Rain drops on the man's suit, and another comes up behind him with an umbrella. He opens it up, and holds it over the suited man. Crime lords came in different styles, some looked like drug addicts, others looked like they we're decent business men, and women. Jerrick saw through this man's attire, and saw the cruel slave driver he was. Through the scope of his Zealot, the Czar had the shot that would take him down forever, but he had to watch, observe. There were other key members of this slave drive that needed to be identified, and eliminated. The rain pinged off his armor, and drizzled down his HUD. Through the HUD a picture of the man popped up, and some small data cache appeared about him.
"Richard Deffian, owns a few pawnshops, and a storage building. He's seen going in, and out with others not identified yet. He's forty-six, from Corellia, and seems to like his home planet's ale more than anything else. Clean record." All this was said in his helmet's comms by an synthetic voice of a woman. It wasnt a AI, just helped him from having to watch the data, and the targets at the same time. 'If Rolland was here, we would have those names, and faces by now, and I could pull the trigger.' He thought to himself. He sighed, and blinked once to forget the thought. He hadnt seen the man in years.
The orange armor blended well with the neon lights of Nar Shaddaa's clubs, which surprised him more then the fact that he was pretty much sitting behind the light with the rifle in resting on the sign's O that spelled out Orion's Post. It was two stories high, and people came in, and left. The music vibrated his butt, and it made it itch. He wiggled it, trying to ignore it.
@Rolland CZ MK 002
"Richard Deffian, owns a few pawnshops, and a storage building. He's seen going in, and out with others not identified yet. He's forty-six, from Corellia, and seems to like his home planet's ale more than anything else. Clean record." All this was said in his helmet's comms by an synthetic voice of a woman. It wasnt a AI, just helped him from having to watch the data, and the targets at the same time. 'If Rolland was here, we would have those names, and faces by now, and I could pull the trigger.' He thought to himself. He sighed, and blinked once to forget the thought. He hadnt seen the man in years.
The orange armor blended well with the neon lights of Nar Shaddaa's clubs, which surprised him more then the fact that he was pretty much sitting behind the light with the rifle in resting on the sign's O that spelled out Orion's Post. It was two stories high, and people came in, and left. The music vibrated his butt, and it made it itch. He wiggled it, trying to ignore it.
@Rolland CZ MK 002