Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private And the Wolf You Rode On

The Butcher of Bakura
Location: The glassed ruins of Lothal City

Beskar Armor
SE-44 Blaster Pistol


Though the Battle of Lothal was concluded months ago, the dust and echoes of the battle and subsequent pacification that went afterwards was still present. With the death of Emperor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran , the Empire of the Lost took their anger and grief towards the people of Lothal killing millions of people. Every man and woman innocent and guilty alike were killed by the surviving Imperial soldiers. Those who were lucky not to find themselves in front of a barrel of a blaster or a melee weapon were incinerated by the white-hot plasma that the Imperial Star Destroyers used to conduct their glassing of the Capital City.

Zonn stood in the middle of the remains of the glassed city. A daunting chaotic sea of shapes made of black brittle stone. Though the area was windy, it did little to cool the hot and humid ruins. The remains of melted building decorated the land, remnants of a simple yet proud city. "Filled with stubborn people," Zonn remarked. "Such a slaughter could motivate the Coaliation. After Alicia Drey Alicia Drey death, the NISB was a rudderless boat unable to be steered and was thus unable to cover up the wholesale slaughter of Lothal. No doubt word had reached the TAC and they will be using it to rally other planets to their cause. "If you want to initiate a cleansing," Zonn said to himself. "At least have plausible deniability."

Right now, Zonn was waiting for Teckla Tane Teckla Tane arrival. During the funeral, Teckla was the first to express skepticism towards Zonn's impromptu arrival as such Zonn wished to gain her trust. Lothal may have fallen most of its inhabitants killed or imprisoned but still elements resistance remained mostly regarding the Force. "We shall see how she reacts," Zonn said. "When I tell her of my discovery."
Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: Test of loyalty
Location: Desolate Grasslands of Lothal
Outfit: Quasesitorum Robes
Equipment: See Bio
Tags: Zonn Geist Zonn Geist


The landing site for Capital City required a bit of a walk to the designated meeting spot with Zonn Geist. That was quite fine with Teckla Tane. The Overseer of the newly announced Quasesitorum was interested in what had become of Lothal’s urban landscape. Her fleets had been present when the rebellion occurred, returned to aid in the glassing of the cities, her knights, squires and captains had been present on the ground protecting what they could of the valuable resources that the planet could offer to the Empire.

While Zonn’s impression was that it was something that the Empire should avoid scrutiny over with plausible deniability, Teckla smirked as she paused to look down at a city in tatters. This was something to brag about. Something to broadcast to other would-be revolutionists. This is what happens when you rebel against the Empire when you harbor foreign threats and follow them to insurrection. The fact that the destruction that Teckla was viewing had Imperial signatures written all over the now laser-pocked landscape of the planet was a thing of pride. That her own “flagship” lent a hand in doing so was even better.

Zonn was an obvious figure as Teckla approached a group of fellow Imperials. Both in seeing with her eyes as well as with the Force. She walked up with a half dozen Crusader-Knights at her back, but waved for them to disperse as the Grandmaster closed the distance to the man who had called for this meeting. ”Warlord Zonn,” Teckla greeted the man with a smile. ”I hope you don’t mind me skipping any Imperial honorifics that may have been bestowed upon you. The Empress has a high opinion of you but I, in my current role, am not technically bound by Empress Kanni’s decisions. So I’ll have you earn your titles, as well as my trust. What is it that brings us to this fresh wasteland? I hope not lectures of acting too boldly? I can feel that you don’t agree with us punishing the Lothites so publicly

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