Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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And just who might you be?

Dracen was a very strange man to those that saw him. Walking through one of the many markets of Coruscant, he looked around him for something, anything to interest him. The only reason he wasn't at the Jedi temple scouring through the archives was that he would be repelled or killed quicker than one could take pot shots at a womp rat. No, he was smarter than that. He needed a different form of training, one only a sentient could give him. He'd spent years training under a certain dark Jedi before making the teacher his first kill, but that was barely enough to call an accomplishment. He needed a challenge. Plucking an apple from one of the stands against the objection of its merchant, he took a bite and continued on.

@[member="Liara Dresh"]

Liara Dresh

Liara looked through the crowded marketplace, bored to pieces. She often tired of looking at the lesser sentients around her, if she could even call them sentient. She took her time with fixing her cloak before she immersed herself among the people. As she did so, a brawl broke out in the street. Two men began rolling and yelling on the ground like pigs, hitting each other. Everyone gathered in a circle around them, cheering them on or watching in disgust. Only Liara watched with a smirk of evil amusement. She did enjoy watching animals pointlessly destroy themselves....
@[member="Dracen Garett"]
Reaching the end of the marketplace, and the core of his apple, Dracen tossed the finished food over his shoulder at a crowd of humans betting on a fight. 'Pathetic, he thought. The fact that these petty humans would waste time, money and resources on a simple fight when he could just gut any one of them. Little did he notice that as he threw the apple core, it managed to land right on the head of an epicanthix woman also observing the fight.

@[member="Liara Dresh"]

Liara Dresh

Liara stood rigidly still as an apple core hit her in the forehead, and fell to her feet. Forget bored. Now, she was angry. Her eyes narrowed, and the sky grew darker with her mood. She could sense each petty little mind around her. Save one. The man in front of her was, surprisingly, difficult to read. She searched shallowly into his mind, too angry to attempt to dig deeper. Ah, she thought, So it was you. She walked up until she was directly behind the man. "Are you truly as ignorant as to think that I was a trash compactor?" She hissed in his ear, her eyes as hard and cold as steel.
@[member="Dracen Garett"]
Dracen couldn't help but chuckle as the woman approached him from behind. Turning around with a toothy smile, he bowed, his shaggy hair rustling in the wind. His golden eyes met hers and he held his smile. "And to what... do I owe the honor of meeting such a striking young woman as you? Surely, you must be here for a purpose."

@[member="Liara Dresh"]

Liara Dresh

Liara's expression didn't even twitch as the man gave her a pathetic little bow. "Quite. My purpose is for you to answer my question." She answered coldly through her teeth.
@[member="Dracen Garett"]
A chuckle came from Dracen's throat as the young girl snapped at him. "Os it up to me where a thrown apple must land? I think not. I seek no quarrel with you, but if you continue to push, you will will regret your decision." While he said this, his expression was as cool and calm as it had been from the start, but one could tell he meant to play no games. One slip, and he was just as capable of slitting one's throat as he was of coring an apple.

@[member="Liara Dresh"]

Liara Dresh

Liara smirked darkly. "Oh really? Do I annoy you?" As she said this, her eyes turned black. Her smirk never left her face, and the sky darkened further as thunder could be heard rolling, muffled behind the clouds. She didn't play games, either. Not unless the opponent was worthy.
@[member="Dracen Garett"]
"Only if you want to be annoying. Nice cloud trick, I've seen better. Epicanthix?" He smirked at his own response. Her attitude and demeanor could only mean that she was epicanthix. He would know, he was one as well. His eyes flashing for a brief second, the fight next to him suddenly grew darker as one of the man punched the other with unbelievable power. Simple manipulation of the force, even at apprentice level, was capable of speeding up a fist. He sickening sound of bone against bone, and the cracking of that bone, filled the air.

@[member="Liara Dresh"]

Liara Dresh

Liara's attention turned to the fight. It was getting serious. That wouldn't do. Serious battles were meant to be fought for better reasons other than drunkenness. Liara passed the man and stood at the inner edge of the circle. She walked to the brawlers until she was directly above them. "Enough," She said, her voice booming with strength and authority. It was enough to make everyone, even the brawlers, to look at her. She used the Force to separate the men. "We are all well aware of your Neanderthalic mindset, gentlemen. You do not need to support our assumptions further by rolling in the dirt like a pair of pigs. If you must continue to act like the senseless brutes that you are, I shall be forced to do something most unfortunate to you." As she said this, she began to Force choke the both of them. "Now, hopefully your intelligence surpasses your appearance. Leave here. Fight somewhere that is not in my sensory range. Your lives depend on it." With that, Liara let them go, and watch them scurry away like rats in a sewer.
@[member="Dracen Garett"]
Watching the woman with a small smile, he walked over to her after the crowd had dispersed. Looking at her appearance gave off th same vibe as his own, humans simply wanted nothing to do with them. It often proved to be a good thing, especially on Coruscant where nobody ever minded their own business. Being an epicanthix certainly had its perks. "So, a young beauty like yourself in these grimy streets? Forgive me, but I must have missed something."

@[member="Liara Dresh"]

Liara Dresh

Liara looked over at the man and cocked her brow. "Is that supposed to flatter me?" She asked cooly. She brushed a bit of dirt off of her cloak. "If you must know, I came down to this hole of a market to find anything that might suit my tastes. But, as I suspected, there is nothing here that isn't spoiled or below acceptable condition. So, I shall take my leave. Good riddance," She said, and began to walk away.
@[member="Dracen Garett"]
Dracen chuckled and followed the woman, clearly intrigued by her. He was normally a serious man, but her apparent hatred for all things human was truly an interesting concept. "What do you have against these humans and their other alien friends? They're a funny culture, the way they run about, convinced of their own superiority. They know nothing, save for a select few. And the Jedi order here; absolutely fruitless. Again, they believe themselves to know all, but instead are only fooling themselves. They believe their order to be one of guardians of the peace, yet thy are nothin but hypocrites. It's simply fascinating to watch it all."

@[member="Liara Dresh"]

Liara Dresh

Liara laughed once. "I don't necessarily hate them. I merely pity their ignorance. Watching how they manage to survive every day...... It frustrates me to see how truly dense they are. Surely, you would think that they could see the flaws in their ways, as they are as plain as the sun shining. But no, they are oblivious. It's almost as if they enjoy living in a fool's paradise, the poor dears..."
@[member="Dracen Garett"]
"Interesting." Dracen looked around them, as they were no longer in the marketplace. Currently, they seemed to be making their way to upper Coruscant, and they began to receive stranger stares from the locals. One woman stared at him too long, and he was met with a mean-looking sneer. Seeing his face, she paled and shied away from him. "So, what is an epicanthix doing on Coruscant? There are many other worlds to visit without having to deal with such pathetic life forms."

@[member="Liara Dresh"]

Liara Dresh

Liara glanced at him as she walked. "I could ask the same of you. But, if you haven't noticed, there is no longer a place in this galaxy where lesser beings do not thrive. So, it wouldn't really matter where I was. I would still have to deal with all of this insulting ignorance. Corescant just happens to be my current cesspit. However, it will not be for long."
@[member="Dracen Garett"]
"And where do you plan to go? I hear of many exotic planets free of such filth." He was of course referring to the general condition of Coruscant, but the woman may not have known that. Looking around, he felt a certain force signature in the vicinity, though he wasn't sure what it was exactly. Keeping his hand on his lightsaber, he made himself ready.

@[member="Liara Dresh"]

Liara Dresh

Liara continued to walk back to the apartment building she was renting. Ah, the Force signature was strengthening as she went. She readied her lightsabers as she walked. If she was correct, a Sith Master was nearby. It was the whole reason she had come to this dump in the first place. Not that she would tell anyone of her plans, of course. "I am well aware of the Wild Worlds. However, I do not wish to be in a place with absolutely no civilization whatsoever. I may despise this underdeveloped society, but I am still glad that there is any society at all."
@[member="Dracen Garett"]
As the woman replied to his comment, Dracen stopped and sniffed. He felt... Skssshh. His lightsaber snapped on and he sent a force push down an alley. Directly afterward, a young man in a red robe leaped forth, brandishing an orange lightsaber. Landing just in front of the two, he looked up and twirled his weapon, smirking. By his power level, he was likely a knight. "Very good! Excellent senses! It seems my master was right in having me tail you, as you clearly have an excellent combat prowress." He was obviously addressing Dracen, but he also looked to Liara with a smile. He could apparently also sense th power potential within her. This would be interesting.

@[member="Liara Dresh"]

Liara Dresh

Liara smiled devilishly. "And do you ever wonder why your master told you to tail this man?" She said, drawing her two red lightsabers as she spoke. "Surely there's more to it than the fact that he is skilled in the ways of the Force. Let's see....." Liara looked the man over for a moment. "Judging by your stance, your area of combat expertise is in the Shii-Cho Form. This is a nice and agressive form of fighting, but also the most basic to master. Far too basic for a Sith." She smirked. "The other forms were to difficult for you. Deciding to take what he could get, your master mercifully spared your pathetic existance. He's been sending you after Force Sensitives so that he can finally have the apprentice he has both wanted and deserved. This means, however, that he will ultimately kill you." She crossed her arms. "You know this. However, you don't want to accept it. You have been working your whole life to make your master proud, to make him respect you. But now, when you know that it will never happen and that you will die, you choose to ignore the fact of your doom. Why? Because you're afraid. You're afraid of death. You're afraid of being despised by the Sith. And for that, you are worthless...."
@[member="Dracen Garett"]

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