Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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And so the clouds weep...

It's been raining non-stop for the last seventy-five lunar cycles. Or, at least, it feels that way.

That's the reason behind the title. That's not why I'm posting this thread.

Basically, I sometimes feel like I've burnt out on writing. But what makes this different is I've come to realize I've been burnt out for the last half-decade. Maybe full decade. Actually, yes, about ten years.

Feth, I'm old.

And it probably has something to do with sticking with this same character for so long. Aside from a handful of threads where he's doing something entirely new (training his apprentice, for example), I just don't know where to take him. He's reached that level of competency in his field that to RP any fundamental weakness as a way for growth seems fake. Artificial.

I know I can have him learn something new, such as growing his theoretical knowledge of the Force. You know, all that Force storm and other magical stuff that people do. But, again, it almost seems forced. (Haha. Pun.) A new gimmick to breathe life into the character.

Eh, I don't know. Maybe I'm just as tired as Asemir is. He's seen too much, and it's rubbing off on me. Or vice versa.

Or I'm out of ideas? My muse probably died a long time ago. I used to have so many ideas. Now they pop up and then wither and die. It's probably because I'm getting too old. My brain is ossifying.

Perhaps it's time to retire Asemir?

TL;DR This is just a stream of consciousness way of delaying going to work. Also happy Tuesday everyone!
I get bored of characters very easily.

This has lead to my having a string of characters, and probably the most outright character deaths on SWRP. I find that writing new characters is immensely fulfilling and a lot of fun. I have about 15 character concepts just sitting around at all times ready to be brought out if I feel the muse for them.

I would try writing a new character, it can be great!


Aela Talith said:
I get bored of characters very easily.
So that's why you delete accounts only a week after making the character?

But to be honest, I feel the same way as [member="Aela Talith"]. It may come off as quite rude and cruel in some cases, but I do not want to RP a character I am bored of and if that happens, I just get rid of them. Emma Norewood, one of my most recent main characters, was trashed because of that; Ellya, the main character before Emma, has been put on a hold until I feel more interested in her; a lot of my alts have been just left the way they were because I just didn't want to continue RPing them.

I think if you don't feel like you truly enjoy your character, you should not RP them. You are their writer and their owner, you get to choose what you do with them and others shouldn't have much effect in it, nor should you try to keep a dead character alive. If you feel like you've reached a dead end, I would suggest that you make a new character.
Lilin Imperieuse said:
So that's why you delete accounts only a week after making the character?
Yes and no. Those that get deleted after only a week or so are different than actual characters. I consider those to be more concepts than anything. I post the character, test them in a thread or two, if i like them i keep them around and some of them become huge successes(Alric, Soliael, Diana, etc.) If not, they disappear.

It's an odd system I've worked out that's helped me write some great characters.
Good points, both of you.

I think it's a little more than just being bored of Asemir, though. When I analyze it, it's not that I'm bored, because I have a lot of desire to RP as him, I just don't know what to RP. I have direction for him anymore.

I should create new characters. I have done that. My muse just keeps dying before I can get into them long enough. XD


Asemir Lor'kora said:
I should create new characters. I have done that. My muse just keeps dying before I can get into them long enough. XD
Uh, a really good example of what typically happens to me as well.

Against that, I try to do the thing that I write exactly what comes from my head. That means, I don't create huge stories, I don't think a lot of what my characters should do next, but I just write. Most of the time the way it comes out with no edit put into the wording, story, whatever (that's also the reason why a lot of times, my posts have mistakes in them -- I have decided not to read my posts through after I've finished writing them).

I also have social threads because they don't require writing a lot of action which is very tiring, at least in my opinion. Instead, in the social threads I can develop my character and see who they really are.

Another thing I do is watching an episode or a few of SW: The Clone Wars. It gives me a lot of inspiration from time to time.

I am not sure if any of these help at your case, but at least they help in my case and I think they are worth a try. :p
Yes, it helps. I think part of it is I need to start doing those "social" threads, the threads without grand schemes or big plot lines. The unfortunate side is those things usually go too fast, and with RL concerns, I'm always quite reluctant to join any thread that happens at a multi-post-per-day pace. But, I should probably just give it a shot and see what happens.

Stream of consciousness posting is what I typically do as well. It just feel so much more natural for Asemir because of how he developed. It fits his mood, or rather the mood I try to convey when I write him.

Also, the fact that people post on so many different characters always surprises me. I never realize who I'm actually speaking to until after I've started conversing. Case in point, this thread. :)

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