Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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And then I was back

Good morning! Or evening... Possibly afternoon. Let me try this again...

Good [Insert appropriate time of day], [Insert name of reader]!~ It's great to be back at last. I've been gone for almost a year now, and that kinda sucks... I've been crazy busy as of late, trying to find a job and working on real life projects and junk. Not to mention I didn't actually have a computer for a while there.

Anyway, that's all I really have to say. I hope to have lots of fun roleplaying with you all this time around!~ ^^
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] , [member="Marona Rayheart"] , Thanks!~ ^-^ I'm glad to finally be back. I never got very far last time 'round.

[member="Solan Charr"] , Hello~ :3

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