarters. On the eleventh is a large living space with most walls glasteel. This offers amazing view of all around the building. It also has a speeder pad connected that goes out to the exterior towards the sea. The next floor up is the kitchen, dining area, a training area and a small workshop to construct new things like personal devices or art. The top floor is the bedroom this is the smallest floor of the building but like the living space two floors down the walls are made of glasteel and has shutters to block out light.
Quote -
"I really need a new name that's not the spire. Makes it sound ominous and depressing."
Kallien force user academy - school for force users

The Kallien Academy is connected to the Arx Luss by bridge. This place is where the new generations of force users come to learn about the force as a whole and not as sides. The future is about the next generation and thus it was only right they had the right facility to call home and learn the ever expanding knowledge. The building also has many outdoor courtyards or leisure or training. Many people could compare it to a Jedi academy by its beautiful appearance.
Artibus - Diplomacy center
Artibus is the second building connected to the Arx luss also connected via a bridge. This building is where meetings can be held with allies and people who she has good relations with. The building also holds embassies for the many different governments Ancora will work with in the future. It was important to have such a place as it shows willing to work with others. Along with the fresh start she wants the galaxy to give her people a fresh start too hand forget about the past. It has been hard on the people with the discrimination outsiders show towards them.
Vilkas - City

Vilkas was the second settlement on Ancora. It isn't as big as Luss and looks a lot different in a few ways. Both cities share been in the beach but the buildings in Vilkas don't reach as tall and looks more like a holiday destination. Many tall palm trees are scattered everywhere as well as white sand and a lot of green fauna. Throughout the city is many farms and large open spaces. Many families with young children have taken well to this place as it lets their children flourish in the outdoors. The city has focused on the education and welfare of the community and it's people who inhabit the city. There is a very little nightlife presence and only two spaceports.

Upon settling this was one of the many first projects to be done. In order to learn more about their new world such place was needed. The facility has already made many discoveries like the effects of the force nexus on fauna. The scientists have also surveyed many areas and thanks to the facility they can conduct experiments. This has lead to the knowledge of many high mineral areas and the best futile land to grow crops. Along with exploration and discovery the technology side has been developing new machinery to aid in the rebuilding efforts to make everything easier and more productive.

After a good foundation was made on the world all the many mining villages from Sekalus had decided to become one to form a hub in where all their people can work from. They had ventured out to one of the many locations discovered by the scientists surveys and built a mining town. Due to their efforts and willingness the Zanphi mining town has aided in construction efforts and has also been providing towards getting the economy set on track once more. This is the place where outsiders can come to buy minerals and make contracts with the people to begin their own mining facilities.
Lucet - colony

a few months after the Sekalian people settled on Ancora. The Hikaran Kitsune had made their way to the world. Since this was a fresh start for Sanya’s people she had no issue of them starting up a colony on the world. Doing so would hopefully open up new relationships with other systems and people.
The colony is the size of a small town mostly filled with Hikaran Kitsune, but from time the other species like the croa, human, twi’lek and zabrak have merged into their culture forming new bonds and learning about each other. The people had found out about the world from two students lily and Lilith after their several visits to the Hikaran Kitsune’s home world Hikaru San. The colony is set up along a river bank spanning a quarter mile across it. The homes are made of wood and stone and rely on old age machines like mills powered by water. Although with the mix of cultures they are now learning how to use modern technology more efficiently.
Ancora Nexus -
Size: Planet-wide
Intent: to create a unique place where the force can act differently, and also have a consistent calming and relaxed effect over the planet.
Effects: The neutral nexus covers the entire world. It causes several effect on the people and world itself. In research the nexus greatly affects the plant life on the planet. Plants seem to grow in a shorter time and also come out bigger. This has been seen as a blessing to those who are farmers. It means crops will be produced faster and the people have less chance of starvation.
The nexus also has an effect on people leaving a calm relaxing feeling. This brings a level of happiness and the people often feel like they are more motivated and productive throughout their day to day lives. Even with the past events the rebuilding of a society took less time due to this effect.
Intent: to create a unique place where the force can act differently, and also have a consistent calming and relaxed effect over the planet.
Effects: The neutral nexus covers the entire world. It causes several effect on the people and world itself. In research the nexus greatly affects the plant life on the planet. Plants seem to grow in a shorter time and also come out bigger. This has been seen as a blessing to those who are farmers. It means crops will be produced faster and the people have less chance of starvation.
The nexus also has an effect on people leaving a calm relaxing feeling. This brings a level of happiness and the people often feel like they are more motivated and productive throughout their day to day lives. Even with the past events the rebuilding of a society took less time due to this effect.
Native Species:
Immigrated Species:
Akk Dog
Krayt Dragon
Hikaran Kitsune
Population: 11.23 billion
Croa 35%
Hikaran Kitsune 10%
Twi’lek 20%
Humans 20%
Zabrak 15%
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard Basic, Sekalien, Hikaran
Culture: [General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, arts, sports, religion.]
Day to day life
The first many months where a struggle for the Sekalien people. They had been forced to live on the space ring or the colony ships that had landed on the world. Through many months of hard work and local systems helping the people soon got a good start on the tropical world of Ancora. The planet officially didn't have a name but the people decided on the name for what it stood for in a different language. “This world we where they set anchor to make home from been a refugee of unforetold events. Through hope they found this world and supported each other through the hardest time the civilization had suffered.”
After throughout many months the population had spread out from the first city creating new settlements all over. Those who stayed in the city began to live life again starting a new of what was left behind. Shops began to open a thriving nightlife was created and the arts once returned lifting the spirits of the people. One of the other settlements had also thrived becoming a city itself. This city became a favorite spot for families as the open space lets the children explore and thrive in the outdoors without fear.
The third settlement had been the mining town made up of all the mining villages and foresters from sekalus. Together they work hard providing building materials and luxury goods to be used or sold on the market. They have helped the people to bring economy to their society once more. In the average civilians day to day life now they contribute in a way that best suited their abilities.
Since most of the Sekalien people have rejected the sith ways as their religion the world doesn't officially have one. As a civilization that promote freedom, the people believe in what they want to believe in. Some people still believe in the sith, some believe in the Jedi, others believe in the force as a whole. Most of the people choose to not believe in anything.
Once the entertainment zone had been completed sports had been once again introduced to the people. The most favored are the swoop races and pod racing. Since been on a long voyage from their old home the people have adopted E sports from Video games that the station had to pass the time. It had gotten so big, competitions were been held every other week. It was good to see the people enjoying something that took their minds off what was left behind. Thus E sports had been made official among their people and had continued to grow.
The government type is a monarchy. The people are currently ruled by [member=”Sanya Val swift”]. While many throw accusations at her for been a tyrant and evil her people know better. They have seen the good she has done and freed them from chains that had once held them down. The people voted to keep the monarchy government when there was idea's for changing the system, but the people preferred this type of leadership as it had shown stability and consistency. Each change made has always been suggested for the better. While Sanya is queen and her word is final the people get to voice their opinion and vote. From the time she began leadership trust had been earned through good deeds and protecting them at any cost.
Affiliation: Sekalian Empire / [member=”sanya Val swift”]
Wealth: high due to the costs of aurodium in the galaxy the metal is a high source of income. The world also has a good variety of industries making the Ancoran people a lot to offer their potential allies and neighbors.
Stability: High-medium
The people on the world have freedom, rights and their own way of how to live their own life. While crime is very minimal due to the long time of rebuilding it doesn't mean law enforcement cease their duties. They are one of the backbones to the stability helping to keep fairness, safety and justice a top priority. In the chance of an attack the world is also well equipped to defending its people.
Freedom & Oppression: While the planetary government is a monarchy the people have a lot of freedom. Due to the good natured people of the world and upstanding citizens there have been no need to control how they live. It has always been a goal as a society to find solutions to problems so such freedom is kept. The laws on the world are very similar to most well governed worlds.
Common laws -
Illegal -
False documents
Flying without licence
Drink flying (even with auto pilot)
GBH - illegal
Legal -
Immigration (with documents)
Weapons (proof of ownership and licence holders only. Lightsabers are an exception)
Projectiles, blasters, melee all need licence
bounty hunter's (licence needed, failure to hold or present it will result in jail time)
Self defence
Other laws -
Citizens above the age of four under the age of eighteen must attend education unless the child is incapable to attend due to a medical condition.
Citizens are allowed to drink legally in their own homes at the age of thirteen with parent's supervision. Alcohol cannot be bought by anyone under the age of eighteen.
Citizens are eligible for a pilot's licence at eighteen
Citizens under twenty one cannot hold a bounty hunter licence or a weapons licence. Those above eighteen will be tried as an adult in the courts of law.
Intercours is illegal prior to the age of 16 and consent must be given by both parties
False documents
Flying without licence
Drink flying (even with auto pilot)
GBH - illegal
Legal -
Immigration (with documents)
Weapons (proof of ownership and licence holders only. Lightsabers are an exception)
Projectiles, blasters, melee all need licence
bounty hunter's (licence needed, failure to hold or present it will result in jail time)
Self defence
Other laws -
Citizens above the age of four under the age of eighteen must attend education unless the child is incapable to attend due to a medical condition.
Citizens are allowed to drink legally in their own homes at the age of thirteen with parent's supervision. Alcohol cannot be bought by anyone under the age of eighteen.
Citizens are eligible for a pilot's licence at eighteen
Citizens under twenty one cannot hold a bounty hunter licence or a weapons licence. Those above eighteen will be tried as an adult in the courts of law.
Intercours is illegal prior to the age of 16 and consent must be given by both parties
The military Is just one section. The Ancoran Navy, previously know as the Sekalien Navy. While this may confuse some on where the army is the actual land based troops are but a career path in the Ancoran Navy. This allows a more unified military making the cogs work as one to achieve the same goal. The navy's ships, vehicles, armor and weapons are usually manufactured by Inquisition Industries™. The military personnel all go through three sets of training. Standard Sekalien training, Republic military training and Imperial Training. The vast differences in those three give a wider range of skill sets and increase their battlefield effectiveness.
Technology: the technology is still on par with most of the advance systems around. While rebuilding a new home on the may have been a small set back, they soon got back on track after. The Inquisition space ring held an archive of most of the bluprint productions from various companies as well inquisitions own blueprints. This meant once the industrial area had been operational each company could pick up where they left off.
Ancora has been in the Goldilocks zone for over one billion years. While evolution hasn't fully taken place here yet the untampered world is full of fauna and beautiful sights. The climate is warm all year round, 23°c is the average temperature when it's the furthest from the star. When it's at it's closest the world can reach up to 37°c on average. The climate makes it a perfect tropical world. Been so long untampered the force sensitive crystals have grown in numbers so much that it gives off a force nexus all over the planet. This is a rare event that happen very few worlds. Without sentient life this world was unaffected by many disasters the galaxy has faced, but the people who now claim the world are aware had in their own history's been affected somehow.
23rd Centax day, month two, 850ABY was the day they had began orbit of the world and the Inquisition space ring took it's place around the planet. The first to touch down on the world was the Exploration Initiative team comprised of [member=”sanya Val swift”], [member="Kimiko"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Jorus Merrill"] and [member="Bryce Bantam"].They lead the charge on many planet's been the first to see the world from the ground. It was there job to confirm if the planet had a breathable atmosphere, drinkable water and could indeed sustain life. After it had been confirmed the first wave of civilians came down a week later from the colony ships along with prefabricated buildings as temporary living. This was so they could rest in between building a new home and making sure recorded like food and water storage has been set up.
The people settled on the world slowly. Starting with prefabricated buildings, but as construction began more and more began to live on the world. After six and a half galactic standard months the residence zone and the industrial zone had been completed. There was also a second city been built on the continent across Luss. Construction would have taken longer if it wasn't for the help of the outer rim coalition and neighboring systems. As the construction of the entertainment zone started the Sekalien people, now Ancoran people began to spread out across the world making new communities following in the footsteps of Vilkas City the most not worthy to go in the new history is the town of Zanphi. Zanphi is a great example of many old communities coming together as one. The town is made up of all the old mining settlements, foresters and farmers.
This town has became a major role in the rebuilding effort supplying all kinds of resources to the new villages, towns and the cities. They also formed a good relationship with the Hikaran Kitsune when they had come to settle on the world too. Both settlements had traded techniques and knowledge. The Hikaran Kitsune had shown them how to make use of the environment to work machines without the need for electricity. The Town of Zanphi had shown the Hikaran Kitsune how to get good results with certain things with technology. Both communities in the end worked on making generators that work solely on water and wind farms then power cells as a back up.
The people came to this world because of the Sekalien supernova disaster wiping out the entire system. On their voyage a habitual world had to be located that had no sentient life on it's surface. This was so settling on the planet would be a smoother transition. A series of check lists also had to be taken into account. Did it support life? Does it have rich mineral deposits? Did the world have any climate hazards? And many more checks. Ancora (named by the people) hit all the checks. The long voyage had been worth it to find such a perfect beautiful world.
After time been in the world the people have made many discoveries. Like the large amount of different minerals the world had to offer. There had also been rumors of crystals forming on the planet. Many had put two and two together and came up with the theory the crystals on the world had been the cause of such a strong nexus. The research on the nexus has turned up many wonderful discoveries in itself by how it affects the plant life. Nobody knows how long the world has been left dormant or even habitual. Many have also wondered if a civilization had been here before them. Although no discoveries have led to proof of that. When testing the water it had been found that the sea has no salt content making the water on the planet entirety fresh water.
Major events:
The great journey
Notable PCs:
[Member="Sanya Val swift"]
[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
[member="Dunames Lopez"]
[member="dax Fyre"]
[member="Hala Jast"]
[member="Joza Perl"]
[member="Bryce Bantam"]
[member="Leo Vandermolen"]