Seris Vant
The Unsung Hero
The day had arrived; the first to be tried for their role in the Invasion of Nar Shaddaa. How long ago it felt now that war happened. So much has happened since. The fall of the Empire. The rise of new nations. The ocean of blood that has been shed since. War seemed the norm now, and not long ago he fought again; this time with the Horde against the Crusade. The Fringe fought the Protectorate. The Galaxy was a real mess.
Cypher walked along a hallway towards the main chamber. A sizable pile of papers under his arm. The trial was taking place in the old Hutt Grand Council Hall. It was decided by him to make this affair as short as possible. His scheduled kept him very busy after all. A guard opened the Hutt sized doorway a way so he could enter the hall. Some modifications had been made to it. Seating so they could see over the large table being one. [member="Yusan Fenn"] and any defense he had would be seated in the central and lowest part of the room. Along with the prosecution provided by [member="Mr. Ash"]. And of course other notables were in the room below and on the upper area.
Cypher took his chair at the center of the crescent shaped table. A gavel and the other little amenities were already there. His pile of papers were smacked down for a rest. He looked down from the shadows of his hood at Yusan. He held no hatred for the man before him in chains. There were only six who he did concerning this matter. Yusan was a casualty of the fallout.
"The case of Sun vs. Fenn is now in session. Lord Cypher presides as judge" the court clerk was kind enough to get things started for them.
Cypher too wasted no time. Leaning forward against the table he read the charges for him. "Yusan Fenn you are before this court today to receive judgement for your involvement in the Republic invasion of Nar Shaddaa. As called for by the Deck of 52. You are charged with terrorism, murder, destruction of property, being all illegal combatant and participation in hostilities against the state. Do you understand the charges brought against you"?