Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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And So It Begins

Sinistra sat with a book in her lap, a satchel next to her on the bench as the acolytes and knights scurried around her, so eager to be noticed by someone anywhere. They wanted to be given chances to prove themselves. They wanted power. Some would never make it past acolyte, some would never make it past knight. Power can never be given, it has to be taken. Those wishing to be noticed only assured they never would be. Not unless they decided to be proactive.

Those who merely went where they were told and did what was asked in hopes that it would lead to a promotion were nothing more than tools to her. They could not think, they could not plan or plot for themselves. They existed to be wielded by a lord and discarded when broken. Sinistra wanted learners who could lay the groundwork for their own rise to power.

She wondered idly if she had found it in her newest acquisitions.

[member="Taris"] should be joining her soon. She had concluded her dealings on Korriban and set course back to Coruscant. Now, there was only studying the tome in her lap to pass the time until her apprentice arrived. The sun drew long dark lines of shadow across the open courtyard of the One Sith temple.

Tick, tock Taris. Tick, tock.


Hic Sanies|Sith Assassin
Taris didn't work well with others, he knew his time would be better spent with a master, one on one. Once he received the information regarding the rendezvous location, he programmed the coordinates into the Daisya Infiltrator and routed his new master's location.

"Coruscant, there's no better place to hone the power of the darkside than the very capital itself. Korriban may have the title of sith home world, but the training that took place felt like nothing more than a team building exercise..."

Taris then took off into the planet's atmosphere. The Daisya was undoubtedly a fast ship, but it did not have a hyper drive... Taris knew he would have quite a bit of time on his hands. He then recalled that the previous owner of the ship had a fascination in ancient force techniques and history of the sort. Perhaps there is a collection of books lying around he could pass the time with before the training began. Frankly, it is never a bad idea to do a little research before indulging oneself into unknown practices.

Time had passed before the Daisya found its way into Coruscant's atmosphere. He was nervous, but he was ready for what training his new master had awaiting for him. Taris carefully piloted the ship down to a landing pad within the inner city district of Coruscant. He knew he had kept his master waiting for some time now; he was embarrassed by this. Taris quickly disengaged the engines and set foot on the planet. He knew it would be an easy task locating his master, she had a presence no being could forget.
Sinistra could sense the familiar presence of her apprentice, and she set her tome aside, the faded leather binding showing age beyond count for such a quaint rarity. She rolled her shoulders back and readied herself to greet him, her mind drifting over the things she would need to assess from him first. The group training showed her that he could be taught the basics of the skills that were her lifeblood. She idly wondered if he might also show a propensity for magicks, if he would hear the call of power that came in rote and ritual.

As he approached, she hit a couple switches on a remote clipped to her belt. She kept a couple training droids handy whenever she was on Coruscant just in case she might need them. For what she was looking for, she could use this outdoor space. Soon enough, [member="Taris"] would find himself in the training rooms, grinding away at honing the things she would teach him, but the moment, this venue was where she wanted to be. She grew bored of the training room just as much as the acolytes did.

The droids joined her, hovering with their familiar metallic ring of repulsors keeping them airborne. She rasped as she spoke, her gravelly tones in conflict with the curve of her armor. Her gloved hands were folded in front of her, her hood up and cloak swept around her feet. The dying daylight illuminated the copper sheen of her armor, the burnished metal seemed ablaze along with the glowing red of the lenses in her mask.

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