Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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And Eight Tiny Fighters (Open to Jedi/Humanitarians)

The galaxy was a dark place, and well, some times it was everyone’s fault that there was a war. But it was down to a select few who were able to help with rebuilding afterwards. Starchaser Enterprises was breaking into the humanitarian transportation and aid business, only slightly. And only really because they had the ships for it. The Tide of Light and other Jedi organizations were out there, fighting the good fight, for lack of a better term, by delivering aid where it was needed most. That meant war torn worlds, or places where the war could likely come.

The Bryn’adul were leading an assault, and so were the Sith, so many worlds were under siege or the threat of such. But today, or well, this Life Day season? Kaia Starchaser had an idea. She had a red freighter, why not do what she could to bring what was required to a world. She had set up so that she had 8 T-Wings leading her YT-2400 to the world of Ord Janon. A few other larger ships, repurposed from their mining operations for supplies.

Ord Janon was on the opposite side of the galaxy from Alliance and Concord, through Bryn and Sith space. She had set up a tracking beacon for some Jedi and other friendlies to follow her. The fighters and the freighter were going to be head of the larger craft, but they took the Braxtant Run out to the Rim, and turned for the old Ordinance planet. Entering the atmosphere late, her ship had given a red and white glow as she made her way through the atmosphere, heading for one of the hardest hit area. She’d be bringing aid.

And friends.
When someone called for an extra pair of hands to help those in need, Nylea would answer. She wasn't the most well-connected nor had means in abundance, but she did have the Force. And with it, she did what she could. It was her duty as a Jedi and although most of her time was spent near First Order space nowadays, since she lived there now, the echani did make trips outward when time permitted. Today it did, and when Nylea received the call from a fellow Jedi to bring relief to a planet that needed it she was quick to answer.

She had forwarded the message to Elisea as well, but wasn't sure if she would be able to join them. Her fiancé was even busier than she was, her duties for the First Order keeping her plenty occupied. Nylea was thankful she was able to accompany her in many of her efforts around First Order territory; there was little more satisfying by doing good work side by side with a loved one.

Nylea looked out of a viewport as the ship entered the atmosphere, looking out at a landscape that had seen much better days. The best time to have come was yesterday, but the second best was now.

"They have been through quite a lot." One planet of many.


Zak Dymo

The J-2 Interceptor trailed along behind the YT-2400.

They were flying close to Sith space. And the Imperials weren't far away either. The chick Jedi in the freighter had plenty of B-Wings in the front, but he was covering the rear.

Dropping, the nimble starfighter rolled as swung off to the starboard as the Nautolan boy made some adjustments to the yaw and pitch of the controls. Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor had patched the starfighter up for him, but this was the first time since that he'd taken the interceptor out for another trip.

With the hyperdrive off-line, he'd routed additional power to the subwoofer, the radio dialed up so that the console were vibrating with the beat that was dropping. The acoustics inside the starfighter were amazing. It was one of the things about space flight that made flying enjoyable for him. He could just point the nose at the stars and lose himself to the music.

There were Life Day celebrations taking place across the galaxy, from Kashyyyk to Coruscant and beyond.

But this?

Rolling up on a planet that people had forgotten about amidst the ongoing wars with some much needed relief? That was legit.

That was what Life Day was about.


Adania Rose

Wars were being fought across the galaxy, and the aftermath of the battles making up those wars left broken people, homes, and planets in their wake. So many were caught up in the fighting that there were few who could think about what was left behind. Adania was one of those, her use on the battlefield was questionable, but her use outside of battle was undeniable.

When a call went out from Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser to anyone willing and able to help with a relief mission in an area most of the galaxy wasn't paying much attention to, Adania leapt at the chance. She'd had the perfect gift for the planet as well, as some Outer Rim people and her had been outfitting an old medical ship found derelict and passed through the hands of more spacers, wreckers, and salvage experts than she cared to think of. The hull and some of the systems had been left, and the Outer Rim was rich with people who liked to fidget and work on starships. It was a proof of concept, the number of hulks and derelicts in the galaxy were staggering. If you could turn them into something else and put them to a good use...well, it was a good possibility.

The newly refurbished medical ship trailed the convoy towards the atmosphere. It had required a hyperspace tug to get it here, for the use Adania had planned, there was no need for keeping a hyperdrive aboard.

Staring out the solarium glasteel observation deck, she watched as her view became occluded by fire. She couldn't help both a shudder and a faint curiosity at it, and watched as the war torn planet came into view below. She felt a small bit of pride at the work being done, it wasn't every day you flew a new hospital to a planet and dropped it off.

Kaia was grateful that she could take the time to get out and do some work like this. She was always hoping to do what she could to help those around her, and directly delivering aid in the midst of some wars? Well, was there a more Jedi thing to do? Actually, she was going to take that back. Loaded question, always seemed to find the worst answers when she asked what a Jedi was supposed to do and not do. The girl smiled all the same.

“They have, this whole galaxy has. Been held together by a string and good wishes. At least we can do this, right?” Kaia tried to not be a sarcastic or downtrodden Jedi, but sometimes? The galaxy just chewed people up and spit them back out.

“This world, they aren’t along a hyperspace route, but still, they’re getting choked out. The least we can do is pay a visit with supplies.” She checked her readings and found the landing zone. “Well wishers, I’ve got our landing zone. Still, lets keep an eye out for the worst of our galaxy. Doubt they’ll be coming out for this.” She smiled to herself and then to Nylea.

“Ever fly in a Corellian freighter?”

Nylea Apollodor Nylea Apollodor Zak Dymo Adania Rose
It was easy to forget about the small groups and the individuals, who despite all did what they could to help. The humanitarian efforts of great nations were often broadcast around the galaxy to put their best foot forward, but so many others would go unnoticed as they worked tirelessly around the galaxy. Even as someone who dedicated her life to the cause Nylea sometimes overlooked those people. Maybe the future didn't need to be so dark, as long as people continued to be inspired to help one another.

"I do hope so," Nylea replied quietly, almost as to not tempt any powers that be. It was the last thing the people of Ord Janon needed now. Not everyone was to be reasoned with, whether or not it was because of the heat of the moment, as Nylea had witnessed first-hand more than once. People changed when they acted as part of a group, and it had the power to make them commit terrible acts sometimes.

The question Kaia asked pulled Nylea out of her thoughts and her attention turned to the half-mirialan. "This is my first time." She walked away from the viewport and up to Kaia. "I have never been around Corellia before at all, actually." The Force had brought the echani to many places in the galaxy, but Corellia had not been one of them.


Zak Dymo

The Nautolan made a few adjustments to the trim, then -- more importantly -- reached across the console to make a few tweaks to the equalizer.

The entire starfighter had been retrofitted with an after market Corellia Digital sound system. It was a source of constant attention, as the starfighter seemed a project that was never complete. Should he swap the tweeters out? Run new optic cable to improve signal transmission?

And, at some point, he should probably get a good engineer to look at his engines.

The music volume dipped noticeably, the telltale half-second before he got a ping that there was an incoming transmission.

“Well wishers, I’ve got our landing zone. Still, lets keep an eye out for the worst of our galaxy. Doubt they’ll be coming out for this.”

The music volume returned in full, as the boy took another look at the targeting computer. So far, the contact board was green. Stretching against the seat restraints, the small pilot reached overhead to toggle a few switches that were on the canopy strut. There was a series of muffled clanks and whirls as the starfighter systems switched into planetfall mode. Then, the reached over to key an outgoing transmission.

"On your six. Follow you down," the boy commented, before switching the channel closed so that the music came back in force.

All right, now he needed to run through the pre-landing check.

What was the pre-landing check again? Leaning as far to the right as the seat restraints would allow, the Nautolan's spindly arm rummaged through the pocket in the sidewall. A few gum wrappers. The loose change he kept dumping in there from the McYoda's fly-thru. Wait, there it was. Snatching back some notes that were written in very poor handwriting, Zak found his notes on the pre-landing check.

Which, he could almost read his own handwriting. Enough to get the gist of it.

Setting that in his lap, he rotated the starfighter to position the entry angle. The heat shield was deployed. Switch over from ion engines to repulsors... no, wait, that was after he'd entered the atmosphere. Was he supposed to know when to do that?

Feth it. When he saw clouds, he'd switch over.

Hey, Lugus Porkins Lugus Porkins taught him how to fly. Not how to land.

Being part of humanitarian efforts, that was something that Kat was desperate to be part of more. She was trying to build technology that will help people, hence her Rescue Rangers, an armed force that was design to focus on finding people in rubble, or trapped in dangerous situations and helping them out. She also built medical droids and she was planning to do more, once she had settled within the GA more and found herself as a Force User once again. Kat caught a signal calling out for help in providing aid to a world ravaged by the wars that were still ongoing across the galaxy. Sorting out packages and supplies, Kat adjusted her cropped leather jacket, trying to figure out if the supplies were enough or if she would need to grabbed a few more hands to take supplies. She didn't have freighter or cruiser to carry a massive amount, she was working towards building her own slowly but Kat had plenty of small fighters that could carry some supplies.

Looking at some rangers sorting out the supplies and care packages, Kat tutted and corrected some of them since they weren't moving the boxes in the right placement. Once she was sure that everyone had properly sorted out the items, she gave the signal to the pilots to start their engines and Kat jumped into her personal N-Wing ship, Kat's fingers danced around the controls and she led the charge for her small fleet of fighters carrying supplies to drop off. It wasn't as much as Kat would have liked to offer but she was limited in the ships that she had available. Flicking a few switches, she could hear Mini trying to complain about going on a humanitarian mission, Mini was preferring to spend time on Coruscant and antagonising the other astromechs and droids. Kat sighed and shook her head, "No Mini, we are not going back. Come on, this is just a small humanitarian mission and we should be safe so keep calm."

As they dropped out of hyperspace, Kat replied to the signal and alerted the others that she was a friendly here to help. "Hi, this is Kat Decoria, Light Side Force User and new member of the Galactic Alliance. Here to offer some help?" Kat felt a bit nervous but she was adamant to do this mission.

Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Nylea Apollodor Nylea Apollodor Zak Dymo Adania Rose

Adania Rose

"Adania, we're approaching the landing zone." A member of the command crew popped their head into the observation deck and let her know.

"Thanks Mich. I'll be heading down to the main cargo bay in a few minutes." She replied with a smile over her shoulder before turning back to watch the planet take shape out of the fires of their entry into the atmosphere. It seemed apt, with what they were all here to do, to watch the planet emerge from the flames.

That was why they were here. The fires of war had ravaged this place, and they were here to help it recover.

As she watched, the ship began to pivot as the landing zone came into view. The soon to be former starship was moving so as to match the angle of the prepared space.

Once it touched down, they'd make it secure so it couldn't lift off again. Some of the command crew would be taking care of completing the changes to the bridge to make it into an emergency operations command center. The engineers they had brought along would be securing the ships exterior to make sure the ship wouldn't settle or shift once they were done. Adania would be setting up growing spaces along the exterior of the ship, then setting up a secondary cargo bay to be a year round agricultural center growing medicinal plants. The goal was for this place to become something of a center for the communities nearby, self sustaining and able to support ongoing operations around the planet.

Outside the window she saw that they were starting to move vertically, slowly coming down to land. Adania took a deep breath, then turned toward the exit to make her way to the cargo bay and get set to start working.

“Our ships are really second to none.” She laughed. “Fast, tough, and able to carry enough cargo to be useful. Granted we’re using us to help lead the larger ships in.” She indicated the computer that was dropping small beacons allowing the larger Starchaser Enterprises cargo vessels to bring their supplies in, to follow their path.

As the Pulsar hit the atmosphere, the heat shields activated to reduce the risk to the vessel with entry. The Corellian Mirialan was helping to lead the rest of the vessels into the landing zone. She saw the alerts that larger friendlies were entering subspace and were going to send smaller vessels down to bring the supplies.

“I guess its time to get our friendly faces on.” Kaia smiled softly as her freighter touched down. Getting up and offering any help Nylea may need, she stepped into the main cabin, to throw on a poncho over her current spacers garb. At least look somewhat Jedi, as she stepped onto the surface of the planet, a human and Wookie stepping up to greet them.

“Thank you for coming to Ord Janon. We’ve been cut off and this will go a long way in helping us.” The human said. “Farming equipment is going to be vital for our settlement.”

Nylea Apollodor Nylea Apollodor Adania Rose Zak Dymo Kat Decoria Kat Decoria
"Time to get to work," Nylea remarked as the boarding ramp lowered to allow the people aboard the freighter to step onto the planet's surface. It didn't take much looking around to see the people here were lacking in many basic needs. The area that was supposed to look like farmland looked close to barren, which was sadly unsurprising considering the reports the echani had read beforehand.

Nylea smiled as she saw the group Kaia had gotten to come along assemble. It was always good to see that there were people everywhere who had their heart in the right place and were willing to help others, whether it was out of a sense of duty, a simple wish to help, or any other reason.

"Well met," the echani replied to the two Ord Janon natives. She'd leave the rest of the talking to the others, though. She wasn't the most assertive of people. She'd simply provide another pair of hands today.


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